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B.M. Stewart — Theory of Numbers |
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A belongs to e mod m 128
Absolute value 7 303
Abundant number 64
Addiplication 275
Addition 264 291 357 366
Additive arithmetic 183
Algebraic extension 328
Algorithm 15
Amicable numbers 65
Associates 281
Associative laws 4 216 224
Base "six" 30
Basimal fraction 342
Bibliography 373
Binary quadratic form 241
Binomial theorem 13 117
Bracket function [x] 75
Cancellation law 90 271 363
cardinal number 215
Carmichael's lambda-function 117
Casting out nines 86
Categorical 214
Cayley's theorem 229
Chinese remainder theorem 103
Cipher 108
Closed operation 84 213
Commutative group 217 260
Commutative laws 4
Complex fraction 347
Composite number 33 59 279
Congruence modulo m 82
Congruences 91 118
Congruences, mod m 91 93
Congruences, mod m 142
Congruences, mod m 118—126
Congruences, mod m 142—151
Congruences, mod m 128—131 136
Congruences, Chinese system 103
Congruences, system of linear 106
conjugate 279
Consistency 213
Continued fractions, finite 346
Continued fractions, infinite 351
Continued fractions, periodic 353
Convergents 346
Coset product 254
Cyclic group G(m) 252—253 272
Decimal fractions 331
Deficient numbers 64
Determinant 236 272
Determinative property 83
Difference of two squares 196
Diophantine equations 96
Diophantine equations, 160
Diophantine equations, 186—190
Diophantine equations, 192—196 246
Diophantine equations, 153
Diophantine equations, 196
Diophantine equations, 178
Diophantine equations, 176
Diophantine equations, 178
Diophantine equations, 177
Diophantine equations, 175
Diophantine equations, ax+by+cz=n 98
Diophantine equations, ax+by=n 96 349
Diophantine equations, f(x,y)=n 239
Diophantine equations, homogeneous quadratic 162
Diophantine equations, linear in four unknowns 99
Diophantine equations, system of linear 100
Direct product 258
Discriminant 241
Distributive laws 4 264
Division algorithm 16 75 282 316
Domain, 284
Domain, 282
Domain, 284
Domain, abstract 271
Domain, matric 285
Domain, polynomial 315
Domain, rational, J or [Ra] 295
Egyptian fractions 198
Equivalence relation 83
Equivalent functions 239
Equivalent sets 215
Erdoes conjecture 203 207
Escribed circles 160
Euclid algorithm 34 39 43 283 317 349
Euler's phi-function 71 112
Euler's theorem 116
Exponent of a mod m 128
Exponent of p in n!, E(p,n) 78
exponentiation 13 363
Extension, algebraic 328
Extension, transcendental 319 329
Factor 33 279
Factor tables 56
Factorial, r! 13
Fermat numbers 58
Fermat's last theorem 175
Fermat's theorem 116
Fibonacci numbers 191
Field, abstract 271
Field, Galois 272 273
Field, modular 323
Field, quotient 292
Field, rational, Ra 295
Field, real, Re 335
Formal series 310
Fundamental lemma 47
Fundamental theorem 48 283 318
Galois field 272
Greatest common divisor 34
Group, abstract 216
Group, commutative 217
Group, cyclic 253
Group, direct lattice 238
Group, direct product 259
Group, lattice 236
Group, quotient 255
Group, transformation 225
Group, translation 226
Hanoi 14
Harpedonaptae 160
history see "Bibliography"
Homogeneous quadratic 162
Ideal, maximal 323
Ideal, two-sided 322
Identity element 5 216 224 265
Imprimitive triplet 154
Independence 213
Index of a subgroup 251
Indices of residue classes 134
Induction 8 11 12 357
Inequalities 6
Inradius 156
Integer distance property 160 173
Invariant subgroup 254
Inverse 216 219 225 235 273
Irrational numbers 341
Isomorphism 216 229 265
Jacobi symbol 151
Lagrange's theorem 124
Lattice group 236
Lattice points 232
Least common multiple 50
Left-congruence 249
Left-cosets 250
Left-ideal, right-ideal 322
Legendre's symbol, (a/p) 144 149
Lemma 20
| Linear transformation 232
Mapping 214
Mapping, into 214
mapping, many-to-one 214
mapping, one-to-one 215
Mapping, onto 214
Mathematical induction 8 11 357
Mathematical system 211
Matric multiplication 234
Matric ring M(R) 267
Matrix 232
Mersenne numbers 64
Method of descent 176
Modular field 323
Modular ring 323
Moebius function 68
Multiple 33 279
Multiplication 264 291 363 366
Multiplicative functions 66 72
Multiplicative induction 53
Multipliperfect numbers 65
Negative 264 369
Non-commutative group 227
Number of divisors 62 77
Number-theoretic function 62
One-to-one correspondence 215
Operation 213
Order 6 302
Ordered ring 300
padding 275
Parity 20
Peano's axioms 356
Perfect numbers 64
Periodic basimal 342
Periodic decimal 336
Polygonal numbers 185
Polynomial ring 315
Polynomials 314
positional notation 30
Positive definite form 242
Positive integer 370
Postulates 211—213
Prime numbers 33 279
Prime twins 54
Primitive root 131
Primitive triplet 154
Product of transformations 223
Proper representation 239
Proper subset 215
Pythagorean triplet 153
Quadratic, congruence 141
Quadratic, non-residue 142
Quadratic, reciprocity law 149
Quadratic, residue 142
Quaternion group 256
Quaternions 308
Quotient field 291
Rational, domain 295
Rational, field 295
Rational, functions 318
Rational, number 295
Rational, point 299
Real number 335
Reduced form 243
Reflexive property 83
Regular sequence 334
Related triples 163
Relatively prime 36 37
Representation 27
Residue classes 84 250 321
Residue system, absolutely least 91
Residue system, complete 91
Residue system, least positive 91
Residue system, reduced 91
Right-cosets 254
Ring, abstract 264
Ring, division 307
Ring, matric 267
Ring, modular 323
Ring, ordered 300
Ring, polynomial 315
Ring, well-ordered 304
Sequel 357
Sierpinski conjecture 203
Sieve 55 60
Simple fraction 347
Skew domain 306
Skew field 306
Slide rule 137
Solitaire 21
Strictly equivalent forms 246
Subgroup 248
Subgroup, cyclic 252
Subgroup, invariant 254
Subset 215
Sum of divisors 63
Sum of four squares 188
Sum of two squares 195 246
Symbols, 30
Symbols, in 232
Symbols, 279
Symbols, mod m 82
Symbols, 241
Symbols, 121
Symbols, 58
Symbols, 134
Symbols, 276
Symbols, 265
Symbols, 64
Symbols, 163
Symbols, 214
Symbols, 336 342
Symbols, 117
Symbols, 232
Symbols, 13
Symbols, 366
Symbols, 68
Symbols, 71
Symbols, 59
Symbols, 366
Symbols, 63
Symbols, 62
Symbols, 346
Symbols, 333
Symbols, (a,b) 366
Symbols, (a/p) 144
Symbols, (I), (II) 9
Symbols, (Q/P) 151
Symbols, a' 357
Symbols, a/b 291
Symbols, a<b 6 302
Symbols, d(T) 236
Symbols, d=(a,b) 34
Symbols, E(p,n) 79
Symbols, f(x,y) 30 239
Symbols, f=[a,b,c] 241
Symbols, G(m) 252
Symbols, I 224 235
Symbols, J 265
Symbols, J(m) 267
Symbols, M(R) 267
Symbols, PR(x) 315
Symbols, r! 13
Symbols, R(x) 311
Symbols, Ra 295
Symbols, Re 335
Symbols, S(k,n) 13
Symbols, [a,b] 50
Symbols, [Ra] 295
Symbols, [x] 75
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