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Kneale W. — Probability and Induction |
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'Belief' 4ff.
'Cause' 47ff. 60ff.
'Conceive' 79f.
'Ideas' 78 88
'Induction' 24 43f. 103 195
'Phenomenon' in scientific usage 90
'Probable' 20 214 224f. 236
'Random' 168
'Rational' 7 13ff. 17 19f. 55 225f. 235
Absence, table of 50ff.
Acceptability 236ff.
Accidental universality 195
Accumulation of instances 108 240
Accumulation, point of 155n.
Addition theorem 125
Aesthetic aspect of theories 252
Agreement, method of 57ff.
Alternatives 31f. 36 171ff. 212
Ampliative induction 44ff. 195 214
Analogy 208
Antecedent causes 53ff.
Approvability 20 169 190 225
Apriori conjectures of probability 197ff.
Aristotle 24ff. 37 47f. 53 60 72 116f. 150 195 227
Arithmetical probability 181
Arrangements, theory of 124
Association of attributes 66f.
Association of ideas 55
Association, coefficient of 221
Atomic theory of matter 97 249
Attributes, uniform association of 66f.
Bacon, F. 21 48ff. 53ff. 70 110f. 113 211 223 250
Bayes, T. 124 129 201f.
Berkeley, G. 21 85 87 94
Bernoulli, Jac. 4 124 136ff. 147ff. 163 166 201ff. 244 255
Bernoulli, N. 124
Bertrand, J. 184ff. 198
Betting 7
Boole, G. 203
Boundaries of possibility 78 80 227 233 256
Broad, C.D. 211
Butler, J. 1 9
Calculus of chances 23 123ff.
Cantor, G.F.L.P. 177
Carnap, R. vi 34n..
Causal theory of perception 84f.
Causation, principle of universal 57ff. 111
Causes, probability of 130
Chance 114ff. 146 162 180f. 200
Chances 119 170f. 181 212ff. see
Clairvoyance 45
Clerk-Maxwell, J. 93 248f.
Coherence theory of truth 108
Collectives in frequency theory 154ff.
Composition of sets 133ff.
Concomitant variations, method of 57ff.
Condorcet, M.J.A.N. 125
Confidence 6 13ff. 194 226
Configuration space 181f.
Confirmation 50 110ff.
Conjunction theorem 126
Consilience of primary inductions 107ff. 251
Constancy theory of natural laws 74f. 151 254
Constant conjunction 54
Constants in nature 69f.
Constitution of sets 133n.
Constructibility, mathematical 161
Contiguity of cause and effect 62
Contingency 31ff.
Continuous function 142f.
Continuously variable magnitude 181ff.
Conventionalism 257
Convergence in the theory of collectives 155ff.
Copeland, A.H. 161
Correlation coefficient 221
Cournot, A. 170n.
Couturat, L. 97n.
Cumulative evidence 121f. 128f.
Curiosity 252
Dalton, J. 93 97
de Fermat, P. 37 39 123
de Mere, G.A. 123f.
de Moivre, A. 119
De Morgan, A. 203
de Spinoza, B. 179
Degrees, table of 50ff.
Democritus 52 92 94n.
Descartes, R. 31 51 100
Determinism 64 111f. 115ff.
Development, uniformity of 67f.
Difference, method of 57ff.
Disjunction theorem 125
dispersion 219
Doubt 16
Dyad of characters 201ff. 213
Eddington, A. 72 96
Einstein, A. 90n.
Elimination 50 56f. 110ff. 207
Ellis, R.L. 150f.
Empiricism 21 78
Enumeration 25ff. 207
Epistemology 3
Equality, definition of 177
Equipossible alternatives 170 178 181ff.
Equiprobability 119 147ff. 151 168ff.
Equispecific alternatives 148 181
Essential universality 37 43
Euclid 177
Euler, L. 79 175
evidence 9ff. 16 194
Existence, mathematical 161
Expectation, mathematical 120
Experimentum crucis 110
Explanation 90ff. 164 200 246ff. 252
Extrapolation 68 234
Extravagance of non-inductive hypotheses 237ff.
Facts 32ff. 73ff.
Field of possibility 175 231
Findlay, J.N. 12n.
Finite populations 152 214
Finite populations, universe, theory of 72
Fisher, R.A. 231n.
Form, Baconian 52
Frequency theory of probability 150ff. 167 194 200 254 256
Fringes of application 196
Functional relations 68f. 228
Galileo 51
Gambling apparatus 146
Gambling apparatus, systems 140 154
Generating nature in Bacon's philosophy 50ff.
Geometrical probability 181 192
Goldbach, C. 79f. 213
Hamilton, W. 82n.
Heath, T.L. 177n.
Hegel, G.W.F. 179
Hempel, C.G. 160n.
histogram 219
Historical hypotheses 104
Hobart, R.E. 75n.
Hobbes, T. 54
Hume, D. 21 46 53ff. 57 60 62 71 74 78f. 89 112n. 151 162f. 223 226 254
Huyghens, C. 93 96ff. 101 109
Hypotheses 19 92ff. 247
Hypothetical method 53 104ff.
Idealism 116 180n.
Idealization in frequency theory 157ff.
Identity of indiscernibles 176
Ignorance, equal distribution of 148
Imagination 79
Indifference, principle of 147ff. 172f. 204
| Infeld, L. 90n.
Infinitesimal probabilities 205 212
infinity 157
Initial probability 130 212
Insufficient reason, principle of 147
Insurance 122 141 165 167
Internal relations 116
introspection 14ff. 194
Intuitive induction 30ff. 46 193
Inversion theorem 124 129ff. 201 214ff.
Ionian philosophers 47
Irrational numbers 195
Irrationality of abandoning induction 237
Irregularity of collectives 153ff.
Irrelevance 122 127ff.
Jevons, W.S. 113 148n. 203 205
Judgement 18
Justification of induction 223ff. 234ff.
Kahle, L.M. 9
Kant, I. 47 55 78 253
Keynes, J.M. vi 9 11ff. 22 50 111 113 133n. 147ff. 152 205ff. 212 214 233
Kinetic theory of gases 141
Knowledge 1 18 88f.
Kronecker, L. 39
Lalande, A. vi
Language, rules of 33ff. 80
Laplace, P.S. de 113 124f. 149f. 170 173 201ff.
Large numbers, law of 124 139
Laws of nature 45f. 65ff. 70ff. 211ff. 227
Leibniz, G.W. 97n. 147 175f. 201
Lewis, C.I. 257n.
Likelihood, method of maximum 231n.
Limit in theory of collectives 154ff.
Limit in theory of collectives, theorems 136ff. 145
Limitation of independent variety 210
Lindsay, R.B. 157n.
Loaded die, problem of 149
Locke, J. 21 54f. 71 9411 113
Logic 256
Logical constructions 12 85
Macaulay, T.B. 50
Mach, E. 102
Margenau, H. 157n.
Mathematical expectation 120
Mathematical expectation, induction 37ff.
Matters of fact 32ff. 195
Maturity of the chances 140
Measurement of probabilities 15 22 119 214 243f.
Measurement of ranges 176ff.
Measurement, condition of 177
Meinong, A. 12 32
Memory impressions 17 194
Metaphysics 44 247 253
Mill, J.S. 45 55ff. 70 85 111f. 208 211
Modality 3f. see
Multiplication theorem 125
Natural kinds 66f. 257
Necessity 31ff. 54 71 78ff. 179 211f. 256 258
Negation theorem 125
Negative facts 33
Negative facts, instance 50
Negligence in primary induction 237 243
Newton, I. 50 60 98ff. 249
Nicod, J. 50 113 207 212
Numbers 41ff. 191f.
Opinion 6 13ff.
Parameters 228
Pascal, B. 118 123ff.
Pearson, K. 203
Peirce, C.S. 44n. 150 166
Percentage 219
Perception 78ff. 258
Perceptual object terminology 83ff. 248 257f.
Perceptual objects 81f.
Phenomenalism 85ff. 101ff. 257
Phenomenology 44 256
Physicalism 226
Place selection 154ff.
Plato 31 47 49
Plurality of causes 59
Poincare, H. 142ff. 184n. 188f. 198
Poisson, S.D. 139
Popper, K.R. vi 76 155n. 163 230n. 234n.
Positivism 32 34 76 179 225 247 253
Possibility, boundaries of 78 80 227 233 256
Possibility, degree of relative 170
Possibility, field of 175 231
Prediction 234n. 251
Prescription theory of natural laws 76
Presence, table of 50ff.
Price, H.H. vi 5n.
Price, R. 124
Primary induction 104 106ff. 226ff. 250
Primary induction, qualities 94n.
Primary induction, set of equipossible alternatives 178
Principal set of equipossible alternatives 179
Principle, truths of 32ff. 168 193 195 212 254 258
Principles of modality 32ff. 71 227
Probability rules 22f. 117ff. 167 190ff. 211ff. 230 241
Proportion of instances 151 169
Propositions 12 118 167
Qualitative laws 69
Quantum theory, in 157 254ff.
Ramsey, F.P. 76 167n.
Randomness in collectives 153ff.
RANGE 174ff.
Rationalist metaphysics 32 253
Reciprocal connexion 70 209
Recurrence signs 42f.
recursive definitions 39ff.
Recursive definitions, induction 37ff. 46 191
Regularity theory of natural laws 74 see
Reichenbach, H. 163 236n.
Relative frequency 152
Relevance 127ff.
Reliability of results of induction 106ff. 236
Restricted descriptions 27ff. 191
Restricted descriptions, universal statements 27ff. 72f.
Roulette 142
routines 64f.
Rule of succession 203f.
Russell, B. 12
Ryle, G. vi
Sampling 214ff.
Scepticism 55 75n.223
Schlick, M. 76f.
Second-order possibility 213
Second-order possibility, probability 22 195 214
Secondary induction 104 106ff. 246ff. 250
Secondary induction, set of equipossible alternatives 178
Sensation 82
Sensum terminology 83ff. 257
Shuffling 144
simplicity 91 229 246ff.
Socratic dialectic 50
Spielraum theory 174n. 194
Standard deviation 219
Statistical induction 194 207 see "Probability
Statistics 194 219ff.
Stirling, J. 138n.
Structure 94
Subjectivism 3ff. 149 167 194
Succession, rule of 203f.
Successions in frequency theory 153 155n.
Sufficient reason, principle of 147
Summative induction 25ff. 45 191
Syllogism 24ff. 49
Taking for granted 5 16
Tannery, P. 177n.
Telepathy 200
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