Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kodaira K. — Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures |
Предметный указатель |
Restriction 114 171 172
Riemann matrix 49
Riemann — Roch formula 227
Riemann — Roch — Hirzebruch theorem 220 221
Riemannian metric 321
Sheaf 109 112
Sheaf of germs of (0, q)-forms with coefficients in F 142
Sheaf of germs of functions 111
Sheaf of germs of sections of F 112
Sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions 111
Sheaf of germs of locally constant functions 112
Sheaf quotient 125
Sheaf, fine 134
Simplicial decomposition 168
Singular point 33
Smooth 33
Sobolev Norm 372 430
Sobolev space 376 425
Sobolev's imbedding theorem 369 370 428
Sobolev's inequality 330 428
Space of moduli 233
Spectrum, of a strongly elliptic operator 450
Stalk 112
Strongly elliptic 156 322 394 399 434
Strongly elliptic partial differential operator 320
Structure theorem of distributions 375
Subbundle 107
Submanifold 33 34 39
Subsheaf 123
Support 82 134 367
Surgery 52 53
System of local coordinates 37 38
System of local complex coordinates 28 29
| System of local coordinates, of a differentiable family 185
Tangent bundle 96
Tangent space 94 96
Tangent vector 62 95 96
Tensor field 105
Tensor field, contravariant 107
Tensor field, covariant 106
Tensor field, mixed 107
Tensor product 103 104
Theorem of completeness 230 284
Topological manifold 37 38
Transition function 98
Translation 367
Trivial 61 99 193
Unique factorization domain 15
Upper semicontinuous 200 326 351 352
Vector (0, q)-form -closed 266
Vector (0, q)-form, harmonic 274
Vector (0, q)-form, local 256
Vector bundle 94 97
Vector bundle, complex 101
Vector bundle, holomorphic 101
Vector bundle, rank of 97
Vector bundle, real 101
Vector field 63
Vector field, holomorphic 67 69
Vector-valued distribution 368
Volume element 146
Weak solution 438 439
Weierstrass -function 46
Weierstrass preparation theorem 13
Whitney sum 108
Реклама |