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Ferrar W.L. — Algebra: a textbook of determinants, matrices, and algebraic forms |
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Absolute invariant 169
Adjoint, ad jugate 55 85
Algebraic form 169
Alternant 22
Array 50
Barnard and Child 61
Bilinear form 120
Bilinear form as matrix product 122
Binary cubic 188
Binary form 176 190
Binary quartic 190
Canonical form 146 151 188
Characteristic equation of matrix 110
Characteristic equation of quadratic form 144
Characteristic equation of transformation 131
Circulant 23
Co-factor 28
Cogredient 129
Collineation 209
Commutative matrices 211
Complementary minor 56
Contragredient 129
Covariant of covariant 187
Covariant of cubic 176
Covariant, definition 172
Definitions, adjoint matrix 85
Definitions, adjugate determinant 55
Definitions, alternant 22
Definitions, bilinear form 120
Definitions, characteristic equation 110
Definitions, circulant 23
Definitions, covariant 172
Definitions, determinant 8
Definitions, discriminant 122
Definitions, invariant 171 172
Definitions, isobaric form 183
Definitions, latent root 110
Definitions, linear form 119
Definitions, matrix 69
Definitions, Pfaffian 61
Definitions, quadratic form 120
Definitions, rank of matrix 94
Definitions, reciprocal matrix 85
Definitions, unit matrix 77
Definitions, weight 182
Determinant, adjugate 55
Determinant, co-factors 28
Determinant, definition 7 8 25
Determinant, differentiation 25
Determinant, expansions 12 36 39
Determinant, Hessian 174
Determinant, Jacobi'a theorem 55
Determinant, Jacobian 174
Determinant, minors (q.v.) 28
Determinant, notation 21
Determinant, product 41
Determinant, skew-symmetrical 59
Determinant, symmetrical 59
Division law 77 89
Eliminant 176
Elliott, E.B. 198
Equations, equation of forms 144
Equations, characteristic 110 131 144
Equations, consistent 31
Equations, homogeneous 32
Expansion of determinant 12 36
Field, number 2 94 119 122
Fundamental solutions 101
Grace and Young 198
Hermitian form 3 128 142 143 158
Hermitian matrix 129
hessian 174
Invariant of covariant 185
Invariant of cubic 176
Invariant of quartic 193
Invariant, arithmetic 195
Invariant, definition 171
Invariant, further reading on 198
Invariant, geometrical 191
Invariant, joint 178
Invariant, lineo-linear 199
Invariant, metrical 194
Invariant, properties of 182
Jacobi's theorem 55
Jacobians 174 193
Kronecker delta 84
| Laplace 36
Latent roots 110 131 144 145 151 153 206 207
Latent vectors 204
Linear dependence 94 203 204
Linear equations 30 98
Linear form 119
Linear substitution 67
Linear transformation 122
Matrix, addition 69
Matrix, adjoint, adjugate 85
Matrix, characteristic equation 110
Matrix, commutative 211
Matrix, definition 69
Matrix, determinant of 78
Matrix, division law 77 89
Matrix, elementary transformation 113
Matrix, equivalent 113
Matrix, hermitian 129
Matrix, latent roots of 110
Matrix, multiplication 73
Matrix, orthogonal 160 202
Matrix, rank 93
Matrix, rank of product 109
Matrix, reciprocal 85
Matrix, singular 85
Matrix, transpose 83
Matrix, unit 77
Minors 28
Minors of zero determinant 33
Minors, complementary 56
Modulus 122
Muir, Sir T. 61
Multiples, sum of 94
Notation, 'number' 67
Notation, algebraic forms 170
Notation, bilinear forms 121 122
Notation, determinants 21
Notation, matrices 69
Notation, minors 28 29
Notation, substitutions 67
Orthogonal matrix 160 202
Orthogonal transformation 153
Orthogonal vectors 201 205
permutations 24
Pfaffian 61
Positive-definite form 135
Quadratic form as matrix product 122
Quadratic form, canonical form 146 151 206
Quadratic form, definition 120
Quadratic form, discriminant 122 127
Quadratic form, equivalent 156
Quadratic form, positive-definite 135
Quadratic form, rank 148
Quadratic form, signature 154
Rank of matrix 93
Rank of quadratic form 148
Reciprocal matrix 85
Reversal law for reciprocal 88
Reversal law for transpose 83
Rings, number 1
Salmon, G. 61
Schmidt's orthogonalization process 208
Sign of term 11 29 37 39
Signature 154
Substitutions, linear 67
Sum of four squares 49
Summation convention 41
Transformation of quadratic form 124 206
Transformation, characteristic equation 131
Transformation, elementary 147
Transformation, latent roots 131
Transformation, modulus 122
Transformation, non-singular 122
Transformation, orthogonal 153 160 206
Transformation, pole of 131
Transformation, product 123
Transvectant 196
Turnbull, H.W. 198
Vectors as matrices 200
Vectors, latent 204
Vectors, orthogonal 201 205
Vectors, unit 201
Weight 182 184
Weitzenbock, R. 198
Winger, R.M. 132
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