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Bell E.T. — Men of mathematics. Volume 2 |
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Lefschetz, S. 294
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 178 190 216 246 248 249 259 284 285 296 304 312 343 348 349 352ff. 356 368ff. 400 499 537 538
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 6 13 16 17 33 60 64 73 82 84 95 100 111 122ff. 127—142 145ff. 152 163 175 184 244 253 479 489
Lemaitre, Father 581
Lemonnier, P.C. 185
Leverrier, U.J.J. 318 384 404
Levi-Civita, T. 280 430 600
Liapounoff, A. 583
Libri, G. 353
Lichtenstein, Leon 583
Lie, S. 430
Lilly, Wm. 580
LIMIT 474 634
Lincoln, Abraham 479
Lindemann, F. 345 512 513 627
Linus (of Liego) 116
Liouville, Joseph 368 413 414 498 499 511 525
Listing, J.B. 542
Lloyd, Humphrey 386
Lobatchewsky, Nikolas Ivanovitc 323—336 394 416 417 522 557
Lobatchewsky, Praskovia Ivanovna 323
Locke, John 121
Logic, symbolic 4 5 13 131 134 484 486ff.
Lord Byron, George Gordon 282 317 419
Lord William Thomson, Kelvin 16 217 321 498 499
Lotze, R.H. 485
Lucas (of Liege) 116
Macaulay, Thos.B. 282 419
Maclaurin, C. 583
Magnitude 623
Malus, Etionne-Louis 304 305 382
Manifold 291 557ff.
Mapping, conformal 289 292 293
Marcellus 29 35 36
Marie, Abbe 173 178
Marr, John 580
Matrices 417 439 441ff.
Maurioc, Prince of Orange 41
Maxwell, James Clerk 293 384 478 553 602
Menaechmus 592
Mendelssohn, Felix 517
Mercator, N. 115 136 292
Mere, Gombaud Antoine, Chevalier 94ff.
Mersenne, P. 39 48 67 82 87
Milton, John 38
Minkowski, H. 6
Mittag-Leffler, G.M. 347 356 403 472 598 599 629
Modulus 247ff. 257 258 277 321
Monge, Gaspard 187 200—225 227 312 313 315 403
Monge, Jacques 201
Monngenicity 273ff.
Montagu, Charles 121
More, L.T. 69
Morgan, John Pierpoint 514
Moritz, R.E. 614
Mozart, W.A.C. 446
Multiformity 543
Napier, John 580
Napoleon, Bonaparte 135 167 184 186 196ff. 207ff. 221ff. 226 267 268 270ff. 276 297 301 302 304 313 382 398 466 564 585
Newton, Hannah Ayscongh 97
Newton, Isaac 3 6 13 17ff. 27 29 30 33 38 60 63ff. 69 79 97—126 127ff. 136 137 140 141 145 147 151 152 155 160 163 169 171 174 181 183 184 186 188 190 191 197 217 234 239 241 242 244ff. 252 260 261 263 264 272 278ff. 288 317 338 339 371 376 384 388 397 441 445 478 489 528 541 542 552 556 557 587 593 597 598
Nightingale, Florence 427
Non-denumerable classes 627
normal 290
Number, cardinal 623ff. 634 636
Numbers, ideal 522 523 566
Numbers, irrational 22 25 28 257 448 462 475 476 502 511 529 573ff. 627 636 638
numbers, negative 391 531 532
Numbers, prime 70ff. 519ff. 537 538 566 567 632 637 638
Numbers, transcendental 507 509ff. 626ff. 631
Numbers, transfinite 624 625 633 638
| Nurmi, Paavo 599
Olbers, H.W.M. 261 270 285 288
Oldenburg, H. 117
Order 308 633
Oscar II, King of Sweden 598
Painleve, Paul 501 600 611
Parametric representation 290ff. 563
Parmenides 24
Partitions, theory of 425 447
Pascal, Antoinette Begone 79
Pascal, Blaise 1 8 38 61 79—96 124 129 135 139 200 228 233 237 312 434 439
Pascal, Etienne 79
Pascal, Gilberte (Madame Perier) 61 79 81 82 86 88 89
Pascal, Jacqueline 79 80 80 86ff.
Paul, Jean see "Richter J.P.F."
Peacock, G. 484
Peirce, Benjamin 388
Pepys, Samuel 121
periodicity 218ff. 251 363 369 499 502 503 509 573 594 601 610
Permanence of form 389
Permutation 306 307 310
Peter the Great 140 153 157 158
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich 253 265
Pheidias 30
Phidias 354
Philip, Apostle 632
Piazzi, Guiseppe 262
Picard, Emile 501
Picard, Jean 368
Planck, M. 602 603
Plato 3 16 20 21 26 27 33 263
Pluecker, J. 440 454 523
Plutarch 29 35
Poincare, Raymond 581 586 590
Poineare, Henri 8 17 172 293 416 472 493 494 501 509 533 580-611 615
Poinsot, L. 304
Poisson, S.D. 349 409
Poncelet, Jean-Victor 208 226—236 312 439
Pope, Alexander 605
Postulate 21 23 306 307 309 329ff. 333 335 336 389ff. 395 483 490ff. 523 526 572 632 633 636
Power series 456 457 474 475 619
Probability, mathematical theory of 5 61 79 90 93 129 145 146 149 168 188 193 194 349 487 498
Problem of n bodies 598 599
Progression 390 394 590
Pseudo-sphere 335 336
Ptolemy 118 192 397
Pythagoras 16 20ff. 27 292 439 440 504 523 529 559 560 612 636 638
Quadratic forms 176 368 427 503 506 527 554 596 608
Quantics 434 435 438
Quantum theory 68 96 115 384 506 559 568 603
Quaternions 285 286 386 388ff. 394ff.
Quintic 339ff. 344 345 348 360 497 507 509 522 526
Radicals 409 413 414 500 507 508 526
Ramanujan Srinivasa 152 360
Ratio, enharmonic or cross 234 235
Ratios 28 382 576
Rays, systems of 380ff. 568
Sir Brewster, David 121 295 552
Sir Eddington, Arthur 568
Sir James H., Jeans 16 21 184 683
Sir Robert, Peel 388
Sir William, Hamilton 484ff.
Sir William, Herschel 262 434
van Beethoven, L. 446
von Bismarck, Prince O.E.L. 451 515
von Essenbeck, Nees 263
von Goethe, J.W. 282
von Helmholts, H. 446 468
von Humboldt, Alexander 226 266 268 284 366
von Littrow, J.J. 324 351 366
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