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Nasar S. — A Beautiful Mind
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Íàçâàíèå: A Beautiful Mind
Àâòîð: Nasar S.
Àííîòàöèÿ: In this biography, Sylvia Nasar recreates the life of a mathematical genius whose brilliant career was cut short by schizophrenia and who, after three decades of devastating mental illness, miraculously recovered and was honored with a Nobel Prize. A Beautiful Mind traces the meteoric rise of John Forbes Nash, Jr., from his lonely childhood in West Virginia to his student years at Princeton, where he encountered Albert Einstein, John von Neumann, and a host of other mathematical luminaries. At 21, the handsome, ambitious, eccentric graduate student invented what would become the most influential theory of rational human behavior in modern social science. Nash's contribution to game theory would ultimately revolutionize the field of economics. At 30, Nash was poised to take his dreamed-of place in the pantheon of history's greatest mathematicians. Then Nash suffered a catastrophic mental breakdown. Nasar details Nash's harrowing descent into insanity - his bizarre delusions that he was the Prince of Peace; his resignation from MIT, flight to Europe, and attempt to renounce his American citizenship; his repeated hospitalizations, from the storied McLean, where he came to know the poet Robert Lowell, to the crowded wards of a state hospital; his "enforced interludes of rationality" during which he was able to return briefly to mathematical research. At age 66, twin miracles - a spontaneous remission of his illness and the sudden decision of the Nobel Prize committee to honor his contributions to game theory - restored the world to him. Nasar recounts the bitter behind-the-scenes battle in Stockholm over whether to grant the ultimate honor in science to a man thought to be "mad." She describes Nash's current ambition to pursue new mathematical breakthroughs and his efforts to be a loving father to his adult son.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 457
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.02.2006
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Shapley, Lloyd S., von Neumann prize arranged by 338—339 354
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 273
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 269
Sherman Institute 26
Sherman, Agnes 284
Sherman, Michael 284
Shubik, Martin 63 101 102 120 208 286
Shubik, Martin, in Econometrics Society 354 355
Shubik, Martin, Nobel deliberations and 366
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 226
Siegel, George 43 45
Siegel, Robert 42
Simon, Herbert 108 117
Singer, Isadore M. 142 144—145 162 203
Singer, Isadore M., Nash’s McLean commitment and 260
Singularities, canonical resolution of 318
Slater, J.C. 222—223
Sloan Fellowships 202 236 280
Smith (Nash), Martha (grandmother) 26
Smith, Adam 15 88 119 151 374—375
Social Democratic Party (Sweden) 359 364 366
Sohlman, Michael 357
Solomon, Gustave 144 180
Solow, Robert 134 232 233
Sophocles 94
Soviet Union 109 110 ] 119 121
Special theory of relativity 51—52 70 86 231
Spencer, Donald 93 129—130 131 132 141 285 291 295
Spencer, Donald, Carrier Clinic visits of 307
Spencer, Donald, description of 130
Spencer, Donald, IAS appointment obtained through 296
Spencer, Donald, Michigan position arranged by 303 304
Spencer, Donald, Moore visited by 341
Sputnik 106 222
St.Paul’s church 302
Stahl, Ingemar 362 364—372
Stahl, Ingolf 362
Stanton, Alfred H. 259
Starr, Norton 344
Stearns, A.Warren 261 265
Steenrod, Norman 64 68 69 92 93 96 129 131 137 204 229
Steenrod, Norman, as sounding board for Nash 71—72
Steenrod, Norman, Forrester and 204
Steenrod, Norman, Kriegspiel played by 76
Steenrod, Norman, Nash defended by 73
Steenrod, Norman, Nash’s job search and 132
Stein, Eli 224 229 231 232 233 237
Stelazine 315 329
Sterling’s formula 350
Stern, Otto 41
Sternberg, Shlomo 216
Stevenson, Adlai 140
Stier, Eleanor 172—179 199 201 208 296 327—328
Stier, Eleanor, Alicia Larde’s meeting with 201—202
Stier, Eleanor, background of 173
Stier, Eleanor, Bricker and 177 178 181 182 206—207
Stier, Eleanor, John Charles Nash’s stay with 345
Stier, Eleanor, Nash confronted by 201
Stier, Eleanor, Nash’s parents and 206 208 209 210
Stier, Eleanor, Nash’s recent meeting with 387
Stier, Eleanor, Nash’s renewed contact with 315—316
Stier, Eleanor, Nash’s support of 207 282 330—331
Stier, Eleanor, pregnancy of 175—176
Stier, Eleanor, support demanded by 206—207
Stier, John David (son) 176—179 201 206—210 282 321 326
Stier, John David (son), brief reconciliation with 344 345
Stier, John David (son), college plans of 344
Stier, John David (son), John Charles Nash’s first meeting with 344
Stier, John David (son), John Charles Nash’s stay with 345
Stier, John David (son), recent reconciliation with 386—387
Stier, John David (son), renewed contact with 315—316
Stiglitz, Joseph 375
Stone, Marshall 55
Storr, Anthony 15 18
Strategic Air Command (SAC) 121
Stratton, Julius 244
Struick, Dirk 152
Stuyvesant High School 142 237
Suez crisis 217
Sullivan, Harry Stack 259
Summers, Lawrence 375
Surreal Numbers 158
Surviving Schizophrenia (Torrey) 324
Svenson, Lars 364 367
Synge, Hutchie 281—282
Synge, John L. 41 44 46 217 281—282
Synge, John Millington 41
Szasz, Thomas 305
Szilard, Leo 56
Tate, John 64 239 242 311
Tate, Karen 239 242
Taylor, Sir Hugh 62 73
Tech, The 153 190
Teller, Edward 193
Tensor calculus 380
Texas Agricultural & Mechanical University 26—27
Texas, University of 27
Theorie des Fonctions (Borel) 81
Theorie des Nombres (Legendre) 230
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, The (von Neumann and Morgenstem) 81 85 86 87 88 90 94 96—97 116 363
Thinking Strategically (Dixit and Nalebufif) 97 375
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald) 49
Thompson, F.B. 117
Thompson, George 236
Thorazine 250 258 260 306 307
Thorn, Rene 226
Thorson, Ervin 170—171 174 204
Thurmer family 281
Time 32
Tobin, Joseph 291 360
topology 46 56 64 68 69
Topology, algebraic 59 68 algebraic”)
Torrey, E.Fuller 324
Trenton State Hospital 287 288—294 302 306 344 383
Trial, The (Kafka) 327
Trotter, Hale 334 337 338 350 384
Troutman, Nelda 170
Truesdell, Charlotte 48
Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose 47
Truman, Harry S. 49 62 109 123 185
Tsuang, Min 351 352—353
Tucker, Albert 69 72 75 76 137 272 285—286 291 312 338
Tucker, Albert, Alicia Nash’s pregnancy announced to 235
Tucker, Albert, as Nash’s advisor 92 95—96
Tucker, Albert, as straitlaced 64
Tucker, Albert, Carnegie mathematics impressive to 42
Tucker, Albert, Carrier Clinic visits of 307
Tucker, Albert, description of 95
Tucker, Albert, game theory and 64—65 77 83 90 91 100 118 119 362
Tucker, Albert, Michigan position arranged by 303
Tucker, Albert, Nash defended by 73 74 236
Tucker, Albert, Nash’s draft deferment and 125 202
Tucker, Albert, Nash’s job search and 132
Tucker, Albert, on Shapley 103
Tucker, Albert, ONR grant of 126
Tukey, John 62 76
Turbulence 218—219
Turing, Alan 56 107 188 189
Tversky, Amos 373
Twilight Zone 301
Two-person zero-sum games 14 87 95 96 115 116 119
Uitti, Karl 297—298 310
Ulam, Stanislaw 217
Unified field theory 70
United Mine Workers (UMW) 28
United Nations 192 248—249
United Nations High Commission for Refugees 274
Universe, nonexpanding 380 382
Valleius 94
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 261
Vasquez, Al 240 244—245 257 264 299 314
Vasquez, Al, Nash’s 1959—1960 European stay and 281 282
Vasquez, Al, on Nash’s decline 319 320
Vasquez, Al, on Nash’s improvement 317
Vaught, Robert 205
Veblen, May 49
Veblen, Oswald 49 50 53 54 56
Veblen, Thorstein 15 50
Villard, Henry S. 278
Viner, Jacob 86
Voltaire 273
von Neumann, John 12 19 28 45 46 50 52 59 63 74 215 216 270
von Neumann, John, at RAND 105 106 109 111 117—118 122
von Neumann, John, background of 81
von Neumann, John, death of 217
von Neumann, John, description of 79—82
von Neumann, John, Dr. Strangelove and 80 105
von Neumann, John, game theory and 13—14 81 83—87 88 90 91 92 93—94 95 96—97 98 100 111 115 116 117—118 119 128 149 150 362 363
von Neumann, John, hydrogen bomb and 81 93 109 110
von Neumann, John, Kriegspiel played by 76
von Neumann, John, Manhattan Project and 81 107
von Neumann, John, Nash’s meeting with 93—94
von Neumann, John, on decline of mathematical powers 228
von Neumann, John, on Shapley 100
von Neumann, John, recruited to Princeton 53—54
Wachtman, Jack 43
Waggoner, Ray 303
Walker, Nelson 37
Wallace, A.D. 69
Wallace, Henry 62
Wallenberg family 368
Walter, John 205
Wan, Henry 265
Warhol, Andy 41
Warsh, David 366
Washington, University of 203—205
Washnitzer, Gerard 64
Way Ministry 343
Weibull, Jorgen 356 360—361 362 363
Weibull, Jorgen, at Nobel ceremonies 379 380
Weibull, Jorgen, Nobel deliberations and 365 366
Weil, Andre 236
Weinberger, Hans 42 43 44—45
Weinstein, Alexander 41
Weinstein, Tilla 217 218
Weissblum, Walter 144
Wertheim, Margaret 334
West Virginia University 27
West, Andrew 61
Westinghouse 41
Weyl, Hermann 52 53 54—55 74 157
White Oak naval research project 47
Whitehead, George 135 141 162 163 252
Whitehead, George, Moore visited by 341
Whitehead, Kay 252
Whiteman, Paul 193
Whitney, Hassler 55 203 266 282
Wiener, Norbert 12 16 28 55 129 134 137 142 202 218 235 307
Wiener, Norbert, description of 135—136
Wiener, Norbert, Nash’s 1959—1960 European stay and 277
Wiener, Norbert, Nash’s esteem for 145 146 200
Wiener, Norbert, Nash’s McLean commitment and 260
Wiener, Norbert, Nash’s professorship and 162—163
Wiener, Theo 136
Wigner, Eugene 50 53—54 56
Wilczek, Frank 333
Wilder, Raymond 69
Wiles, Andrew 203 386
Wilks, Sam 56
Will to Power, The (Nietzsche) 139
William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition 43—44 72 144
Williams, John 38—39 83 111 112 113 114 116—117 119 124
Williams, John, Nash’s dismissal and 185—186 187 188
Williamson, John 170
Wilson, James Q. 261
Wilson, Robert 376 377
Wilson, Woodrow 51 52—53 61
Winokur, George 351 352—353
Winters, Robert 291 303 304
Wirtschaftsprognose (Morgenstern) 84
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 15 66
Wohlstetter, Al 121
Wordsworth, William 5 11 25
World Citizen Registry 271
World Federalists 271
World War I 27
World War II 35—36 39 107 124 193
World War II, mathematics and 55—57 100
Worldly Philosophers, The (Heilbroner) 89
Yale University 51 246—247
Zariski, Oscar 318
Zero-sum two-person games 14 87 95 96 115 116 119
Zeuthen, Dane K 89
Zur Theorie der Gesellschafispiele (von Neumann) 84
Zweifel, Paul 42 43
Zyprexa 384
“Analyticity of Solutions of Implicit Function Problems with Analytic Data” (Nash) 317—318
“Bargaining Problem, The” (Nash) 88 120 360
“Games Against Nature” (Milnor) 149
“Insanity Bit, The” (Krim) 291
“Jeep” problem 145—146
“John” (“Nash”) 75 76—78
“Metamorphosis, The” (Kafka) 278
“Nash” 75 76—78
“Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship” 106
“Probleme de Cauchy Pour les Equations Differentielles d’une Fluide Generale, Le” (Nash) 297
“RAND Hymn, The” (Reynolds) 104
“So Long, Sucker” 102
“Two Person Cooperative Games” (Nash) 120
“Ueber die Anzahl derprimzahlen unter einer gegebenen Grosse” (Riemann) 230