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Nasar S. — A Beautiful Mind
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Название: A Beautiful Mind
Автор: Nasar S.
Аннотация: In this biography, Sylvia Nasar recreates the life of a mathematical genius whose brilliant career was cut short by schizophrenia and who, after three decades of devastating mental illness, miraculously recovered and was honored with a Nobel Prize. A Beautiful Mind traces the meteoric rise of John Forbes Nash, Jr., from his lonely childhood in West Virginia to his student years at Princeton, where he encountered Albert Einstein, John von Neumann, and a host of other mathematical luminaries. At 21, the handsome, ambitious, eccentric graduate student invented what would become the most influential theory of rational human behavior in modern social science. Nash's contribution to game theory would ultimately revolutionize the field of economics. At 30, Nash was poised to take his dreamed-of place in the pantheon of history's greatest mathematicians. Then Nash suffered a catastrophic mental breakdown. Nasar details Nash's harrowing descent into insanity - his bizarre delusions that he was the Prince of Peace; his resignation from MIT, flight to Europe, and attempt to renounce his American citizenship; his repeated hospitalizations, from the storied McLean, where he came to know the poet Robert Lowell, to the crowded wards of a state hospital; his "enforced interludes of rationality" during which he was able to return briefly to mathematical research. At age 66, twin miracles - a spontaneous remission of his illness and the sudden decision of the Nobel Prize committee to honor his contributions to game theory - restored the world to him. Nasar recounts the bitter behind-the-scenes battle in Stockholm over whether to grant the ultimate honor in science to a man thought to be "mad." She describes Nash's current ambition to pursue new mathematical breakthroughs and his efforts to be a loving father to his adult son.
Рубрика: Биографии /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 457
Добавлена в каталог: 21.02.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Nash, John F., Jr., passport destroyed or discarded by 276
Nash, John F., Jr., physical description of 67 113
Nash, John F., Jr., pranks played by 37 101 102 114 156
Nash, John F., Jr., professorship gained by 155 156 162—163
Nash, John F., Jr., psychotherapy of 259
Nash, John F., Jr., Putnam award and 43—44
Nash, John F., Jr., racial views of 67—68 217
Nash, John F., Jr., reading avoided by 68
Nash, John F., Jr., refugee status sought by 273 274—280 302
Nash, John F., Jr., remission of 20 349—355 381—382
Nash, John F., Jr., Roanoke years of 323—331
Nash, John F., Jr., science experiments of 32
Nash, John F., Jr., science fiction as interest of 12
Nash, John F., Jr., security clearance of 110
Nash, John F., Jr., Shapley’s friendship with 99—103
Nash, John F., Jr., shock treatments and 16—17 232 250 304
Nash, John F., Jr., single economics course of 90—91
Nash, John F., Jr., sociability encouraged in 33
Nash, John F., Jr., sons of see “Nash John “Stier John
Nash, John F., Jr., stock market as interest of 233 236 350
Nash, John F., Jr., summer jobs of 33
Nash, John F., Jr., teaching by 139—141 163 235 240—241
Nash, John F., Jr., teasing of 36 42
Nash, John F., Jr., thesis of 95—96 128
Nash, John F., Jr., vegetarianism of 307
Nash, John F., Jr., violence of 73
Nash, John F., Jr., von Neumann prize awarded to 338—339 354
Nash, John F., Jr., whistling of 66 69 113 114 141—142 163
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother) 25—34 123 251 264
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Alicia Larde introduced to 211
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), and onset of Nash’s schizophrenia 249 251
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), and potential Michigan position 303
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Carrier commitment and 304 306 307—308
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), death of 27 330—331
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), John Nash, Sr.’s death and 209—210
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), John Stier and 206 208 209 210
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s 1959—1960 European stay and 272 276 279
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s 1962 European trip and 301
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s 1964 European trip and 312
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s divorce and 302
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s education fostered by 31 38
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s investments for 233 236
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s letters to 272 276 279 301 310 312 314 319—320
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s McLean commitment and 255 260
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s stay with 323—330
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), Nash’s Trenton State hospitalization and 287 288 290 291
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), nervous breakdown of 27 272
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), New York trip of 208
Nash, Margaret Virginia Martin (mother), sociability encouraged by 33
Nash, Martha (sister) see “Legg Martha
Nash, Martha Smith (grandmother) 26
Nash, Richard (cousin) 293 320—321
Nathanson, Melvyn 346
National Academy of Sciences 95 115 131
National Science Foundation (NSF) 107 236 296 313 314
Navier — Stokes equations 297
Navy, U.S. 82 83 125 126 134 135
Negotiation, in game theory 120
Nehru, Jawaharlal 278
Nelson, Ed 284 286 296 300
Nerval, Gerard de 228
Neuwirth, Jerome 144 182 231
New Jersey Transit 346
New Palgrave, The 20 98
New York Times 70 86 100 236 241—242 374
New York University see “Courant Institute”
New York University of Mathematical Sciences, New Zealand 377
Newman, Donald “D.J.” 12 139 143 144—145 146 169 180 200 237 240
Newman, Donald “D.J.”, Nash’s McLean commitment and 257—258
Newman, Donald “D.J.”, on Bricker and Nash 180
Newman, Donald “D.J.”, on Nash 159
Newman, Donald “D.J.”,and onset of Nash’s schizophrenia 243 246
Newman, Herta 143 181 ’ 200
Newman, Peter 329
Newton, Isaac 12 15 17 35 51 52 56 85 94
Nietzsche, Friedrich 12 139 235
Nijenhuis, Albert 205 206
Nilges, Edward G. 350
Nimitz, Nancy 185
Nirenberg, Louis 203 216 218—219 243 301
Nobel Foundation 357 358
Nobel Prize in economics 55 107
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994 150 224 275 297
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, ceremonies for 374 379—380
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, delayed press conference about 356—357
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, deliberations on 357 360—373
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, dinner in celebration of 77
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, Nash informed of 22 371 373
Nobel Prize in economics of 1994, voting for 370—372
Nobel Prize in economics, 1972 108
Nobel Prize in economics, 1986 364
Nobel Prize in economics, 1991 364
Nobel Prize in economics, 1993 363
Nobel Prize in economics, ad hoc committee on future of 372—373
Nobel Prize in economics, criteria for 358
Nobel Prize in economics, establishment of 358 368
Nobel Prize in economics, proposed abolition of 368
Nobel Prize in economics, reform of 369
Nobel Prize in economics, selection process for 358—360
Nobel Prize in economics, unpopularity of 368
Nobel Prize in literature 3 57
Nobel Prize in peace 357
Nobel Prize in physics, 1943 41
Nobel Prize in physics, 1963 53
Nobel, Alfred 358 362
Non-zero-sum games 87
Nonexpanding universe 380 382
Nonlinear partial differential equations 217—220 223—224 226 231 234 243 247 300 318
Norfolk & Western Railroad 28 104 323
North Carolina, University of 148
North, Douglass 354 363
NSF (National Science Foundation) 107 236 296 313 314
Nuclear weapons 56—57
Nuclear weapons, game theory and 119
Nuclear weapons, hydrogen bomb 81 93 109 110
Nuclear weapons, Manhattan Project and 56 81 107 110 153 193
Nuclear weapons, RAND and 104—105 106 109 119 121
Number theory 21 35 45 56 346
Numerology 334—335 350
Office of Naval Research (ONR) 123 124 125 126 219 313 314
Office of the Chief of Ordnance 56
Ohlin, Bertil 359
ONR (Office of Naval Research) 123 124 125 126 219 313 314
Operation Match 319
Operations research 56
Oppenheimer, Robert 19 50 53 79 193
Oppenheimer, Robert, hydrogen bomb and 81 93 109
Oppenheimer, Robert, McCarthyism and 110 153
Oppenheimer, Robert, Nash’s argument with 220—221
Oppenheimer, Robert, Nash’s IAS appointments and 296 308 311
Oppenheimer, Robert, on IAS 215
Oppenheimer, Robert, on Nash’s sanity 294
Oskar II, king of Sweden and Norway 129
Ostrowski, Alexander 303
Otis, William 305
Pais, Abraham 221
Palais, Richard 231—232 313 317 319 321
Palme, Olof 359 364
Parabolic equations see “Nonlinear partial differential equations”
Parker Brothers 76 78
Parker, Charlie 156
Parmet, Belle 307
Partial differential equations 137—138
Partial differential equations, nonlinear 217—220 223—224 226 231 234 243 247 300 318
Partial Differential Relations (Gromov) 158
Patri, Angelo 33
Peisakoff, Melvin 72 126
Personality of Criminals, The (Stearns) 261
Persson, Torsten 362 364 367
Pitts, Walter 134
Plath, Sylvia 211 255
Plato 94
Poincare, Jules Henri 12 45 93 129
Polya, George 230
Portugal 290
Post, Emil 180
Poundstone, William 76 106 119
Princeton University 45
Princeton University mathematics department, games played at 75—78
Princeton University mathematics department, girls absent from 62
Princeton University mathematics department, grades as fiction at 60
Princeton University mathematics department, Nash offered one-year post at 309—310 311 312
Princeton University mathematics department, Nash’s fellowship to 46
Princeton University mathematics department, Nash’s graduate work at 45—47 49 58—98
Princeton University mathematics department, philosophy of education at 60—61
Princeton University mathematics department, rise of 52—57 58
Princeton University mathematics department, students of 64—65
Princeton University mathematics department, teatime at 63 67
Princeton University, description of 50
Princeton University, dinner at 61—62
Princeton University, graduate housing at 61—62
Princeton University, history of 51
Princeton University, student life at 61—62
Princeton, N.J., as mathematics capital 50—51
Princeton, N.J., history of 49
Principia (Newton) 85
Prisoners’ Dilemma (Poundstone) 76
Prisoner’s Dilemma 118—119 150
Private Terror/Public Places (Glass) 335
Prospect High School 192
Pythagoras 94
Pythagoras’ Trousers (Wertheim) 334
Quantum theory 45 70 81 138 202 220—221 222—223 236
Queen Mary 265 269 282 311—312
Radamacher, Hans 246
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) 283 341
Raiffa, Howard 122
Ramanujan, Srinivasa 12 45 60—61
Rand Corporation 72 100 103 104—123 124 147—151 321 363
RAND Corporation, description of 105—107 111—112
RAND Corporation, game theory and 104—105 108 111 115—122 149—151
RAND Corporation, location of 108
RAND Corporation, Nash’s dismissal from 184—189
RAND Corporation, Nobel deliberations and 366
RAND Corporation, practical jokes at 111
Randol, Burton 286
Rappaport, Anatolc 303
Rational conflict and cooperation, theory of 13
Raymond, Sister 193—194
RCA (Radio Corporation of America) 283 341
Reboul, Mark 332
Red Cross 191
Reed-Solomon code 144
Reidemeister group 69
Relativity 45 56
Relativity, general theory of 52 70 86 380
Relativity, Special Theory of 51—52 70 86 231
Reynolds, Donald V. 36 37
Reynolds, Malvina 104
Ricardo, David 88
Richardson, Gillian 297
Rider College 345 351
Riemann hypothesis 19 20 138 229—232 236 238 241 243 277
Riemann Hypothesis, Nash’s presentations on 245—246 251
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 12 129 157 230
Riemannian manifolds, embedding of 155—163 203 204 218 219 345
Rigby, Fred D. 125 126
Risperadol 384
Roberts, John 376 377
Robinson, Julia 38
Rockefeller Foundation 53 84
Rockefeller, Nelson 336
Rogers, Adrienne 223
Rogers, Hartley 76 223 241
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 56
Rose, Wickliffe 53
Rosenberg, Ethel 110 185
Rosenberg, Julius 110 185
Rota, Gian-Carlo 59 162 220 223 236
Rota, Gian-Carlo, and onset of Nash’s schizophrenia 241 251
Rota, Gian-Carlo, Nash’s McLean commitment and 257
Rota, Terry 223
Roth, Al 150 362
Roth, Klaus F. 226
Rothschild, Michael 374
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 273
Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Letters 357
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 356—373
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, secrecy of 357 (see also “Nobel Prize in economics”)
Rubinstein, Ariel 354—355 360 362
Rudolf, Archduke 191
Russell, Bertrand 14 35 118
Russell, Henry Norris 51
Russell, Lindsay 172
Rutgers University 346
Sabin, Betty 195
SAC (Strategic Air Command) 121
Sacco, Nicola 261
Sackel, Manfred 293
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira 290
Samuelson, Paul A. 55 86 265 375
Samuelson, Paul A., at RAND 108 117
Samuelson, Paul A., Nobel awarded to 55 358 360
Samuelson, Paul A., on MIT 133 134
Samuelson, Paul A., on Nash’s parsimony 232—233
Santa Monica Evening Outlook 108 184 187
Sarnak, Peter 349
Sartre, Jean-Paul 15 271
Sass, Louis A. 18 295
Sayles, John 28
Schell, Haskell 250 251
Schelling, Thomas C. 111 115—116 122
Schelling, Thomas C., in Nobel deliberations 363 364
Schizophrenia 15—19 324
Schizophrenia, achievement impaired by 318—319
Schizophrenia, as episodic illness 345
Schizophrenia, causes of onset of 126 188
Schizophrenia, creativity and 15—16
Schizophrenia, genius and 19
Schizophrenia, Glass on 278
Schizophrenia, Haslam’s description of 275
Schizophrenia, insensitivity to pain in 328—329
Schizophrenia, negative symptoms of 328 352
Schizophrenia, studies on remission in 351—353
Schizophrenia, suicide and 308 352 353 John “Nash John Jr.”)
Schizophrenia, “extreme contrariness” in 271
Schlafli, Ludwig 157
Schneider, Mark 333
Schwartz, Jacob 159—160 162 231
Scott, Frank L. 302 306
Scott, T.H. 124
Segal, Irving K. 103
Selberg, Atle 229 230 232 241 245 296 297 312
Selberg, Atle, IAS membership arranged by 308
Selberg, Atle, visiting positions sought through 309
Selten, Reinhard 98 354 362 374
Selten, Reinhard, at 1961 conference 297
Selten, Reinhard, Nobel deliberations on 363 364 371 373
Serling, Rod 301
Serre, Jean-Pierre 312
Set theory, axiomatization of 81
Shapiro, Harold N. 147 245 367
Shapley, Harlow 39 100 152
Shapley, Lloyd S. 39 99—103 112 113 117 119 120 122 152 208 321 388
Shapley, Lloyd S., in Econometrics Society 354
Shapley, Lloyd S., in Nobel deliberations 363 364
Shapley, Lloyd S., Nash’s arrest and 187
Shapley, Lloyd S., on Nash’s illness 299—300
Shapley, Lloyd S., remission noted by 350
Shapley, Lloyd S., Sheldon, Elizabeth 27—28