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Soule C. — Lectures on Arakelov Geometry
Soule C. — Lectures on Arakelov Geometry

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Название: Lectures on Arakelov Geometry

Автор: Soule C.


Arakelov theory is a new geometric approach to diophantine equations. It combines algebraic geometry, in the sense of Grothendieck, with refined analytic tools such as currents on complex manifolds and the spectrum of Laplace operators. It has been used by Faltings and Vojta in their proofs of outstanding conjectures in diophantine geometry. This account presents the work of Gillet and Soulé, extending Arakelov geometry to higher dimensions. It includes a proof of Serre's conjecture on intersection multiplicities and an arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem. To aid number theorists, background material on differential geometry is described, but techniques from algebra and analysis are covered as well. Several open problems and research themes are also mentioned.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 185

Добавлена в каталог: 12.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$L^{2}$-metric      115 130
$L^{2}$-scalar product      40 102
$\lambda$-ring      17 27
*-product      50 53 62
Adams operations      18 36 74
Ample line bundle      7 72 157 162 167
Arakelov Chow group      68 73
Arakelov geometry      2 54 140
Arakelov variety      68
Arithmetic Chow group      5 54 55
Arithmetic cycle      5 55
Arithmetic surface      5 54 69
Arithmetic variety      3 55
Bezout theorem      71
Bott — Chern secondary characteristic class      6 59 72 79 80 83 132 140 143
Cauchy residue formula      3
Cauchy — Riemann operator      77
Chern character      6 72 84
Chern character form      79 84
Chern class      90
Chern form      41 76
Chow group      11 157
Chow group with support      12 86
Connection      76
Current      38 39
Curvature      77
Degree      68 70
Determinant line bundle      116 117 122 128
Determinant of the cohomology      6 115 122 132 140 157
Determinant of the Laplacian      113 116
Differential operator      101
Diophantine equations      1 50
Dirac operator      103 149
Direct image      6 14 92
Dirichlet’s box principle      168
Dolbeault complex      104 123 129 140 145
Duhamel’s formula      110 127 153
Exact category      31
Finite part      96 98 99
Frobenius endomorphism      28 139
Generalized Laplacian      101 103 104 112 124
Gersten conjecture      36 64
Grassmannian      49 72 113
Green current      5 37 40 49 54 55 140
Grothendieck group      12 20
Heat equation      105
Heat kernel      92 104
Height      2 54 70
Hermitian holomorphic connection      79 103 143 145
Hermitian line bundle      67
Hermitian metric      5 41 46 77
Hermitian vector bundle      5 84
Hodge conjecture      59
Hodge decomposition      40 68 134
Infinite descent      1
Intersect properly      11 60
Intersection multiplicity      11 51
Intersection pairing      36 59 60 70
Intersection theory      2 6 54
K-theory      10 12 31 57 64 74
Koszul complex      19
Laplace operator      92 103 122
Laplacian      40
Length      10
Levine form      49
Localization exact sequence      32
Locally Kahler      132 145
Logarithmic type      6 37 43 49 58
Minkowski’s theorem      8 164
Mordell conjecture      2 8 167
Moving Lemma      2 6 61 63 86
Nakai — Moishezon ampleness criterion      163
Nevalinna theory      49
Normal coordinates      106
Normalized Kahler form      102 131
Order      10
Poincare — Lelong formula      41 42 51 55 69 83
Product formula      3
Projection formula      14 65
Quillen metric      7 115 130 132 139 140 157
Ray — Singer analytic torsion      7 116 132 140 165
Regularization      92 93 99
Regulator      64 68
Resolution of singularities      40 48 53 55
Riemann — Roch — Grothendieck theorem      7 113 116 140 157
Riemann — Roch — Hirzebruch theorem      150 161
Segre class      90
Serre’s vanishing conjecture      15
Splitting principle      18 73
Stirling’s formula      93
Supercommutator      141
Superconnection      141 142
Supertrace      141
Tame symbol      34
Todd class      90 158
Trace-class      111
Unitary connection      78
Verification principle      18
Virtual hermitian vector bundle      73 161
Weight      29 74
Zeta function      92 93 96 100 113 160 162
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