Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Pierce B.C. — Basic category theory for computer scientists |
Предметный указатель |
Natural isomorphism 42
Natural transformation 42
Natural transformation, composition of 43
Natural transformation, evaluation as 43
Natural transformation, identity 42
Natural transformation, polymorphic function as 42
O-category 65
O-colimit 71
Object 1
Object, exponential 34
Object, initial 16
Object, product 18
Object, representing 44
Object, terminal 16
Operational semantics 59
Operator, generic 57—59
Order, partial 3
Order, pre- 6
Order-preserving 3
Pair, adjoint 47
Partial order 3
Partial order as category 6
Pointwise ordering 67
Polymorphism 42 55 80
powerset 35 38
Pre-category 3
Prefixed point 63
Preorder 6
Preserves limits 55
Product as adjunction 49
Product category 9
Product functor 49
Product map 19
Product object 18
Product, constrained 24
Product, distinguished 18
Product, indexed 19
Products, has 18
Profinite domain 80
Programming language (as category) 7
Projection 67
Projection arrow 18
Pullback 22
Pullback lemma 25
Pushout 26
Realization functor, minimal 52
| Recursion theory 77
Recursive domain equations 61—72 80
Representable functor 44
Representing object 44
rev (list reverse function) 42
Right adjoint 47
Right product functor 37 50
Russell's paradox 38
Semantic interpretation function 16
Semantics, algebraic 59 60
Semantics, functorial 55
Semantics, mathematical 59
Semantics, operational 59
Set 2
Set as category 44
Signature (of an algebra) 4
Size (foundational issues) 38
Sketch 73
Small category 38
Small category, locally 39
Small diagram 29
Specified see distinguished
Standard ML 74 79
Strictness analysis 80
Strongly connected graph, components as adjunction 51
Subcategory 9
Term algebra 16
Terminal object 16
Terminal object as adjunction 52
Terminology, origins 10
Theory, - 55
Theory, algebraic 75 77
Topos 73 77
Triple 77
Type constructors, categorical 79
Type theory 60
Typed -calculus see -calculus
Typing rules 54
Unification 76 80
Universal 21
Universal algebra 5 78
Universal construction 20
Universal property 21
Up to isomorphism 15
Upper bound 66
Upper bound within an isomorphism 15
Upper bound, least 66
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