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Schubert H. — Mathematical essays and recreations
Schubert H. — Mathematical essays and recreations

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Название: Mathematical essays and recreations

Автор: Schubert H.


Cornell University Library produced this volume to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. It was scanned using Xerox software and equipment at 600 dots per inch resolution and compressed prior to storage using CCITT Group 4 compression. The digital data were used to create Cornell's replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. The production of this volume was supported in part by the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Xerox Corporation.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Издание: 2-е издание

Год издания: 1903

Количество страниц: 161

Добавлена в каталог: 30.09.2012

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Предметный указатель
$\pi$      117 127 138
$\tau\varepsilon\tau\rho\alpha\gamma\omega\nu\iota\zeta\varepsilon\iota\nu$      115
Abstraction      95
Academy, French      112
Addition      76
Addition, associative law of      10
Addition, commutative law of      9
Ahmes      122
Alchwarizmi, Muhammed Ibn Musa      131
Algebraic curves, theory of      35
Alhaitam, Ibn      131
Analytical geometry      67
Anaxagoras      123
Antiphon      125
Apollonius      27 34
Approximation, constructions of      137
Arabs, magic squares of      42
Arabs, squaring of the circle among      128
Archimedes      27 113 117 126
Arithmetic      36
Arithmetic, monism in      8—26
Arithmetic, pure      8
Aryabhatta      129
Association, laws of      18
Associative law of addition      10
Augend      10
Axioms, Euclid's      79
Aztecs      5 73
Babylonians, squaring of the circle among      122
Bacteriology      36
Basselin      136
Beman, W.W.      143
Bhaskara      129
Bible, speaks of four dimensions      106
Bible, squaring of the circle in the      123
Bischoff, Professor      136
Boehm      137
Bolyai      37 79
Bovillius      132
Brahmagupta      130
Brouncker, Lord      138
Bryson      125
Cagliostro      102
Calculus, differential      29
Cardan      13
Cards, problem at      51
Chemistry      37
Chemistry, application of the idea of multi-dimensioned space to theoretical      88
Chess-knight, magic squares that involve the move of the      57
Chinese      130
Chinese, squaring of the circle among      128
Christian nations, squaring of the circle among      128
Cipher      13
Circle-squarers      113
Circumversion, congruence by      81
Clairvoyance      103
Clavius      133
Clebsch, Alfred      35
Clerget      136
clocks      4
Commutation      15—18
Commutative law of addition      9
complex numbers      24 35
Concentric magic squares      55
configurations      88
Congruent figures      80
Conic sections      34
Construction, problems of      118
Continuous functions      28
Copernicus      94
Corsonich, Lieutenant Colonel      136
Counting      1 9 72
Cranz      65 101
Culvasutras      129
Cumberland      111
Curvature of space      85
Curvature, negative      81
Curvature, positive      81
Curvature, zero      82
Cyclometry      127
Dase, Zacharias      139
Davis, the American visionary      102
De Cusa, Nicolas      131
De la Hire      45 46 51 53
de Meziriac, Bachet      45 46
De Morgan      41 113 140 141
De Serres, Oliver      136
Definitional formulae      11 21
Degree, numbers of      19
DEGREES      128
Depth      94
Descartes      67
Detraction      11
Difference      11
Differential forms      13 74
Dimension, concept of      65
Dinostratus      124
Displacement, congruence by      81
Distance of objects      96
Du Prel, Carl      105
Duerer, Albert      40 43 45
Dumas, Alexander      102
Duplication of the cube      30
Egyptians, the squaring of the circle among      122
Eisenlohr      29 122
Equations between x, y, and z      70
Ether      75
Etruscans      3
Euclid      28 37 78 126
Euclid's axioms      79—82
Euler      117 137
Evolution      20 21
Extension of notions in mathematics      75
Finaeus, Orontius      132
fingers      1
Fingers in reckoning      4
Five as a numeral basis      5
Foundation-principle      14
Four variable quantities      77
Four-dimensional point-aggregates      72
Four-dimensioned space, refutation of the existence of      89
Fourth degree, operation of      76
Fourth dimension, the      64—111
Fractional numbers, negative      18
Fractions      17
Functions, Theory of      35
Ganeca      129
Gauss      37 79 99
Geometry      37
Geometry, origin of      33
Glaukon      98
Grassmann      9
Greeks      3 13
Greeks, squaring of the circle among      115 122
Gregory of St. Vincent      133
Gregory, James      135 138
Gudian manuscript      128
Halley      139
Hamlet      41
hankel      9 14
Harmony of the spheres      63
Have, Mr.      101
Helmholtz      37 79
Hermite, Professor      142
Herodotus      33
Hesse      136
Hindus      13
Hindus, mathematical performances of the      128
Hindus, squaring of the circle among      128
Hippias      123 124
Hippocrates      125
history      33
Hobbes      136
homer      84
Hugel      61
Hume      39
Huygens      135 136
imaginary numbers      23 35
Impossibility of demonstration      116
Increment      10
Infinitely great      19 85
Insoluble problems      30 143
Involution      19 21 76
Irrational numbers      23
Jones, W.      117
Kant      39 98
Kepler      34
Kircher, Athanasius      45
Klein, Felix      31 143
Knight, move of a      52
Knight-problem      58
Knots, experiment with the      103 105
Kochansky      61 137
kronecker      7 9
Lagny      139
Lambert      32 141
Law of association      15
legendre      80 141
Leibnitz      28 138
Leistner      136
Lessing      30
Liger      136
Limits      125
Lindemann      31 116 142
Livy      2
Lobachevski      37 79
Local value, Hindu system of      3
Logarithm, finding of the      20
Logarithmand      21
Longomontanus      133
Ludolf      137
Lunes of Hippocrates      126
Luther      101
Machin      139
Magic cubes      61
Magic squares      39—63
Magic Squares with magical parts      56
Magic Squares, concentric      55
Magic Squares, even-numbered      49
Magic Squares, odd-numbered      44
Magic Squares, problem and origin of      42
Magic Squares, that involve the move of the chess-knight      57
Magic Squares, whose summation gives the number of a year      53
Mathematical knowledge on the nature of      27—38
Mathematical knowledge, characteristics of      35
Mathematical knowledge, intrinsic character of      27
Mathematics      39
Mathematics, most conservative of all sciences      27
Mathematics, self-sufficiency of      32
Mathulon      136
Measuring      17
Mechanical instruments of geometry      120
Mechanics      38
Mediums      107
Melancholy      40 41
Merkel      136
Methods, discovery of      35
Metius, Peter      132 133
Mexico, ancient      3
Mill, J.S.      39
Milton      41
Minerva      3
Minus sign      11
Minutes      128
Models of three-dimensional nets      78
Monism in arithmetic      8—26
Monist, The      39
Moschopulus      45
Multi-dimensional magnitudes and spaces      67 77
Multiplication      15 77
Mysticism      39
N-dimensional totalities      69
Named number      6
Negative exponents      20 21
negative numbers      12 16 18 74
Newton      28 34 138
Nonius, Petrus      132
Notation, systems of      6
Number, abstract      7
Number, as the result of counting      9
Number, complex      24 35
Number, denominate      4
Number, forms of      14
Number, notation and definition of      1—7
Number-pictures and signs, natural      2
Number-words, natural      4
Numbering      6
Numbers, as symbols      7
numbers, imaginary      23 35
Numbers, irrational      23
Numbers, real      23
Numeral words      4
Numeral words in the Indo-Germanic tongues      5
Numeral words, compound      4
Numeral writing      2
Numerals, the formation of      5
Numeration      1
Numeri ficti      13
Numeri veri      13
Pappus      124
Parallels, theory of      28 79
Parting      17
Perception      95
Physics      8 33 38
Plato      39 98
Polygons, magical      59
Porta, John      133
Postulates      121
Powers      20
Prime numbers, problem of the frequency of      31
Principle of no exception      14
Prizes offered circle-squarers      116
Probabilities      141
Problems, fundamental      120
Problems, solvable with straight edge and compasses      142
Ptolemy      32 128 129
Pure arithmetic      8
Pythagoras      27 123 136
Quadratrix      124
Quadrature of the circle in Egypt      114
Quadrature of the circle, numerical      117
Quadrature of the circle, stands and falls with the problem of rectification      119
Quantities, four variable      77
Quantities, negative      12
Quaternions      25
Radicand      20
Rays      69
Real numbers      23
Rectification of the circle, numerical      117
Regiomontanus      132
Rhind papyrus      29 122
Riemann      37 79 100
Riese, Adam      45
Romans      3 73
Romans, squaring of the circle among      128
Romanus, Adrianus      133 134
Rudio      127 141
Sauveur      45 61
Scaliger, Joseph      133
Scheffler      45 46 59 61
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