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Carleson L., Gamelin T.W. — Complex dynamics |
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Admissible metric 91
Ahlfors, L.V. vi 19
Airplane set 129
Area theorem 1
Arnold ring 74
Arnold, V.I. 44 48
Attracting cycle 54
Attracting direction 40
Attracting fixed point 27 31
Attracting flower 127
Attracting periodic point 54
Attracting petal 38
Baker, I.N. 70
Basin of attraction 28
Basin of attraction, of attracting cycle 58
Basin of attraction, of parabolic cycle 60
Beardon, A.F. 64 79
Beltrami coefficient 16
Beltrami equation 16
Beurling transform 18
Beurling, A. 14
Bieberbach, L. 5
Binary expansion 142
Bishop, C. v
Blanchard, P. v
Boettcher, L.E. (Bottcher, Botkher) 33
Boundary scanning method 65
Brjuno, A.D. 46
Brooks, R. 128
Budding 132
Caratheodory, C. 6
Caratheodory’s theorem 6
Carleson, L. 86 139
Cauchy — Green formula 17
Cauliflower set 97 115 130
Cayley, A. 29
Completely invariant set 56
Conjugation 28
Covering map 10
Cremer, H. 43
Critical point 54
Critical point, closure of forward orbit, CL 81
Cycle, attractive 148
Cycle, repulsive 173
Cycle, repulsive of Mandelbrot set 139
da Rocha, L.F. 64
deBranges, L. 5
Dendrite 94
Denjoy, A. 48 79
Dilatation 16
Diophantine number 43
Distance-estimator algorithm 141
Distortion theorem 3
Douady, A. 29 62 97 99 134 140
Douady’s rabbit 122 129
Ellipse field 16
Entire functions of finite order 33
Eremenko, A.E. 113 161
Exceptional set 57
Expanding map 89
External angle 137 140
External ray 137 140
Fatou set, 54
Fatou, P. 53 62 63 91
Feigenbaum point 133 141
Filled-in Julia set, 65
Fixed point 27
Fornaess, J.E. 138 161
Golden mean 84 127
Green’s function 14 34
Green’s function of Julia set 136
Green’s lines 137
Hausdorff dimension 65 139
Herman ring 74 103
Herman, M. 48 86 103 122
Hubbard, J. 29 99 134 140
Hyperbolic components of interior of M 128 133
Hyperbolic components of interior of M, center 136
Hyperbolic components of interior of M, root 132
Hyperbolic mapping 89
Hyperbolic metric 11
Immediate basin of attraction 28 58
Inverse iteration method 57
Jacobian, 15
John domain 117
Jones, P. vi
Julia set 54
Julia set, area 90
Julia set, capacity 137
Julia set, connectedness 66
Julia set, dimension 139
Julia set, equals C 58 82
| Julia set, filled-in 65
Julia set, hyperbolic 89
Julia set, local connectedness 93
Julia set, uniformly perfect 64
Julia, G. 53 63
KAM theory 44
Kleinian group 91
Koebe one-quarter theorem 2
Koenigs, G. 31
Kolmogorov, A.N. 44
Kuusalo, T. 48
Lattes, S. 30
Levin, G.M. 113
Lindelof, E. 6
Liouville, J. 43
Littlewood, J.E. 5
Locally connected set 6
Lyubich, M.Yu. v 161
Main cardioid 126
Mandelbrot set 124
Mandelbrot set, connectedness 140
Mandelbrot, B. 128
Mane, R. 64
Matelski, J.P. 128
Milnor, J. v 141
Misiurewicz point 133
Modular function 10
Montel, P. 5 9
Montel’s theorem 10
Moser, J. 44
Multiplier of fixed point 27
Multiplier of periodic point 54
Neutral fixed point 27
Neutral fixed point, irrational 27 41
Neutral fixed point, rational 27 35
Newton’s method 30
Normal family 5
Orbit 53
Parabolic component 74
Parabolic fixed point 37
Peitgen, H.-O. v
Period doubling of Feigenbaum 132
Periodic component of Fatou set 69 74
Periodic point 54
Petal 38
Pfeifer, G.A. 43
Pick, G. 13
Poincare (hyperbolic) metric 11
Poincare, H. 48
Polynomial-like mapping 99
Pommerenke, Ch. 64
Postcritical set 81
Preperiodic component of 70
Preperiodic point 54
Quasicircle 101
Quasiconformal mapping 16
Quasiconformal mapping, k-quasiconformal mapping 16
Quasiconformal surgery 99
Raphson, J. 30
Rationally neutral fixed point 27 35
Repelling arm 113
Repelling fixed point 27 32
Repelling periodic point 54
Repelling periodic point, dense in Julia set 63
Repulsive cycle 172
Richter, P. v
Riemann mapping theorem 5
Robin’s constant 35
Rotation domain 74
Rotation number 47
Schroder equation 29 41
Schroder, E. 29
Shishikura, M. vi 62 104 105 153
Sibony, N. 138 140 161
Siegel disk 55
Siegel, C.L. 43
Snail Lemma 77
Stolz angle 7
Subhyperbolic mapping 92
Sullivan, D. 15 70 97 105 134
Superattracting cycle 54 128
Superattracting fixed point 27 33
Tan Lei 153
Thurston, W. 141
Uniformization theorem 11
Uniformly perfect set 64
Univalent mapping 1
Universal covering surface 10
Wandering domain 70
Wolff — Denjoy theorem 79
Wolff, J. 79
Yakobson, M.V. 121
Yoccoz, J.-C. 46 48 86
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