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Rudin W. — Real and complex analysis
Rudin W. — Real and complex analysis

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Название: Real and complex analysis

Автор: Rudin W.


This is an advanced text for the one- or two-semester course in analysis taught primarily to math, science, computer science, and electrical engineering majors at the junior, senior or graduate level.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3rd edition

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 416

Добавлена в каталог: 14.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Index of cycle      218
Index of path      203
Infimum      7
Infinite product      298
Initial point      200
Inner factor      344
Inner function      342
Inner product      76 89
Inner regular set      47
integral      19 24
Integration      19
Integration by parts      157
Integration of derivative      146 148 149
Integration over cycle      218
Integration over measurable set      20
Integration over path      200
Integration with respect to complex measure      129
Interior      267
Interpolation      173 260 304
Intersection      6
interval      7
Invariant subspace      188 346
Inverse image      7
Inverse mapping      7 215
inversion      280
Inversion formula      181
Inversion theorem      185 186
Invertible element      357
Isolated singularity      210 266
Isometry      84
Isomorphism      86
Iterated integral      165
Jacobian      150 250
Jensen's formula      307
Jensen's inequality      62
Jordan curve      291
Jordan decomposition      119
Jordan, C      5
Kahane, J.P.      401
Kaufman, R.P.      399 437
Kirk, R.B.      398
Koebe function      285 401
Laplace equation      232
Laplacian      195
Laurent series      230
Least upper bound      7
Lebesgue decomposition      121
Lebesgue integrable function      24
Lebesgue integral      19
Lebesgue measurable set      51
Lebesgue measure      51
Lebesgue point      138 159 241
Lebesgue, H.J.      5 21 397 399
Left-continuous function      157
Left-hand limit      157
Length      159 202
Limit, pointwise      14
Limit, pointwise, in mean      67
Limit, pointwise, in measure      74
Limit, pointwise, of measurable functions      14
Lindeloef's theorem      259
linear combination      82
Linear fractional transformation      27
Linear independence      82
Linear transformation      33
Linearly ordered set      87
Liouville's theorem      212 220 359
Lipschitz condition      113
Littlewood, J.E.      173 399
Locally compact space      36
Locally integrable function      194
Logarithm      227 274
Lowdenslager, D.      348
Lower half plane      237
Lower limit      14
Lower semicontinuous function      37
Lusin's theorem      55
Mandelbrojt, S.      402
Mapping      7; see also “Function”
Mapping, continuous      8
mapping, one-to-one      7
Mapping, open      99 214
Marcinkiewicz, J.      173
Maximal function      136 138 241
Maximal ideal      362 364
Maximal orthonormal set      85
Maximal subalgebra      366
Maximality theorem      87 396
Maximum modulus theorem      110 212
Mean value property      237
Measurable function      8 29
Measurable set      8
Measurable space      8
Measure      17
Measure representing      109
Measure space      16
Measure translation-invariant      51
Measure, $\sigma$-finite      47
Measure, absolutely continuous      120
Measure, Borel      47
Measure, complete      28
Measure, complex      16
Measure, continuous      175
Measure, counting      18
Measure, discrete      175
Measure, Lebesgue      51
Measure, positive      16
Measure, real      16
Measure, regular      47
Measure, signed      119
Measure, singular      120
Mergelyan's theorem      390 394
Meromorphic function      224 304
Metric      9
Metric density      141
Metric space      9
Minkowski's inequality      63 177
Mirkil,H.      402
Mittag — Leffler theorem      273
Modular function      328
Modular group      328
Monodromy theorem      327
Monotone class      160
Monotone Convergence Theorem      21
Monotonicity      17 42
Morera's theorem      208
Moschovakis, Y.N.      401
Muentz — Szasz theorem      313 318
Multiplication operator      114 347
Multiplicative inequality      356
Multiplicative linear functional      364
Multiplicity of a zero      209
Natural boundary      320 330
Negative part      15
Negative variation      119
Neighborhood      9 35
Neumann, J. von      122 398 399
Nevanlinna, R.      311
Nicely shrinking sequence      140
Nonmeasurable set      53 157 167
Nontangential approach region      240
Nontangential limit      243 340
Nontangential maximal function      241 340
Norm      65 76 95 96
Norm-preserving extension      106
Normal family      281
Normed algebra      356
Normed linear space      95
Novinger, W.P.      398
Nowhere dense      98
Nowhere differentiable function      114
Null space      362
Null-homotopic curve      222
One-parameter family      222 326
One-to-one mapping      7
Onto      7
Open ball      9
Open cover      35
Open mapping theorem      99 214 216
Open set      8
Opposite path      201
Orbit      317
Order of entire function      315
Order of pole      210
Order of zero      209
Ordinal      59
Ordinate set      174 399
Oriented interval      202
Orthogonal projection      80
Orthogonality      79
Orthogonality relations      82
Orthonormal basis      85
Orthonormal set      82
Ostrowski, A.      321
Outer factor      344
Outer function      342
Outer measure      397
Outer regular set      47
Overconvergence      321
Paley — Wiener theorems      372 375
Parallelogram law      80
Parameter interval      200
Parseval's identity      85 91 187 212
Partial derivative      231
Partial fractions      267
Partial product      298
Partial sum of Fourier series      83 91 101 354
Partially ordered set      86
Partition of set      116
Partition of unity      40
Path      200
Periodic function      2 88 93 156
Perron, O.      144
Phragmen — Lindelof method      256
Picard theorem      332
Plancherel theorem      186
Plancherel transform      186
Pointwise limit      14
Poisson integral      112 233 240 252
Poisson kernel      111 233
Poisson summation formula      195
Polar coordinates      175
Polar representation of measure      125
Pole      210 267
Polynomial      110
Positive linear functional      34 40 109
Positive measure      16
Positive part      15
Positive variation      119
Positively oriented circle      202
Power series      198
Pre-image      7
Preservation of angles      278
Prime end      401
Principal ideal      305
Principal part      211
Product measure      164
Projection      80
Proper subset      6
Punctured disc      196
Quasi-analytic class      378
Quotient algebra      363
Quotient norm      363
Quotient space      363
Rademacher functions      158
Radial limit      239
Radial maximal function      241
Radical      369
Radius of convergence      198
Rado's theorem      263
Radon — Nikodym derivative      122 140
Radon — Nikodym theorem      121
Ramey, W.      400
RANGE      7
Rational function      267 276
Real line      7
Real measure      16
Real-linear functional      105
rectangle      160
Reflection principle      237
Region      197
Regular Borel measure      47
Regular point      319
Removable set      333
Removable singularity      210
Representable by power series      198
Representation theorems      40 81 130
Representing measure      109 398
Residue      224
Residue theorem      224
Resolvent      369
Restriction      109
Rickert, N.W.      399
Riemann integral      5 34
Riemann mapping theorem      283 295
Riemann sphere      266
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma      103
Riesz representation theorem      34 40 130
Riesz — Fischer theorem      85 91
Riesz, F.      34 341 397 400
Riesz, M.      341 350 401
Right-hand derivative      399
Root test      198
Rotation      279
Rotation-invariance      51 195
Rouche's theorem      225 229
Rubel, L.A.      401
Runge's theorem      270 272 387
Saks, S.      397
scalar      33
Scalar product      76
Schwartz, J.T.      399
Schwarz inequality      49 63 77
Schwarz lemma      254
Schwarz reflection principle      237
Schwarz, H.A.      400
Second category      98
Section      161
Segment      7
Separable space      92 247
Set      6
Set $\mathrm{F}_\sigma$      12
Set $\mathrm{G}_\delta$      12
Set, Borel      13
Set, closed      13 35
Set, compact      36
Set, connected      196
Set, convex      79
Set, dense      58
Set, elementary      161
Set, empty      6
Set, inner regular      47
Set, measurable      8 51
Set, nonmeasurable      53 157 167
Set, open      7
Set, outer regular      47
Set, partially ordered      86
Set, strictly convex      112
Set, totally disconnected      58
Set, totally ordered      87
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