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Hull J.C. — Options, futures and other derivatives |
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Value at risk (VaR), Monte Carlo simulation 359
Value at risk (VaR), principal components analysis 360—363
Value at risk (VaR), quadratic model 356—359
Value at risk (VaR), RiskMetrics and 375
Value at risk (VaR), time horizon 348
Value at risk (VaR), variance-covariance approach 350—352
Value at risk (VaR), volatilities and 350—352
Variance rate 372 713
Variance rate, estimating constant variance, maximum likelihood methods 378—379
Variance reduction procedures 414—418 713
Variance reduction procedures,antithetic variable technique 414—415
Variance reduction procedures,control variate technique 415
Variance reduction procedures,importance sampling 415
Variance reduction procedures,moment matching 416
Variance reduction procedures,quadratic resampling 416
Variance reduction procedures,quasi-random sequences 416—417
Variance reduction procedures,representative sampling through a tree 417—418
Variance reduction procedures,stratified sampling 415—416
Variance swap 605
Variance targeting 380
Variance-covariance matrix approach, value at risk 350—352 713
Variation margin 24 713
Vasicek, O.A. 539 567
Vega 316—318 713
Vega neutral portfolio 318 713
Vega, estimating, using binomial tree 398
Vega, interest rate derivatives 531
Veit, W.T. 119
Vetterling, W.T. 379 416 417 429 565
Vijh, A.M. 450
Viswanath, P.V. 64
Viswanathan, R. 479
Volatility matrix 714 (see also “Volatility surface”)
Volatility skew 334 585 713
Volatility smile 330 714
Volatility smile, equity options 334—336
Volatility smile, foreign currency options 331—334
Volatility surface 336—337 460
Volatility swap 605 714
Volatility, interest rate derivatives, flat volatility 518—519
Volatility, interest rate derivatives, forward rate volatility 579
Volatility, interest rate derivatives, spot volatility 518—519
Volatility, interest rate derivatives, volatility skew 585
Volatility, stock prices 713
Volatility, stock prices, Black — Scholes model and 238—241 330—331
| Volatility, stock prices, causes of 251—252
Volatility, stock prices, defined 168 211—212
Volatility, stock prices, estimating 239—241 372—374 “GARCH”)
Volatility, stock prices, forecast future volatility 382—385
Volatility, stock prices, implied 250—251 286
Volatility, stock prices, portfolio insurance and stock market volatility 323
Volatility, stock prices, term structure, volatility of stock return 336—337 384 714
Volatility, stock prices, volatility skew 334
Volatility, stock prices, volatility surface 336—337 460
Vorst, A. 443 450
Vorst, T.C.F. 465
Wakeman, L.M. 147 444 450
Wall Street Journal 27—30 53 57 104 105—106 155—157 270—272 276—277 279—282
Wall, L.D. 147
Walter, U. 589
Warrant 162—163 249—250 714
Wash sale rule 161—162
Weakening of the basis 75
Weather derivatives 15 679—680 714
Weather Risk Management Association (WRMA) 679
Weber, T. 589
Welch, W.W. 198
Whaley, R.E. 255 256 258 290 342 427 429
White, A. 147 318 325 333 365 406 415 425 428 429 459 462 472 473 479 501 546 552 558 560 564 567 568 571 580 582 585 589 630 633 641 644 656
Whitelaw, R. 364
Wiener process 218—221 714
Wild card play 108—109 714
Wilmott, P. 365 429
Wolf, A. 290
Writing a covered call 185
Writing an option 8 714
Xu, X. 342
Yates, J.W. 198
Yield 714
Yield curve 714
Zero curve 97—98
Zero curve, shape of zero curve, theories 102
Zero rate 94 96—98
Zero-cost collar 435
Zero-coupon bond 714
Zero-coupon interest rate 714 (see also “Zero rate”)
Zero-coupon yield curve 714 (see also “Zero curve”)
Zhang, P.G. 695
Zhu, Y. 359 365
Zou J. 606
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