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Hull J.C. — Options, futures and other derivatives
Hull J.C. — Options, futures and other derivatives

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Íàçâàíèå: Options, futures and other derivatives

Àâòîð: Hull J.C.


This book is an excellent introduction and guide to derivatives. It's also a good reference - there's enough information so that you probably won't feel you need to buy another, deeper book.
The emphasis is on a description of the various products, as well as how to price them. The emphasis stays on the theory of pricing, rather than delving right down into computer algorithms, so if you need to write derivatives software, I recommend the excellent 'C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing' by Mark Joshi - but read this book first.
This should definitely be your first book on derivatives. Only after reading several other books on derivatives, after first reading 'Hull', did I realise how clear his book is, and how some other authors manage to make things so confusing.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 5th edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 744

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.02.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Sandor, R.L.      684
Sankarasubramanian, L.      450 568 590
Santa-Clara, P.      586
Scalper      32 711
Scenario analysis      319—320 689 692 711
Schaefer, S.M.      567
Schneller, M.      249
Scholes, M.      234 249 258 341
Schroder, M.      480
Schultz, P.      249 342
Schwager, J.D.      38
Schwartz, E.S.      290 429 474 480 543 567 586 590 666 667 675 676
Scott, J.S.      198
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)      34 161 711
Segmentation theory, shape of zero curve      102
Seller default risk      643—644
Senchak, A.J.      119
Settlement price      27 711
Share Price Index      53
Shastri, K.      342
Shell      686 688
Short hedge      71 711
Short position      2 8 20 711
Short rate      537 711
Short rate, calibration      564—565
Short rate, Cox, Ingersoll, Ross model      542—543
Short rate, equilibrium models      537—538
Short rate, general tree-building procedure      552—563
Short rate, Ho — Lee model      544—546
Short rate, Hull — White model      546—549
Short rate, interest rate trees      550—552
Short rate, no-arbitrage models      543—544
Short rate, nonstationary models      563—564
Short rate, one-factor equilibrium models      538
Short rate, Rendleman and Bartter model      538—539
Short rate, two-factor equilibrium models      543
Short rate, Vasicek model      539—542
Short selling      41—42 711
Short squeezed investor      42
Short-term risk-free rate      see “Short rate”
Shorting      41—42
Shout option      443 712
Siegel's paradox      499—500
sigma      see “Vega”
Simulation      712
Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX)      19
Singleton, K.      633
Slivka, R.      198
Smith, C.W.      147 258
Smith, D.J.      605 606
Smith, T.      257
Smithson, C.W.      147
Sobol', I.M.      417 429
Sondermann, D.      577 590
Sosin, H.      441 450
Specialist      712
Speculation, using futures      11—12
Speculation, using options      12—13
Speculator      10 11—12 32—33 693—694 712
Spindel, M.      589
Spot contract      2
Spot option      288
Spot option, futures option compared to      288—289
Spot price      4—5 712
Spot price, convergence of futures price to      23—24
Spot price, futures prices and expected future spot prices      31 61—63
Spot rate      94 712
Spot volatility      518—519 712
Spread option      712
Spread trading strategy      187—194
Spread transaction      26 712
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index      52 610 638
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, 100 Index (OEX)      152 270 273
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, 500 Index (SPX)      32 52 55 152 270 279 360
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, 500 Index futures      32 52 54
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, futures option      279
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, MidCap 400 Index      52
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, Mini S&P 500 futures      52
Standard and Poor's (S&P) Index, options      152 270 273
Standard Oil      14
Stapleton, R.S.      429
Static hedging scheme      303 712
Static options replication      447—449 712
Stegun, I.      248
Step-up swap      594 712
Sticky cap      581—582
Sticky delta rule      337
Sticky strike rule      337
Stochastic process      216 712
Stochastic variable      712
Stochastic volatility models      458—460
Stock dividend      712
Stock index      52—54 712
Stock index futures      see “Index futures”
Stock index options      see “Index options”
Stock option      152—55 712
Stock option value, American options on dividend-paying stock      179 254—256
Stock option value, American options on non-dividend-paying stock      247
Stock option value, analytic approximation to American option prices      427
Stock option value, assumptions      170—171
Stock option value, binomial tree      200—210 212—213
Stock option value, binomial tree pricing formulas      202—203 207 212—213 269—270
Stock option value, Black — Scholes model      268—269
Stock option value, bounds, for dividend-paying stocks      178—179 267—268
Stock option value, bounds, for non-dividend-paying stocks      171—174
Stock option value, dividend yield      267—270
Stock option value, dividends      154—155 178—179 186—187 252—256
Stock option value, European options on a dividend-paying stock      178—179 252—253
Stock option value, European options on a non-dividend-paying stock      171—174 246—248
Stock option value, European options on a stock paying a known dividend yield      267—270
Stock option value, factors affecting prices      167—170
Stock option value, implied distribution and lognormal distribution      334—335
Stock option value, put-call parity      174—175 179 186—187 268 330—331
Stock option value, risk-neutral valuation      269
Stock option value, single large jump in asset anticipated      338—339
Stock option value, stock's expected return and      203
Stock option value, volatility smile (skew)      334—336
Stock option, commissions      157—158
Stock option, dividend and stock split      154—155
Stock option, executive      163
Stock option, expiration dates      152—153
Stock option, flex option      154 273
Stock option, long-term equity anticipation securities (LEAPS)      153 273
Stock option, margins      159—160
Stock option, naked      159
Stock option, position and exercise limits      155
Stock option, quotations      155—157
Stock option, regulations of      161
Stock option, specification of      152—155
Stock option, strike prices      153 167—168
Stock option, taxation      161—162
Stock option, terminology      153—154
Stock option, trading      157
Stock prices, expected return      237—238
Stock prices, lognormal property      227—228 234—236
Stock prices, rate of return, distribution of      236—237
Stock prices, the process for      222—225
Stock prices, volatility      238—241
Stock split      154—155 712
Stock split, stock dividend and      154—155
Stock split, stock options and      155
Stock split, stock prices and      154
Stock’s expected return      237—238
Stock’s expected return, stock option price and      203
Stoll, H.R.      182 290
Stop order      33
Stop-and-limit order      33
Stop-limit order      33
Stop-loss order      33
Stop-loss strategy      300—302
Storage cost      58 712
Straddle      194—195 712
Straddle, straddle purchase      195
Straddle, straddle write      195
Strangle      196 712
Strap      195—196 712
Stratified sampling, variance reduction procedure      415—416
Strengthening of the basis      75
Stress testing      360 689 692 712
Strickland, C.      428 450 684
Strike price      6 712
Strip      195—196 687 712
Stripped mortgage-backed securities      587
Stulz, R.M.      88 450 656
Stutzer, M.      480
Subrahmanyam, M.G.      290 429
Sumitomo      686 687 690
Sundaresan, M.      65 290
Suo, W.      461 480
Swap rate      134—135 527 712
Swap rate, bid      135
Swap rate, offer      135
Swap zero curve      111 136
Swaps      125 712
Swaps, accrual      603
Swaps, amortizing      594
Swaps, basis      595
Swaps, cancelable      603—604
Swaps, cancelable compounding      604—605
Swaps, commodity      605
Swaps, comparative-advantage argument      131—134 141—143
Swaps, compounding      595—598
Swaps, confirmations      130—131
Swaps, constant maturity swap (CMS)      599—600
Swaps, constant maturity Treasury swap (CMT)      600—601
Swaps, correlation      605
Swaps, covariance      605
Swaps, credit risk and      145—146
Swaps, currency      see “Currency swaps”
Swaps, deferred      521
Swaps, defined      125
Swaps, differential (diff swap)      601
Swaps, equity      601—602
Swaps, forward      521
Swaps, index amortizing rate      605
Swaps, indexed principal      605
Swaps, interest rate      see “Interest rate swaps”
Swaps, LIBOR-in-arrears      599
Swaps, step-up      594
Swaps, variance      605
Swaps, volatility      605
Swaptions      520 712
Swaptions, Bermudan swaptions      586
Swaptions, European swaption valuation      521—522 582—584
Swaptions, forward risk-neutral valuation and Black's model      523—524
Swaptions, implied volatilities      522—523
Swaptions, relation to bond options      521
Swing option, energy market      681 712
Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE)      19
Synthetic option      320 712
Systematic risk      61 62 488 713
Tailing the hedge      82
Take-and-pay option, energy market      681 713
Tandon, K.      342
Tavakoli, J.M.      656
Tax      35—36 161—162
Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997      35 162
Taylor, H.M.      229
Taylor, S.J.      342
Telser, L.G.      64
Tenor      515
Term repo      94
Term structure models, interest rates      537 713
Term structure theories, shape of zero curve      102
Terminal value      713
Teukolsky, S.A.      379 416 417 429 565
Teweles, R.J.      38
Theta      309—311 713
Theta, estimating, using binomial tree      398
Theta, relationship with delta and gamma      315—316
Thomas, C.P.      342
Thomson, R.      695
Tilley, J.A.      325 474 480
Time decay      309 713
Time value      154 713
Time-of-day order      33
Time-to-expiration effects      168
Timing adjustment      527—529 713
Timing adjustment, accrual swap      603
Timing adjustment, constant maturity swap (CMS)      600
To-arrive contract      1
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (TIFFE)      19
Tokyo Stock Exchange      52
Tompkins, R.      337
Top straddles      195
Top vertical combinations      196
Total return swap      644—645 713
Toy, W.      563 567
Tradeable derivatives, prices of      244
Traders, types of      10—14 32—33
Trading irregularities      35
Trading strategies, for single option and stock      185—187
Trading strategies, involving options combinations      194—196
Trading strategies, spreads      187—194
Tranches      646
Transaction cost      309 713
Traub, J.      429
Treasury bill      104 713
Treasury bill futures      713
Treasury bond      103—104 713
Treasury bond futures      104—110 713
Treasury bond futures option      279 282
Treasury bond futures, cheapest-to-deliver bond      108
Treasury bond futures, conversion factors      106—107
Treasury bond futures, quotations      105—106
Treasury bond futures, quoted futures price      109—110
Treasury bond futures, wild card play      108—109
Treasury note      713
Treasury note futures      21 22 713
Treasury rate      45 93
Treasury rate, zero rate      94 95 96—98
TREE      713
Trevor, R.      480
Trigeorgis, L.      676
Trinomial tree      713
Trinomial tree, for stock prices      408—409
Trinomial tree, relation to finite difference method      424—425
Triple witching hour      713
Tsiveriotis, K.      653 656
Turnbull, S.M.      147 444 450 590 627 633 636 656
U.S. Department of Energy      679
U.S. dollar index      53
U.S. Treasury Department      34
Ulrig-Homberg, M.      589
Underlying variable      713
Unsystematic risk      61 488 713
Up-and-in calls      440 713
Up-and-in puts      440 713
Up-and-out calls      440 713
Up-and-out puts      440 713
Uptick      42 713
Value additivity      618
Value at Risk (VaR)      346 713
Value at risk (VaR), conditional VaR (C-VaR)      347—348
Value at risk (VaR), diversification and      352
Value at risk (VaR), historical simulation      346 348—350
Value at risk (VaR), historical simulation, comparedwith model building      359—360
Value at risk (VaR), linear model      352—355
Value at risk (VaR), model building approach      346 350—352
Value at risk (VaR), model building approach, , compared with historical simulation      359—360
1 2 3 4 5 6
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