Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Eisenbud D. — Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 |
Предметный указатель |
Monomial ideal 73 74
Monomial order on 287
Monomial support 75
monomialCurveIdeal 18
MonomialIdeal 74
Multiplicity 61 69
Nilpotent orbits 56
Normaliz 203
Normalization 203
Normally ordered expression 287
NP-complete 81
nullhomotopy 134
Number field 277
One-parameter family 68
Oo 48
Pfaffan complex 268
Pluecker coordinate 115 121 122 127
Pluecker embedding 115
Pluecker ideal 115
Poincare series 162
polarCone.m2 207
Polarization 92
Polyhedral subdivision 190
Polynomial equations 101 103
Polynomial equations, deficient 101
Polynomial equations, overdetermined 117
Positions 34
Prepend 44
Presentation 21
Presentation minimal 25
Primary decomposition 30 77 81 84
print 46
Printing to a file 48
Product rule 289 291
Projective space 17
Prune 25
Quadratic form 113 121
Random curves 253
Random nodal curve 254
Random points 253
Rank 1 linear syzygy 272
Rational normal curve 118
Rational normal scroll 34
Rational parameterization 56
Rational quartic curve 63 93
Reduced Ext module 149
Reduced form 19
Reduced ring of cohomology operators 149
Rees algebra 64
res 21
Resolution 150
Resolution, free 21
Riemann — Roch theorem, geometric 34
Ring of cohomology operators 147
Ring, making one 47
saturate 29
Saturation 29 55 62 103 123
SCAN 45 167
Scheme over a number field 60
Scheme, affne 55 64
Scheme, arithmetic 55
Scheme, irreducible 56
Scheme, non-reduced 62 69
Scheme, reduced 62
Schreyer’s algorithm for free resolutions 22
Schubert calculus 114 115 117 118 120
Scroll, rational normal 34
Secondary polytope 191
Segre embedding 66
Sequences 42
| Serre correspondence 18
Serre’s intersection formula 26
Set 50
Shape lemma 104 120
Shapiros’s Conjecture 118
Sheaf 26
Sheaf cohomology 26 222 224 225
Sheaf, representation of 18
Simplicial complex 75
Simplicial complex, f -vector 75
Singular locus 58 65
Singular locus of a scheme 30
Solving polynomial equations 103 251
Solving polynomial equations via eigenvectors 106
Solving polynomial equations via elimination 104
Solving polynomial equations via numerical homotopy 110
Solving polynomial equations, real solutions 107
Source 22
Sphere 113 122 127
Splitting theorem of Grothendieck 227
Splitting theorem of Horrocks 227
Stable equivalence 228
Standard pair 83–86
standardPairs 85
Stanley — Reisner ideal 75 191
stdio 46
Stickelberger’s theorem 106
strings 42
Sturm sequence 107
SUM 44
Support variety 167 175
Symbol 287
Symbolic computation 102
symbols 41
Symmetric algebra 139
Syzygies of canonical curves 263
Table of Betti numbers 252
tally 50
Tate resolution 215 222
Tautological subbundle 227
Term order on 288
Time 30
toExternalString 48
Top dimensional part of an ideal 30
Topology of a projective variety 29
Tor 28
Toric Hilbert scheme 179
Toric ideal 87 179
toString 48
Trace form 108
Triangulation 190
Triangulation, regular 191
Trigonal curve 32
Twisted cubic 18
Unirationality 251 258
Value 48
Values of a hash table 49
variables, local 44
Vector bundle 226
Veronese surface 34
Vertex cover 81
Vertex ideal 98
Visible lists 42
Wall ideal 186
Weight 287
Weight vector 295
Weight vector for 287
Weight vectors, equivalent 199
Weyl algebra 286
while 45 183
Реклама |