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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Lemuridae      See Lemurs
Lemuroid ringtails      13:115 13:116 13:118 13:119
Lemurs      14:47—61 14:49 14:55 14:54
Lemurs baboon      14:63 14:68 14:69 14:72
Lemurs behavior      12:142 14:6 14:7—8 14:49 14:50—51
Lemurs blue-eyed      14:2
Lemurs cathemeral      14:8
Lemurs conservation status      14:52
Lemurs distribution      12:135—136 14:5 14:47 14:49
Lemurs diurnal      14:7 14:8 14:9
Lemurs evolution      14:2 14:3 14:47
Lemurs feeding ecology      14:9 14:51
Lemurs fork-marked      12:38
Lemurs gentle      14:3 14:8 14:10—11 14:50
Lemurs greater bamboo      14:11 14:48
Lemurs habitats      14:6 14:49
Lemurs humans and      14:52
Lemurs nocturnal      14:7 14:8
Lemurs physical characteristics      12:79 14:4 14:48—49
Lemurs reproduction      14:10—11 14:51—52
Lemurs sexual dimorphism      12:99
Lemurs sloth      14:63 14:68 14:70 14:71
Lemurs species of      14:55—60
Lemurs taxonomy      14:1 14:3—4 14:47—48;
Lentipes concolor      See O’opo alamo’os
Leodia sexiesperforata      See Six keyhole sand dollars
Leonard, Jennifer      14:287
Leontopithecus caissara      See Black-faced lion tamarins
Leontopithecus chrysomelas      See Golden-headed lion tamarins
Leontopithecus chrysopygus      See Golden-rumped lion tamarins
Leontopithecus rosalia      See Golden lion tamarins
Leontopithecus rosalia rosalia      See Lion tamarins
Leontopithecus spp      See Lion tamarins
Leopard frogs      6:59
Leopard geckos      7:262
Leopard lizards      See Long-nosed leopard lizards
Leopard loaches      See Coolie loaches
Leopard seals      12:87 12:138 14:256 14:260 14:417 14:420 14:421 14:435t
Leopard sharks      4:116 4:118 4:125 4:128;
Leopards      12:133 14:374 14:377 14:385 14:391t
Leopards behavior      12:146 12:152 14:371
Leopards conservation status      14:374
Leopards distribution      12:129 14:370
Leopards habitats      14:257
Leopards humans and      14:376
Leopardus (Felis) pardalis      See Ocelots
Leopardus pardalis      See Ocelots
Leopardus tigrinus      See Little spotted cats
Leopardus wiedii      See Margays
Leopold, Aldo      12:223
Leopoldamys sabanus      12:220
Lepacritis spp.      3:202
Lepadella spp.      1:260
Lepadichthys lineatus      5:355
Lepadichthys spp.      5:355
Lepadogaster spp.      5:355
Lepadogastrini      5:355 5:356
Lepas anatifera      See Common goose barnacles
Lepeophtheirus salmonis      See Salmon lice
Lepetella laterocompressa      2:436
Lepetelloidea      2:429
Lepetidae      2:423
Lepetodrilus elevatus      2:432 2:433
Lepidiolamprologus kendalli      5:283 5:286—287
Lepidobatrachus laevis      See Budgett’s frogs
Lepidobatrachus spp.      6:39 6:41 6:155 6:157 6:158—159
Lepidochelys kempii      See Kemp’s ridley turtles
Lepidocolaptes fuscus      See Lesser woodcreepers
Lepidodactylus lugubris      See Mourning geckos
Lepidodasyidae      1:269 1:270
Lepidodasys spp.      1:269
Lepidodermella squamata      1:270 1:271 1:272
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides      See Salamanderfishes
Lepidogalaxiidae      See Salamanderfishes
Lepidomysidae      See Spelaeomysis spp.
Lepidophanes guentheri      4:423 4:444 4:445—446
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum      See Yellow-spotted night lizards
Lepidophyma spp.      7:291 7:292
Lepidoptera      3:35 3:383—404 3:386 3:390 3:391 3:392
Lepidoptera behavior      3:385—386
Lepidoptera conservation status      3:388—389
Lepidoptera distribution      3:385
Lepidoptera evolution      3:383
Lepidoptera feeding ecology      3:20 3:46 3:48 3:384 3:386—387
Lepidoptera habitats      3:385
Lepidoptera humans and      3:389
Lepidoptera physical characteristics      3:19 3:24 3:384—385
Lepidoptera reproduction      3:29 3:34 3:38 3:387—388
Lepidoptera species of      3:393—404
Lepidoptera taxonomy      3:383—384
Lepidoptera wing-beat frequencies      3:23
Lepidopyga liliae      See Sapphire-bellied hummingbirds
Lepidopyga spp      See Hummingbirds
Lepidosauria      7:16 7:23—24
Lepidosiren annectens      See African lungfishes
Lepidosiren paradoxa      See South American lungfishes
Lepidosiren spp.      4:197 4:201—205
Lepidosirenidae      4:57
Lepidosireniformes      See Lungfishes
Lepidothrix (Pipra) vilmboasi      See Golden-crowned manakins
Lepidotrichidae      See Relic silverfish
Lepidurus arcticus      2:142
Lepidurus packardi      See Vernal pool tadpole shrimps
Lepidurus spp.      2:141 2:142
Lepilemur dorsalis      See Gray-backed sportive lemurs
Lepilemur edwardsi      See Milne-Edwards’s sportive lemurs
Lepilemur leucopus      See White-footed sportive lemurs
Lepilemur microdon      See Small-toothed sportive lemurs
Lepilemur mustelinus      See Weasel sportive lemurs
Lepilemur ruficaudatus      See Red-tailed sportive lemurs
Lepilemur septentrionalis      See Northern sportive lemurs
Lepilemur spp      See Sportive lemurs
Lepilemuridae      See Sportive lemurs
Lepisma saccharina      See Silverfish
Lepismatidae      3:119
Lepisosteidae      4:11 4:15 4:221
Lepisosteiformes      See Gars
Lepisosteus ferox      See Alligator gars
Lepisosteus oculatus      See Spotted gars
Lepisosteus osseus      See Longnose gars
Lepisosteus platostomus      See Shortnose gars
Lepisosteus sinensis      4:221
Lepisosteus spp.      4:221
Lepisosteus tristoechus      See Cuban gars
Lepisosteusplatyrhincus      See Florida gars
Lepomis cyanellus      See Green sunfishes
Lepomis gibbosus      See Pumpkinseed sunfishes
Lepomis macrochirus      See Bluegills
Lepomis megalotis      See Longear sunfishes
Lepomis microlophus      See Red-ear sunfishes
Lepomis spp.      4:15
Lepophidium spp.      5:22
Leporidae      See Hares; Rabbits
Leporinae      16:505
Leposoma percarinatum      7:304
Leposoma spp.      7:303 7:304
Leposphids      6:10
Lepospondyls      6:10
Leptacris spp.      3:203
Leptailurus (Felis) serval      See Servals
Leptasterias hexactis      1:370
Leptasthenura striolata      See Striolated tit- spinetails
Leptasthenura xenothorax      See White-browed tit-spinetails
Leptestheriidae      2:147
Leptininae      3:54
Leptinotarsa decemilineata      See Colorado beetles
Leptobos spp.      15:265 16:1
Leptobrachella spp.      6:110 6:111
Leptobrachiinae      6:109—111
Leptobrachium banae      See Bana leaf litter frogs
Leptobrachium spp.      6:110 6:111
Leptochariidae      See Barbeled hound sharks
Leptochilichthyes spp.      4:390
Leptochoeridae      15:264
Leptocoma minima      See Crimson-backed sunbirds
Leptocoma spp      See Sunbirds
Leptocoma zeylonica      See Purple-rumped sunbirds
Leptocottus armatus      See Staghorn sculpins
Leptodactylid frogs      6:155—171 6:160—161
Leptodactylid frogs behavior      6:158 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs conservation status      6:159 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs distribution      6:6 6:155 6:157—158 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs evolution      6:12—13 6:155—157
Leptodactylid frogs feeding ecology      6:158 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs habitats      6:158 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs humans and      6:159 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs metamorphosis      6:42
Leptodactylid frogs physical characteristics      6:157 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs reproduction      6:32 6:34 6:68 6:158—159 6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs species of      6:162—171
Leptodactylid frogs tadpoles      6:157
Leptodactylid frogs taxonomy      6:139 6:155—157 6:162—171 6:197
Leptodactylidae      See Leptodactylid frogs
Leptodactylinae      6:156
Leptodactylus bolivianus      6:159
Leptodactylus fallax      6:37 6:159
Leptodactylus pentadactylus      See South American bullfrogs
Leptodactylus spp.      6:30 6:35 6:42 6:156 6:157 6:159
Leptodeira septentrionalis      See Northern cat-eyed snakes
Leptodeira spp.      See Cat-eyed snakes
Leptoderinae      3:54
Leptodon forbesi      See White-collared kites
Leptodora kindtii      2:153
Leptogryllus deceptor      See Oahu deceptor bush crickets
Leptolalax pelodytoides      See Slender mud frogs
Leptolalax spp.      6:110 6:111
Leptolalax sungi      See Sung’s slender frogs
Leptomedusae      1:123 1:124 1:125
Leptonychotes weddellii      See Weddell seals
Leptonycteris curasoae      See Southern long-nosed bats
Leptonycteris nivalis      13:417 13:420
Leptonycteris spp.      13:415
Leptopelinae      6:281
Leptopelis brevirostris      6:281 6:282 6:283
Leptopelis bufonides      See Toad-like treefrogs
Leptopelis macrotis      See Big-eared forest treefrogs
Leptopelis millsoni      6:289
Leptopelis palmatus      6:281 6:289
Leptopelis rufus      6:289
Leptopelis spp.      6:281 6:283 6:289
Leptopelis xenodactylus      6:283
Leptoperla cacuminis      3:143
Leptophryne spp.      6:184
Leptophyes punctatissima      See Speckled bush-crickets
Leptopius spp.      See Wattle pigs
Leptopodomorpha      3:259
Leptopsyllidae      3:347 3:348
Leptopterus chabert      See Chabert’s vangas
Leptopterus viridis      See White-headed vangas
Leptopteryx cruenta      See Crimson-bellied orioles
Leptoptilos crumeniferus      See Marabous
Leptoptilos dubius      See Greater adjutants
Leptoptilos javanicus      See Lesser adjutant storks
Leptoptilos spp.      See Storks
Leptoscopidae      See Southern sandfishes
Leptosomidae      See Courols
Leptosomus discolor      See Courols
Leptostomias gladiator      4:422
Leptostracans      2:161—166 2:163
Leptosynaptinae      1:417
Leptothorax longispinosus      See Acorn-nesting ants
Leptotila plumbeiceps      See Gray-headed doves
Leptotyphhps alfredschmidti      7:373—374
Leptotyphhps occidentalis      7:373 1—314
Leptotyphhps parkeri      1:314
Leptotyphhps rostratus      7:374
Leptotyphhps scutifrons      See Peters’ wormsnakes
Leptotyphhps septemstriatus      7:374
Leptotyphhps spp.      7:373—375
Leptotyphhps tricolor      7:373—374
Leptotyphlopidae      See Slender blindsnakes
Leptotyphlops blanfordi      7:374
Leptotyphlops borrichianus      7:374
Leptotyphlops boulengeri      7:373
Leptotyphlops broadleyi      7:373
Leptotyphlops cairi      7:374
Leptotyphlops conjunctus      7:375
Leptotyphlops dulcis      See Texas blindsnakes
Leptotyphlops filiformis      7:374
Leptotyphlops goudotii      7:375
Leptotyphlops humilis      7:373—375
Leptotyphlops macrops      7:373
Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus      7:373 7:374
Leptotyphlops macrurus      7:374
Leptotyphlops melanotermus      7:373
Leptotyphlops natatrix      7:375
Leptotyphlops nigricans      See Black threadsnakes
Leptotyphlops nursii      7:374
Leptotyphlops teaguei      1:313—314
Leptotyphlops unguirostris      7:374
Leptotyphlops weyrauchi      7:373
Leptotyphlops wilsoni      7:374
Lepus alleni      See Antelope jackrabbits
Lepus americanus      See Snowshoe hares
Lepus arcticus      See Arctic hares
Lepus brachyurus      See Hares
Lepus californicus      See Black-tailed jackrabbits
Lepus callotis      See White-sided jackrabbits
Lepus capensis      See Cape hares
Lepus europaeus      See European hares
Lepus flavigularis      See Tehuantepec jackrabbits
Lepus mandshuricus      See Manchurian hares
Lepus othus      16:487
Lepus spp.      See Hares
Lepus timidus      See Mountain hares
Lerista bougainvillii      7:329
Lerista spp.      7:328 7:329
Lerp psyllids      3:57
Lerwa lerwa      See Snow partridges
Lesbia spp      See Trainbearers
Leschenault’s forktails      See White-crowned forktails
Lesser adjutant storks      8:236
Lesser African jacanas      See Lesser jacanas
Lesser amikihis      See Anianiaus
Lesser Andean flamingos      See James’ flamingos
Lesser anomalures      16:301 16:302 16:303—304
Lesser anteaters      See Northern tamanduas; Southern tamanduas
Lesser apes      See Gibbons
Lesser beaked whales      See Pygmy beaked whales
Lesser bilbies      13:2 13:19 13:20 13:22
Lesser bulldog bats      13:443 13:444 13:445 13:446 13:448 13:449—450
Lesser cane rats      16:333 16:334 16:336 16:337—338
Lesser chameleons      See Minor chameleons
Lesser Cuban nesophontes      13:243
Lesser cuckoos      9:314
Lesser dog-faced bats      13:363t
Lesser doglike bats      See Lesser dog-faced bats
Lesser egrets      See Little egrets
Lesser Egyptian jerboas      16:212 16:213 16:223?
Lesser elaenias      10:272
Lesser electric rays      4:181 4:185
Lesser false vampire bats      13:380
Lesser fat-tailed jerboas      16:212 16:216 16:223t
Lesser flame-backed woodpeckers      10:152 10:264
Lesser flamingos      8:303 8:504 8:507 8:509
Lesser flat-headed bats      See Bamboo bats
Lesser floricans      9:3 9:92
Lesser forest wallabies      13:102t
Lesser frigatebirds      8:193 8:294
Lesser gliders      13:33 13:37
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