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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Íàçâàíèå: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Àâòîðû: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 278

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.02.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Icterus icterocephalus      See Yellow-headed blackbirds
Icterus nigerrimus      See Jamaican blackbirds
Icterus nigrogularis      See Yellow orioles
Icterus oriole      See Hooded orioles
Icterus parisorum      See Scott’s orioles
Icterus spp      See Orioles
Icterus spurius      See Orchard orioles
Ictinia plumbea      See Plumbeous kites
Ictiobinae      4:321
Ictiobus cyprinellus      See Bigmouth buffaloes
Ictonyx spp      See Zorillas
Ictonyx striatus      See Zorillas
Idaho ground squirrels      16:147 16:150 16:153 16:157—158
Idiacanthus fasciola      See Black dragonfishes
Idiocranium russeli      6:412 6:436
Idiocranium spp.      6:35 6:436
Idionycteris phyllotis      See Allen’s big-eared bats
Idiosepius spp.      2:476
Idiurus macrotis      See Big-eared flying mice
Idiurus zenkeri      See Zenker’s flying mice
Idmidroneaatlantica      2:505 2:507—508
Idodictyum spp.      2:509
Ifrita kowaldi      See Blue-capped ifrits
Ifrits      11:75 11:76 11:77 11:80—81
Iguana iguana      See Green iguanas
Iguana spp      See Iguanas
Iguanas      7:243—257 7:248
Iguanas as food      7:48 7:52
Iguanas behavior      7:244—245
Iguanas conservation status      7:246—247
Iguanas distribution      1:243 1:244
Iguanas evolution      7:243
Iguanas farming      7:48
Iguanas feeding ecology      7:245—246
Iguanas habitats      7:244
Iguanas humans and      7:247
Iguanas in folk medicine      7:51
Iguanas physical characteristics      7:243—244
Iguanas reproduction      7:246
Iguanas species of      7:250—257
Iguanas taxonomy      7:243; See also specific types of iguanas
Iguanidae      7:243—257 7:248 7:249
Iguanidae behavior      7:204 7:244—245
Iguanidae conservation status      7:246—247
Iguanidae distribution      7:203—204 7:243 7:244
Iguanidae evolution      7:195 7:196 7:243
Iguanidae feeding ecology      7:245—246
Iguanidae habitats      7:244
Iguanidae humans and      7:247
Iguanidae physical characteristics      7:200 7:243—244
Iguanidae reproduction      7:207 7:246
Iguanidae species of      7:250—257
Iguanidae taxonomy      7:197—198 7:243
Iguaninae      7:204 7:243—246
Iiwis      11:342
Ikaite rotifers      1:265 1:264—265
Ikedidae      2:103
Ili pikas      16:487 16:495 16:502t
Illacme plenipes      2:363
Illinois mud turtles      See Yellow mud turtles
Ilyocoris cimicoides      See Creeping water bugs
Imago      3:125 3:226
Imamura, Hisashi      5:157 5:163
Imantodes spp      See Blunt-headed vinesnakes
Imbrasia belina      See Mopane worms
Imitating poison frogs      6:202 6:206
Imitation      12:158; See also Behavior
Immersion exhibits      12:205
Immigration      2:27; See also Behavior
Immortal jellyfish      1:225 1:228 1:250 1:139
Immunocontraception      12:188; See also Reproduction
Immunoglobins, neonatal      12:126
Impalas      16:56 16:41—42
Impalas behavior      16:5 16:31 16:39 16:41—42
Impalas black-faced      16:34
Impalas conservation status      16:31
Impalas distribution      16:29 16:59
Impalas evolution      16:27
Impalas habitats      16:30
Impalas physical characteristics      16:28
Impalas predation and      12:116
Impalas reproduction      16:32
Impalas smell      12:80
Impalas taxonomy      16:27
Imperial eagles      8:324
Imperial pheasants      8:433
Imperial sandgrouse      See Black-bellied sandgrouse
Imperial shags      8:184 8:185
Imperial snipes      9:177
Imperial woodpeckers      10:88 10:150
Implantation, delayed      12:109—110; See also Reproduction
Imports and exports, of reptiles      7:53t
Imposter hutias      16:467t
Impressions (fossils)      3:7—8
Inaccessible rails      9:1 9:55 9:62
Inarticulata      See Nonarticulate lampshells
Inarticulated brachiopods      See Nonarticulate lampshells
Inbreeding      12:110 12:222;
Inca doves      9:254 9:260—261
Inca terns      9:203
Incaichthys spp.      4:351
Incertametra santanensis      3:259
Inchworms      3:65
Incirrata      See Common octopods
Incisors      12:46; See also Teeth
Incompatibility, cytoplasmic      3:39
Incrustations (fossils)      3:8
Incurvariidae      3:389
Incus      12:36
Indeterminate cleavage      1:19; See also Radial cleavage; Reproduction
Indexes indirect observations and      12:199—202
Indexes population      12:195—196
Indian ariommas      5:422
Indian blackbuck antelopes      15:271
Indian bullfrogs      See Indian tiger frogs
Indian bustards      See Great Indian bustards
Indian buttonquails      See Barred buttonquails
Indian civets      14:336 14:345t
Indian cobras      7:56
Indian crested porcupines      16:552 16:556 16:558 16:359—360
Indian desert hedgehogs      13:204 13:206 13:208 13:220
Indian elephants      See Asian elephants
Indian flapshell turtles      7:255 7:254
Indian flashlightfishes      See Splitfin flashlightfishes
Indian flatheads      5:160 5:161 5:162
Indian flying foxes      13:307 13:320 13:322 13:324 13:327 13:328
Indian fruit bats      13:307 13:338 13:344
Indian garden lizards      See Brown garden lizards
Indian gharials      See Gharials
Indian giant squirrels      16:167 16:174t
Indian golden geckos      7:261
Indian gray hornbills      10:72 10:73 10:75
Indian gray mongooses      14:351—352
Indian hill mynas      See Hill mynas
Indian honeyguides      See Yellow-rumped honeyguides
Indian house crickets      3:57
Indian mealmoths      3:76 3:392 3:401—402
Indian mongooses      12:190—191 14:350 14:352
Indian muntjacs      15:343 15:344 15:346 15:347 15:550 15:351—352
Indian mynas      See Common mynas
Indian mythology, snakes in      7:52 7:55—56
Indian pangolins      16:110 16:113 16:114 16:115 16:116
Indian peafowls      8:399
Indian pied hornbills      10:75
Indian pied kingfishers      See Pied kingfishers
Indian pittas      10:194 10:196 10:200
Indian porcupines      See Indian crested porcupines
Indian pythons      7:42 7:56 7:420—422
Indian rabbits      See Central American agoutis
Indian rhinoceroses      15:225 15:251 15:254 15:256 15:258—259
Indian rhinoceroses behavior      15:218
Indian rhinoceroses conservation status      12:224 15:222 15:254
Indian rhinoceroses habitats      15:252—253
Indian rhinoceroses humans and      15:254—255
Indian ringneck parakeets      See Rose-ringed parakeets
Indian sandgrouse      See Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse
Indian skimmers      9:205
Indian spotted chevrotains      See Spotted mouse deer
Indian stick insects      3:227 3:229—230
Indian tapirs      See Malayan tapirs
Indian tent turtles      7:115
Indian tiger frogs      6:251 6:253 6:257
Indian toads      See Common Sunda toads
Indian tragopans      See Satyr tragopans
Indian tree shrews      13:197 13:292 13:293 13:294
Indian tree swifts      See Crested tree swifts
Indian treepies      See Rufous treepies
Indian white-backed vultures      See Whiterumped vultures
Indian wild asses      See Khurs
Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972      15:280
Indian wolves      12:180
Indian wood ibis      See Painted storks
Indiana bats      13:310—311 13:316 13:502
Indicator archipelagicus      See Malaysian honeyguides
Indicator indicator      See Greater honeyguides
Indicator maculatus      See Spotted honeyguides
Indicator minor      See Lesser honeyguides
Indicator pumilio      See Dwarf honeyguides
Indicator spp.      10:137—144
Indicator variegatus      See Greater scaly-throated honeyguides; Scaly-throated honeyguides
Indicator xanthonotus      See Yellow-rumped honeyguides
Indicatoridae      See Honeyguides
Indigo snakes      7:466 7:470 7:472 7:475—476
Indigobirds      8:40 11:356 11:363 11:375—378
Indirana beddomii      See Beddome’s Indian frogs
Indirana spp.      6:246 6:249
Indirect development      1:19 2:21;
Indirect observations      12:199—202
Indo-Burma hotspot      12:218
Indo-Pacific bottlenosed dolphins      15:7
Indo-Pacific crabs      2:201
Indo-Pacific crocodiles      See Saltwater crocodiles
Indo-Pacific swamp crabs      See Mangrove crabs
Indochinese brush-tailed porcupines      See Asiatic brush-tailed porcupines
Indochinese gibbons      See Black crested gibbons
Indochinese shrews      See Gray shrews
Indonesian coelacanths      4:189 4:191 4:193 4:294 4:199
Indonesian cuscuses      13:34
Indonesian Komodo dragons      See Komodo dragons
Indonesian mountain weasels      14:324
Indonesian porcupines      16:356 16:357
Indonesian stink badgers      14:333t
Indopacetus pacificus      See Longman’s beaked whales
Indopacetus spp.      15:59
Indopacific beaked whales      See Longman’s beaked whales
Indoreonectes spp      See Hillstream loaches
Indostomidae      4:57 5:131 5:133 5:134
Indostomus paradoxus      See Armored sticklebacks
Indostomus spp      See Indostomidae
Indri indri      See Indris
Indricotherium asiaticum      15:249
Indricotherium transouralicum      15:216
Indriidae      12:136 14:4 14:63—72 14:68
Indriidae behavior      14:64 14:65—66
Indriidae conservation status      14:67
Indriidae distribution      14:63 14:65
Indriidae evolution      14:63
Indriidae feeding ecology      14:66
Indriidae habitats      14:65
Indriidae humans and      14:67
Indriidae physical characteristics      14:63—65
Indriidae reproduction      14:66—67
Indriidae species of      14:69—72
Indriidae taxonomy      14:63
Indris      14:63—72 14:65 14:66 14:68
Indris behavior      14:6 14:8 14:65 14:66
Indris conservation status      14:67
Indris distribution      14:65
Indris evolution      14:63
Indris feeding ecology      14:66
Indris habitats      14:65
Indris humans and      14:67
Indris physical characteristics      14:63—65
Indris reproduction      14:66
Indris taxonomy      14:4 14:63
Induced luteinization      12:92
Induced ovulation      12:109; See also Reproduction
Indus dolphins      See Ganges and Indus dolphins
Inermicapsiferidae      1:226
Infections, parasitic      1:34—36 2:28 2:33
Infectious diseases      1:34—36 12:215—216 12:222—223
Influenza, birds and      8:25
Infrared energy      12:83—84
Ingerana spp.      6:246 6:248 6:249 6:250 6:251
Ingolfiellidea      2:261
Inia geoffrensis      See Botos
Inia geoffrensis boliviensis      15:27
Inia geoffrensis geoffrensis      15:27
Inia geoffrensis humboldtiana      15:27
Iniidae      See Botos
Inimicus didactylus      See Bearded ghouls
Inimicus spp      See Bearded ghouls
Inioidea      15:23
Inkfishes      4:447 4:448;
Inland dotterels      9:161
Inland silversides      5:70 5:72 5:74
Innkeeper worms      2:104 2:105 2:106 2:107
Inocellia crassicornis      See Schummel’s inocelliid snakeflies
Inocelliid snakeflies Brauer’s      3:299 3:300—301
Inocelliid snakeflies Schummel’s      3:299 3:300
Inocelliidae      3:297 3:298
Inquilism      2:31 2:33;
Insecta      See Insects
Insecticides      3:77
Insectivora      13:193—201 14:8
Insectivora field studies of      12:201
Insectivora Iguanidae as      7:246
Insectivora phylogenetic trees and      12:33
Insectivora reproduction      12:90 12:91 12:92 12:94 12:95
Insectivora subterranean      12:71; See also specific insectivores
Insectivorous bats      13:313; See also specific insectivorous bats
Insects      2:25 2:36 2:37
Insects as bioindicators      3:82
Insects as biological controls      3:80
Insects as educational tools      3:82—83
Insects as food      3:80—81
Insects as pests      3:74—77
Insects behavior      3:5—6 3:59—66
Insects beneficial      3:78—82
Insects biogeography      3:52—58
Insects conservation status      3:82 3:84—91 3:86—88
Insects defined      3:3—6
Insects diapause and      3:36—37 3:49—50
Insects distribution      3:52—58
Insects ecology      3:41—51
Insects evolution      3:7—16 3:9—11 3:44—45
Insects farming of      3:80
Insects feeding ecology      3:5—6 3:19—21 3:41-42 3:46 3:62—64
Insects flight      3:29 3:22—24 3:45
Insects function      3:17—30
Insects giant      3:13—14
Insects humans and      3:74—83
Insects life histories      3:31—40
Insects medicinal      3:81
Insects metamorphosis      3:33—35 3:44
Insects migration      3:36—38 3:66
Insects molting      3:31—33 3:32
Insects nematodes and      1:36
Insects phobias      3:77
Insects physical characteristics      3:4—5 3:10 3:12—13 3:17—30 3:25 3:43—44
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