Авторизация |
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Prössdorf S., Silbermann B. — Numerical analysis for integral and related operator equations |
Предметный указатель |
Quadrature rules, Gauss 323
Quadrature rules, Gauss type 323
Quadrature rules, Lobatto 323
Quadrature rules, Radau 323
Radical 20 106
Rannacher, R. 511
Rathsfeld, A. 79 261 288 350 372
Region method 453
Ribault, H. 512
Rice, J.R. 213
Roch, S. 38 166 214 217 218 260 261 288 386 438
Rodriguez, R.S. 79
Rooke, D.P. 212 213
Rosenblum, M. 163
Rovnyak, J. 163
Rudin, W. 164 224
Ruotsalainen, K. 512
Sankar, T.S. 485
Saranen, J. 248 261 386 511 512
Savoie, J. 79
Savruk, M. 484
Schatz, A. 79
Schechter, M. 238
Schleicher, T. 511
Schleiff, M. 93 342
Schmidt, E. 93
Schmidt, G. 79 261 386 407 510 511
Schneider, C. 213
Schoenberg, I.J. 79
Schulze, H. 261
Schumaker, L.L. 213
Scott, R. 79
Seeley, R.T. 261
Senichkin, V.N. 260
Shaw, R.P. 343
Shinbrot, M. 166
Shubin, M.A. 251 252 259 261
Sickel, W. 79
Silbermann, B. 38 79 86 93 121 164 166 184 214 217 218 225 227 228 229 260 261 264 288 299 337 338 341 342 386 393 406 469
Simonenko, I.B. 166 260
Sloan, I.H. 93 166 175 179 186 197 206 210 213 214 372 373 386 512
Sneddon, I.N. 212 213
Spectrum 19 20
Spence, A. 175 197 213
Spitkovski, I.M. 240 288
SPLINE 43 176
Srivastav, R.P. 213 342 475 484 485
Stable 489
Stable, locally 489
Stable, sequence 26
| Stallybrass, M.B. 212 213
Starfield, A.H. 343 387
Stechkin, S.B. 74
Stephan, E. 174 388 428 485 511
Stolle, H.-W. 80
Strongly elliptic 33 189 229
Strongly elliptic, locally 233 505
Stypinski, Z. 79
Subbotin, Yu, N. 79
Subject index admissible curve 215
Symbol 95 96 100 101 102 105 106 107 122 138 141 143 169 219 251 264
Symbol, Gohberg — Krupnik 222 223
Symbol, principal 251
Szyszka, U. 512
Tanaka, M. 343
Tashbaev, A.M. 288
Taylor, M.E. 261
Telles, J.C.F. 343 387
Theocaris, P.S. 342
Thomas, K.S. 474 475
Thomee, V. 93 186 192 213
Timan, A.F. 68 69
Toeplitz matrix 98
Treves, F. 251 252 259 261
Tricomi, F.G. 341
Triebel, H. 40 68 237 238 465
Tsamashyros, G. 342
Uba, P. 213
Upper semi-continuity 23
V-dominating 99
Vainikko, G.M. 38 79 80 93 213
van der Houwen, P.J. 80 91 195 200 213
Verbitzki, I.E. 288
Vilenkin, N.J. 255
Volterra, V. 93
von Wolfersdorf, L. 338
Washizuk, K. 443
Weighted Sobolev space 168
Wendland, W.L. 31 38 79 237 248 261 299 343 386 387 447 511
Wheeler, J.C. 328
Wiener algebra with weight 102
Wiener — Hopf factorization 170
Wiggelsworth, L.A. 483
Winding number (index of a function) 95
Wrobel, L.C. 387
Yan, Y. 93
Zacharias, K. 86
Zeller, K. 77
Zhuk, V.V. 69
Zolotarevski, V.A. 79 299
Zygmund, A. 57 58 69 70 74 76 77 261 355
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