- -Homomorphism of - -group into - -group 56
- -Homomorphism of homogeneous - -space into homogeneous - -space 57
-Derivation 8
-Disjoint pair over - 20
-Disjoint from over 57
- -Homomorphism of - -group into - -group 48
- -Homomorphism of homogeneous - -space into homogeneous - -space 49
- -1-Coboundary, - -coboundary 171
- -Affine element of a - -set 195—196
- -Affine subset of a - -set 138
- -Algebra 152
- -Automorphism 38
- -Cohomologous, - -cohomology class, 1st - -cohomology set 171
- -Division ring 148
- -Endomorphism 38
- -Equivalent 120
- -Field 148
- -Function 136
- -group 32—33
- -group quotient 103
- -Homomorphism, of - -groups 37
- -Homomorphism, of - -Lie rings 147
- -Homomorphism, of - -modules 151
- -Homomorphism, of - -rings 147
- -Homomorphism, of - -spaces 227—228
- -Homomorphism, of homogeneous - -spaces 37—38
- -Homomorphism, of pairs ( - -group, homogeneous - -space) 37—38
- -Ideal of a - -algebra or - -Lie algebra 152
- -Ideal of a - -ring or - -Lie ring 147
- -Isomorphism 38
- -l-Cocycle, - -cocycle 170
- -Lie algebra 152
- -Mapping 121
- -Minimal pre - -mapping 120
- -Module 151
- -Operation of a - -group on a - -group 229
- -Operation of a - -group on a - -space 229
- -Ring 147
- -Set 37
- -Space 227
- -Splits in M 174
- -Vector space 151
- -Mapping 132
-Commutator group 111
-Derivation, - -derivation, on an irreducible - -set 205
-Derived group, -derived series of a - -group 111
-Derived ideal, -derived series of a - -Lie algebra 154
-Descending central series of a - -Lie algebra 154
-Descending central series of a - .-group 111
-Dimension of a pre - -set 31
-Dimension of an element of a pre - -set 31
-Field of definition 132
-Rational function 136
-Rational mapping 132
-Specialization of an element of a pre - -set 30
-Topology, - -topology 73
-Type of a finitely generated extension 8
-Type of a pre - -set 31
-Type of an element of a pre - -set 30
-Zariski topology 73
-Zariski topology relative to 73
-Component of a pre - -set 30
-Irreducible pre - -set 30
0th Constrained cohomology set 160
1st Constrained cohomology set of in G 168
1st Constrained cohomology set of over in G 164
A-Algebraic element over - 29
Algebraic element over - 29
Algebraically disjoint family of elements of pre - -sets 32
| Algebraically disjoint family of subalgebras 1
Bicompatible 2
Bidefined 129
Cohomologous, cohomology class 164
Comparable 1
Complete pre - -equivalence 31
Component of a - -set 78
Component of the identity 42
Connected - -group 78
Connecting homomorphism 169
Constrained 1-coboundary of over in G 164
Constrained 1-cocycle of over in G 161
Constrained element of a pre - -set 79
Crossed - -homomorphism of - -groups 229
Crossed - -homomorphism of - -spaces 230
Direct product of - -groups, of homogeneous - -spaces 97
Domain of bidefinition 129
Evaluation homomorphism 195
Everywhere defined 31
Generic -specialization of an element of a pre - -set 30
Generic composite 125
Generic element over \mathscr{F}$-generic element 30
Generic inverse, generically invertible 128
Generically surjective 128
Habitat 121
Holomorphic at a -specialization 114
Homogeneous - -space 34—35
Homogeneous - -space quotient 103
Homomorphism of a -specialization 114
Induced - -group of a - -group 57
Induced - -group of a - -group 48—49
Induced homogeneous - -space of a homogeneous - -space 57
Induced homogeneous - -space of a homogeneous - -space 49
Irreducible - -set 78
Lie algebra of a - -group 211
Lie algebra of a principal homogeneous - -space 211
Linearly disjoint family of algebras 1
Linearly disjoint family of elements of pre - -sets 32
Local -derivation 197
Local -ring on an irreducible - -set 195
Local component 207
Local homomorphism of a -specialization 114
Localizable 207
Locus over 9 30
Logarithmic derivative, logarithmic derivation 236
Normal short exact - -sequence for G 169
Opposite - -group 33
Pre - -homomorphism of - -groups 89
Pre - -homomorphism of homogeneous - -spaces 89
Pre - -mapping 31
Pre - -set 29
Pre - -subset 30
Principal homogeneous - -space 34—35
Pro - -mapping 160
Quotient mapping 103—104
Rational element over 29
Regular - -space 35
Regular element over 29
Relative - -homomorphism 228
Short exact - -sequence for G 169
Splits in M 161
System of - -affine coordinates 195
System of global - -affine coordinates 196
Tangent space 198
Tangent vector 198
Typical -dimension of a pre - -set 31
Typical -dimension of an element of a pre - -set 30
Typical -transcendence degree 8
Value at a -specialization 114
Zero of a subset of 68—69