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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
160773 Greene G. Turning Losing Forex Trades into Winners: Proven Techniques to Reverse Your Losses 2008
158017 Furjanic S., Trotman L. Turning Training into Learning: How to Design and Deliver Programs that Get Results 2000
117099 Zaslavski A.J. Turnpike Properties In The Calculus Of Variations And Optimal Control 2006
134872 Abelson H., di Sessa A. Turtle geometry: The computer as a medium for exploring mathematics 1980
139892 Abelson H., diSessa A. Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics 1980
161108 Abelson H., diSessa A. Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics 1980
9152 Resnick M. Turtles, termites and traffic jams. Explorations in massively parallel microworlds 1997
19453 McCallum G., Sharma V. Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE 2003
51079 Sun Z.-W. Tutorial introduction to Bernoulli and Euler polynomials 2002
1624 Struckmeier J. Tutorial on asymptotic analysis (part 1) 2000
109599 Jantzen J. Tutorial on fuzzy logic 1998
59183 Padgett M. Tutorial Questions for Modern and Nonlinear Optics 1984
22121 Tidwell D. Tutorial: XML programming in Java 1999
196093 Tutorials in Elementary Mathematics for Math Olympiad Students n/a
130220 Sneyd J.(ed.) Tutorials In Mathematical Biosciences 2 Mathematical Modeling Of Calcium Dynamics And Signal Transduction 2005
9467 Borisyuk A., Friedman A., Ermentrout B. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences I 2005
152613 Borisyuk A., Ermentrout G.B., Friedman A. Tutorials In Mathematical Biosciences I Mathematical Neuroscience 2005
153995 Friedman A. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences III. Cell Cycle, Proliferation, and Cancer 2006
137341 Avner Friedman, Cosner C., Janies D. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IV: Evolution and Ecology 2008
191216 Cosner C., Janies D., Kubatko L. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IV: Evolution and Ecology (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Mathematical Biosciences Subseries) 2008
160138 Friedman A., Aguda B., Chaplain M. Tutorials in mathematical biosciences. III, Cell cycle, proliferation, and cancer 2006
65473 Gray P. Tutorials In Operations Research 2007
65472 Johnson M.P. Tutorials in Operations Research: Models, Methods, and Applications for Innovative Decision Making 2006
143582 Moran A. TV Formats Worldwide: Localizing Global Programs 2010
203945 CARL GÖLLNER TVRCICA lll 1978
17107 Browning J.L., Ambrose C., Hession C. TWEAK 2000
212298 Esther Stui Twee zielen, één gedachte 2022
122321 Twelfth West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1986
29106 Basdevant J.L. Twelve Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 2007
129980 Griess R.L.Jr. Twelve sporadic groups 2002
54423 Crisp M (ed.) Twelve Steps to Self-Improvement: A Crisp Assessment Profile 1995
84907 Foster D.B. Twelve-Lead Electrocardiography: Theory and Interpretation 2007
172103 Ali S., Emch G., Odzijewicz A. Twenty Years Of Bialowieza A Mathematical Anthology: Aspects Of Differential Geometry Methods In Physics (World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics) 2005
209966 Suzanne Bohan Twenty Years of Life: Why the Poor Die Earlier and How to Challenge Inequity 2018
49221 Finkelstein M. (ed.), Davison B.H. (ed.) Twenty-Fifth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals 2004
80643 Cutler A. Twenty-First Century Psycholinguistics: Four Cornerstones 2005
200338 GIOVANNI SAMBIN, JAN M. SMITH Twenty-five Years of Constructive Type Theory 1998
199175 GIOVANNI SAMBIN Twenty-five Years of Constructive Type Theory 1998
32733 Iyengar S., Leuschke G.J., Leykin A. Twenty-four hours of local cohomology 2007
34431 Abramenko P. Twin Buildings and Applications to S-Arithmetic Groups, Vol. 164 1996
123435 Orlandini E., van Rensburg E.J.J. Twist in an Exactly Solvable Directed Lattice Ribbon 1995
39292 Freed D.S., Hopkins M.J., Teleman C. Twisted equivariant K-theory with complex coefficients 2008
23581 Fettig A. Twisted Network Programming Essentials 2005
165037 Fettig A. Twisted Network Programming Essentials 2005
199792 Deng S., Yu F., Deng H. Twisted tapered plastic optical fibers for continuous liquid level sensing 2020
5283 Ward R.S., Wells R.O. Twistor geometry and field theory 1990
184462 Ward R., Wells R. Twistor geometry and field theory 1990
35991 Doebner H.D., Palev T.D. (eds.) Twistor Geometry and Non-Linear Systems 1982
160201 Doebner H., Palev T. Twistor Geometry and Non-Linear Systems 1982
34458 Burstall F.E., Rawnsley J.H., Dold A. Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces 1990

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