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Элементы теории вероятностей в примерах и задачах: начальные понятия |
2005 • | •• |
13394 |
Berzhitzky V.N., Bolotin Y.V., Golovan A.A. |
GT-1A inertial gravimeter system. Results of flight tests. |
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13393 |
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Математическое моделирование движений человека в норме и при некоторых видах патологии |
2005 | •• |
13392 |
Милютин А.А., Дмитрук А.В., Осмоловский Н.П. |
Принцип максимума в оптимальном управлении |
2004 | •• |
13391 |
Шайеб А. |
Линейные метрические алгоритмы распознавания образов |
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13390 |
Сергеев И.Н. |
Лекции по дифференциальным уравнениям (2 семестр) |
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13389 |
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Лекции по дифференциальным уравнениям (1 семестр) |
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13388 |
Александрова О.В. |
Элементарные функции и алгоритмы управления |
2003 | •• |
13387 |
Ольшанский М.А. |
Лекции и упражнения по многосеточным методам |
2003 | •• |
13386 |
Голод Е.С. |
Курс лекций по алгебре |
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13385 |
Денисов В.И. |
Введение в электродинамику материальных сред |
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13384 |
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The PHP Cookbook |
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13383 |
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Photoshop для профессионалов: классическое руководство по цветокоррекции |
2003 • | •• |
13381 |
Photography (Basic) |
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13380 |
PHP Magazine (February 2006) |
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13379 |
PHP Magazine (March 2004) |
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Oracle9i Data Mining |
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On Nonlinear Filtering For Noise Reduction Using a Sensor Array |
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13375 |
Hilyard J., Teilhet S. |
C# Cookbook |
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13374 |
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Numerische Untersuchung der Spaetstadien der Transition in einer dreidimensionalen |
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13373 |
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Numerical Simulation of Disperse Two-phase Flows |
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13372 |
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Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Methane-air Flames |
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13371 |
Del Taglia C. |
Numerical investigation of the non-reacting unsteady flow behind a disk stabilized burner with large blockage |
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13370 |
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Numerical and experimental investigations of Newtonian and non-Newtonian flow in Annular Gaps with Spraper Blades |
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13369 |
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Nicht axialsymmetrische Wellenausbreitung in anisotropen zylindrischen Strukturen |
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13368 |
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Multiphase Flows in Small Scale Pipes |
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13367 |
Dietzel M. |
Modeling of the Surface Deposition and Thermal Treatment of Plain Liquids, Melts And Nanoparticle Inks Multiscaled/Multiphase Phenomena and Engineering Applications |
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13366 |
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Minimal Kinetic Modeling of Hydrodynamics |
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13365 |
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Metadata for Database Mining |
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13363 |
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IntelliJ Idea in Action |
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13362 |
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Managing Linux Systems with Webmin |
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Handbook of Applied Cryptography |
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Linux Format (2006, январь, №74/75) |
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13359 |
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Large-scale Structures in Rayleigh-Benard Convection and Flow Over Waves |
2001 | •• |
13358 |
Schlatter P. |
Large-eddy simulation of transition and turbulence in wall-bounded shear flow |
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13357 |
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Photoshop CS. Советы знатоков |
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13356 |
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JBoss Clustering |
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13355 |
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Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Turbulent Flow over Solid Waves Transport and Structure |
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13354 |
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Investigation of Separation on a Forward Facing Step |
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13353 |
Edelstein H.A. |
Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
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13352 |
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Internet Explorer 6 для чайников |
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13351 |
Khan B.H. |
E-Learning Quick Checklist |
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13350 |
Knezevic K.H. |
High-Velocity Impact of a Liquid Droplet on a Rigid Surface: The Effect of Liquid Compressibility |
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13349 |
Goil S., Choudhary A. |
High Performance Multidimensional Analysis and Data Mining |
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13348 |
Georges G., Berman L., Maher C. |
50 Fast Digital Camera Techniques |
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13347 |
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Finite-Elemente-Modellierung und Simulation von Geometrisch Exakten Timoshenko-Balken |
2001 | •• |
13346 |
Веверка П., Тейлор М. |
ICQ 2000 для "чайников" |
2001 | •• |
13345 |
Hawkins J., Blakeslee S. |
On Intelligence |
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13344 |
McNamara J. |
GPS for Dummies |
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13343 |
Latin Finance (August 2005) |
2005 | •• |