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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
20239 Kuehlshammer B. Darstellungstheorie 1994
20238 Kuehlshammer B. Ringtheorie 1999
20237 Lewenstein M. Quanteninformationstheorie 1999
20236 Muchnick A. When Pancakes Go Bad: Optical Delusions with Adobe Photoshop 2004
20235 Gatherer A., Auslander E. (eds.) The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications 2002
20234 Richardson C.D. Baculovirus Expression Protocols 1995
20233 Obermeier B. Photoshop CS All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies 2004
20232 Vohra A., Vohra d. Pro XML Development with Java Technology 2006
20231 Gurumurthy K. Pro Wicket 2006
20230 Junker G. Pro OGRE 3D Programming 2006
20229 Pollard J.W., Walker J.M. Basic Cell Culture Protocols 1997
20228 Harwood A.J. Basic DNA and RNA Protocols 1996
20227 Paulus S. Kryptographie II 1998
20226 Soff G. Kosmologische Modelle 1989
20225 Mathiak K. Krullbewertungen 1994
20224 Rehre K.-H. Konforme Quantenfeldtheorie 1998
20223 Meinel Ch. Komplexitatstheorie 2000
20222 Berger R.W. Kommutative Algebra I 1997
20221 Berger R.W. Kommutative Algebra II 1997
20220 von Hoffman J. Codierungsverfahren in der Rechnerkommunikation: Spezifikationen und Leistungsanalysen 1994
20219 von Paregis B. Kleine Einfuhrung in die Kodierungstheorie 1998
20218 Kiener K. Iterierte Funktionensysteme und Fraktale n/a
20217 Schnakenberg J. Irreversible Thermodynamik 1995
20216 Natterer F. Vorlesungsskript Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen 1997
20215 Walker J.M. (ed.), Pollard J.W. (ed.) Animal Cell Culture 1990
20214 Clark A. Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science 2001
20213 Saladin K.S. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function 2003
20212 Alder M. An Introduction to Pattern Recognition 2001
20211 Suzuki D.T., Lewontin R.C., Gelbart W.M. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis 2001
20210 Guo Y.Jay Advances in Mobile Radio Access Networks 2004
20209 Stergiopoulos S. Advanced Signal Processing Handbook: Theory and Implementation for Radar, Sonar, and Medical Imaging Real Time Systems 2000
20208 Twyman R.M. Advanced Molecular Biology: A Concise Reference 1998
20207 Nature Genetics (September 2002) 2002
20206 S.I.I.Fox Human Physiology Lab Manual 2002
20205 2600 The hacker quarterly (Vol. 23, No. 4, Winter 2006-2007) 2007
20204 Moroney L., MacDonald M. (ed.) Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005 2006
20203 Wright P. Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition: From Novice to Professional 2006
20202 Marshall J.J. Beginning Microsoft Word Business Documents 2006
20201 Cox E. The Fuzzy Systems Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide to Building, Using, and Maintaining Fuzzy Systems 1994
20200 Viescas J.L. Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out 2003
20199 Marth E.H., Steele J. Applied Dairy Microbiology 2001
20198 Fowler M. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture 2002
20197 Masters J.R.W. Animal Cell Culture: A Practical Approach 2000
20196 Agrawal S. Antisense Therapeutics 1996
20195 Gartland K.M.A., Davey M.R. (eds.) Agrobacterium Protocols 1995
20194 Wold W.S.M. Adenovirus Methods and Protocols 1998
20193 Nickoloff J.A. Animal Cell Electroporation and Electrofusion Protocols 1995
20192 Paul S. Antibody Engineering Protocols 1995
20191 Shafer W.M. Antibacterial Peptide Protocols 1997
20189 Prasad R., Ruggieri M. Technology Trends in Wireless Communications 2003

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