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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
119774 Martinelli F. Dynamical Analysis of Low-Temperature Monte Carlo Cluster Algorithms 1992
119795 Workshop Announcement 1992
119799 Hansen J.P., Levesque D., Zinn-Justin J. Book Review: Liquids, Freezing and Glass Transition 1992
119837 Bowen C., Hunter D.L., Jan N. Monte Carlo Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Planar Model 1992
119845 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
119889 Langlands R.P., Pichet C., Pouliot Ph. On the Universality of Crossing Probabilities in Two-Dimensional Percolation 1992
119890 Mathematics Department, Australian National University Australian Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1992
119915 Benfatto G., Renn J. Nontrivial Fixed Points and Screening in the Hierarchical Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1992
119920 EIoranta K., Nummelin E. The Kink of Cellular Automaton Rule 18 Performs a Random Walk 1992
119951 Bonilla L.L., Neu J.C., Spigler R. Nonlinear Stability of Incoherence and Collective Synchronization in a Population of Coupled Oscillators 1992
119956 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
120058 Yang W., Zhang Y. A Note on Differentiability of the Cluster Density for Independent Percolation in High Dimensions 1992
120062 Weiss H. Some Variational Formulas for Hausdorff Dimension, Topological Entropy, and SRB Entropy for Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems 1992
120125 Mountford T.S. Generalized Voter Models 1992
120171 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
120256 Mackey M.C. Book Review: Time's Arrow; The Origin of Thermodynamic Behavior 1992
120280 Derrida B., Hakim V., Vannimenus J. Effect of Disorder on Two-Dimensional Wetting 1992
120303 Holovatch Yu., Shpot M. Critical Exponents of Random Ising-Like Systems in General Dimensions 1992
120314 Gaveau B., Schulman L.S. Anomalous Diffusion in a Random Velocity Field 1992
120320 Gade S., Gade E. III Natural Frequencies of the Classical Two-Spin XXZ System 1992
120345 Bovier A., Kiiiske C. Stability of Hierarchical Interfaces in a Random Field Model 1992
120362 Monroe J.L. Phase Diagrams of Ising Models on Husimi Trees II. Pair and Multisite Interaction Systems 1992
120390 Morris J. R., Gooding R. J. Finite-Size Scaling Study of a First-Order Temperature-Driven Symmetry-Breaking Structural Phase Transition 1992
120401 Melnikov V.I. Enhancement of Activated Decay of Metastable States by Resonant Pumping 1992
120427 Gruber C., Jedrzejewski J., Lemberger P. Ground States of the Spinless Falicov-Kimball Model. II 1992
120505 Herbert Spohn Interface Motion in Models with Stochastic Dynamics 1992
120513 van Hemmen J. L., Wreszinski W. F. Lyapunov Function for the Kuramoto Model of Nonlinearly Coupled Oscillators 1992
120529 Àø Æ. Äàò÷èêè èçìåðèòåëüíûõ ñèñòåì. Êíèãà 2 1992
120557 Calisto H., Cerda E., Tirapegui E. Comment on Noise and Bifurcations 1992
120602 Durr D., Goldstein Sh., Zanghi N. Quantum Equilibrium and the Origin of Absolute Uncertainty 1992
120606 ßêîâëåâà Ò.Õ. Ìàòåìàòèêà. Èññëåäîâàíèå ôóíêöèé. Òðèãîíîìåòðè÷åñêèå óðàâíåíèÿ è íåðàâåíñòâà 1992
120612 ß÷ìåíåâà Ò.È. Ïîâñåäíåâíûé íåìåöêèé â ñèòóàöèè îáùåíèÿ 1992
120680 Ãîðÿãà Ã.È. (ðåä.) Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî àòîìíîé ôèçèêå 1992
120870 Îëåõíèê Ñ.Í., Ïîòàïîâ Ì.Ê., Ïàñè÷åíêî Ï.È. Óðàâíåíèÿ 1992
120946 ßêîâëåâà Ò.Õ. (ñîñò.) Èññëåäîâàíèå ôóíêöèé. Òðèãîíîìåòðè÷åñêèå óðàâíåíèÿ è íåðàâåíñòâà. Çàäàíèå ¹4 äëÿ 10-õ êëàññîâ 1992
120978 Blekher P.M., Jauslin H.R., Lebowitz J.L. Floquet Spectrum for Two-Level Systems in Quasiperiodic Time-Dependent Fields 1992
120981 Chen Sh., Wang Zh., Shan X. Lattice Boltzmann Computational Fluid Dynamics in Three Dimensions 1992
120990 Littlejohn R.G. The Van Vleck Formula, Maslov Theory, and Phase Space Geometry 1992
121023 Soler M., Martinez F. Integral Kinetic Method for One Dimension: The Spherical Case 1992
121051 Hayot F. Reynolds Stresses in a Lattice Gas 1992
121063 Wolansky G. Resonance Trapping in Dissipative and Antidissipative Systems: An Ergodic Approach 1992
121069 Berretti A., Celletti A., Chierchia L. Natural Boundaries for Area-Preserving Twist Maps 1992
121075 Lebowitz J.L., Reynolds P.J. What is Quantum Chaos? Preface 1992
121083 Mora P. The Lattice Boltzmann Phononic Lattice Solid 1992
121099 Wilson W.G., Laidlaw W.G. Microscopic-Based Fluid Flow Invasion Simulations 1992
121100 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 67th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1992
121118 Grynberg M.D. Continuously Infinite Commensurate-Incommensurate Phase Transition of a Two-Dimensional Competing Ising Model 1992
121129 Li W. Phenomenology of Noniocal Cellular Automata 1992
121156 Lisyansky A.A., Ivanchenko Yu.M., Filippov A.A. Renormalization Group Equations in Local Approximation 1992
121176 Andras Baranyai,, Denis J. Evans, Cohen E. G. D. Field-Dependent Conductivity and Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Lorentz Gas 1992

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