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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
96337 Paul D. Fleming, Julian H. Gibbs An Adaptation of the Lattice Gas to the Water Problem 1973
96338 Penrose O., Lebowitz J.L. Rigorous Treatment of Metastable States in the van der Waals-Maxwell Theory 1971
96339 Piasecki J., Cichocki B. Generalized enskog theory for homogeneous systems 1975
96340 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (2 1974) 1974
96341 K. Lindenberg, K. E. Shuler, J. Freeman First passage time and extremum properties of Markov and independent processes 1974
96342 Ferrell Richard A. Addendum to ``field theory of the two-dimensional Ising model: Equivalence to the free particle one-dimensional dirac equation'' 1973
96343 Gates D.J., Thompson C.J. Correlation Functions for Spin Systems of High Spatial Dimensionality 1975
96344 Mortensen Richard E. Mathematical problems of modeling stochastic nonlinear dynamic systems 1969
96345 Tunaley J.K.E. Asymptotic solutions of the continuous-time random walk model of diffusion 1974
96346 Baxter R. J. Variational Approximations for Square Lattice Models in Statistical Mechanics 1978
96347 Ryoichi Kikuchi Treatment of droplike clusters in nucleation theory using Reiss's method 1971
96348 Dick Bedeaux, Kurt E. Shuler, Irwin Oppenheim Decay of Correlations. IV. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Rapid Decay of Correlations 1971
96349 Hobson Arthur, Cheng Bin-Kang A comparison of the Shannon and Kullback information measures 1972
96350 Reiss H. Prospectus. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS(3 1970) 1970
96351 Kostin M. D. Friction and Dissipative Phenomena in Quantum Mechanics 1974
96352 John E. Reissner, William A. Steele A collisional approach to the calculation of time correlation functions. Transport coefficients of gases 1975
96353 Fields of Interest of Board of Editors (4 1974) 1974
96354 Lebowitz J.L. Program of the 35th Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1976
96355 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (1 1976) 1976
96356 Byung C Eu A Kinetic Theory of Dense Fluids 1972
96357 DelleDonne M., Ortoleva P. Critical Fluctuation Universality in Chemically Oscillatory Systems: A Soluble Master Equation 1978
96358 Percus J.K. Model for density variation at a fluid surface 1976
96359 M. Malek-Mansour, G. Nicolis A Master Equation Description of Local Fluctuations 1975
96360 Gardiner C.W., McNeil K.J., Walls D.F. Correlations in stochastic theories of chemical reactions 1975
96361 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (1 1977) 1977
96362 Fleming P.D., Bruce J. Berne, Marvin Bishop Collective Properties of Polyatomic I]ases in a Magnetic Field: Effects on Light ScattePing SpectPum 1972
96363 Isbister D.J., Freasier B.C. Adsorption of Dipolar Hard Spheres onto a Smooth, Hard Wall in the Presence of an Electric Field 1978
96364 Carbonell R.G., McCoy B.J. Tunneling and Transport Problems for a Quantum Mechanical Brownian Particle 1978
96365 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (6 1977) 1977
96366 Fields of Interest of Board of Editors (2/3 1972) 1972
96367 Stauffer D. Scaling Assumption for Lattice Animals in Percolation Theory 1977
96368 Clark P.M., P. Gluck, Wohlman-Entin O. Application of general transport theories to model system 1972
96369 Combis P., Fronteau J., Tellez-Arenas A. Introduction to a Brownian quasiparticle model 1979
96370 Frank A. Blood Approximate calculations for the two-dimensional Ising model 1970
96371 Takeo Nishigori Theory of kinetic equations for systems with production and absorption of particles 1975
96372 Davies E.B., Spohn H. Open Quantum Systems with Time-Dependent Hamiltonians and Their Linear Response 1978
96373 Kenkre V.M., Montroll E.V., Shlesinger M.F. Ileneralized Mastee Equationsfor Continuous-TimeRandom Walks 1973
96374 Kalos M., Lebowitz J.K., Penrose O. Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (4 1977) 1977
96375 Skagerstam Bo-Sture K. On the Notions of Entropy and Information 1975
96376 Stillinger Frank H. Quantum Corrections for Lattice Gases 1976
96377 Chaturvedi S., Gardiner C.W. The Poisson Representation. II. Two-Time Correlation Functions 1977
96378 Hynes James T. Initial condition effects for a Brownian particle in a harmonic chain 1974
96379 Gillespie D.T. Concerning the validity of the stochastic approach to chemical kinetics 1976
96380 Prospectus. Fields of interest (3 1970) 1970
96381 Revzen M., Schulman L.S. Functional Integration for Bose Fields 1973
96382 Îðëîâ À., Ôåäóëîâ À., Ñîêîëîâà Í. Ýíãåëüñ. Ïðîèñõîæäåíèå ñåìüè, ÷àñòíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è ãîñóäàðñòâà 1991
96383 Ôèíêåëü Â.Ì. Ïîðòðåò òðåùèíû 1989
96384 Ãàíãðñêèé Þ.Ï., Ìàðêîâ Á.Í. ßäðà â ëó÷àõ ëàçåðà 1984
96385 Êîùååâ À. ßáëî÷íûé ñòîë. Ñîâåòû õîçÿéêàì. Êîìïëåêò îòêðûòîê 1988
96386 Áðîäåëü Ô. Ìàòåðèàëüíàÿ öèâèëèçàöèÿ, ýêîíîìèêà è êàïèòàëèçì, ÕV#ÕVIII ââ. Âðåìÿ ìèðà 1992

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