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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
10119 von Hellens L., Nielsen S., Beekhuyzen J. Qualitative Case Studies on Implementation of Enterprise Wide Systems 2005
49351 von Hevesy G. Chemical Analysis by X-Rays and Its Applications 1932
39793 von Heydebreck A. Maximum likelihood estimation of oncogenetic tree models 2004
138317 von Hippel A. In Darwin's Image: How Human Biology Confirms Evolution Theory 2001
115100 Von Hippel A.R. Dielectrics and waves 1954
75593 von Hippel B., Vargas P., Sekaquaptewa D. Attitudinal Process vs. Content: The role of information processing biases in social judgment and behavior 2003
162291 von Hippel K. Democracy by Force: US Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World 2000
20220 von Hoffman J. Codierungsverfahren in der Rechnerkommunikation: Spezifikationen und Leistungsanalysen 1994
147970 Von Humboldt A. Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe n/a
198295 Von Humboldt W.H., Heath P., Aarsleff H. On Language: The Diversity of Human Language-Structure and its Influence on the Mental Development of Mankind 1988
116307 von Karman T. Aerodynamics: Selected Topics In The Light Of Their Historical Development 1954
20262 von Kaufmann E. Mathematische Statistik 1998
53812 von Klitzing K. (ed.), Faddeev L. (ed.), Schwartz M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology: Physics 2001
56066 von Kroge H. Gema: Birthplace of German Radar and Sonar 2000
29542 von Krogh G., Enkel-Chouikh E. Putting Knowledge Networks into Action 2004
74919 von Kummer R., Back T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic Stroke 2005
136803 von Kummer R., Back T., Sartor K. Magnetic Resonance Angiography. Techniques, Indications and Practical Applications 2005
116607 von Laue M. Die Relativitätstheorie 1921
32466 Von Laue M. History of Physics 1950
77411 von Mehren A.T., Murray P.L. Law in the United States 2007
55652 von Meier A. Electric Power Systems: A Conceptual Introduction 2006
57686 Von Mises L. Human Action. A Treatise on Economics 1998
4467 von Mises L. Theory of Money and Credit 1981
215447 von Mises L. Sobre dinheiro e inflacao n/a
77502 Von Mises L. Liberalism in the classical tradition 2002
77764 von Mises L. Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow 2002
77907 von Mises L. Nation, State, and Economy. Contributions to the Politics and History of Our Times 1983
125587 von Mises L. The Clash of Group Interests and Other Essays 1978
12973 von Mises R. Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik und Wahrheit 1928
152560 von Mises R., Friedrichs K.O. Fluid dynamics 1971
108451 von Mohrenshildt M. Canonical form for piecewise functions. (JSC 1998) 1998
106409 von Neumann J. Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik 1932
33596 von Neumann J. Continuous Geometry 1998
30298 Von Neumann J. Computer and the Brain 1979
60711 von Neumann John, Morgenstern Oscar Theory of games and economic behavior 1953
39249 von Oertzen W. Detectors in Heavy-Ion Reactions. Berlin, 1982: Proceedings 1983
66217 von Oniscik A.L., Sulanke R. Algebra und Geometrie 2. Moduln und Algebren 1988
26640 von Oostendorp H., Breure L., Dillon A. Creation, use, and deployment of digital information 2005
20219 von Paregis B. Kleine Einfuhrung in die Kodierungstheorie 1998
162608 von Schemde H.A. Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games: A Geometric-Combinatorial Approach (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) 2005
129934 von Schulthess G.K., Zollikofer C.L. Musculoskeletal Sonography. Technique, Anatomy, Semeiotics and Pathological Diseases 2005
74879 von Seggern D.H. CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces 1992
24695 von Seggern J. Laptop Music Power!: The Comprehensive Guide 2005
19850 von Sengbusch P. Molekular und Zellbiologie 1979
123446 von Solms N., Chiew Y.C. A Model for Polyelectrolytes 2000
47487 Von Sonntag C. Free-Radical-Induced DNA Damage and Its Repair 2006
42047 Von Steiger R. The Composition of Matter: Symposium Honouring Johannes Geiss on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday 2007
111601 von Stengel B. Game theory basics 2008
44482 Von Storch H., Zwiers F.W. Statistical Analysis in Climate Research 2002
41405 Von Storch H. (Ed), Tol R.S. Environmental Crises 2007

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