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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83841 Swifs G., Carraher C.E., Bowman C.N. Polymer modification 1997
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10141 Swinscow T.D.V., Campbell M.J. Statistics at Square One 2002
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135753 Swisher L., Catherine G. Professionalism in Physical Therapy: History, Practice, and Development 2005
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187288 Swope M., Lolis E. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 139 1999
19185 Sybex Inc. C# Complete 2003
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141801 Sydenham P. Systems Approach to Engineering Design (Artech House Telecommunications Library) 2004
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177348 Sydsater K., Strom A., Berck P. Economists' Mathematical Manual, 4th Edition 2005
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154181 Syed A. Ahson, Mohammad Ilyas SIP Handbook: Services, Technologies, and Security of Session Initiation Protocol 2008
179146 Syed M., Syed S. Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications (Handbook of Research On...) 2009
171284 Syed M. Technologies Shaping Instruction and Distance Education: New Studies and Utilizations (Advances in Distance Education Technologies (Adet) Book Series) 2010
130334 Syed M., Syed S. Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications 2008
83582 Syed M.R. Methods and applications for advancing distance education technologies: international issues and solutions 2009
208769 Syed Ubaidur Rahman MUSLIM FREEDOM FIGHTERS Contribution of Indian Muslims in the Independence Movement 2004
119319 Syivester G.S. Magnetization Concavity in Ferromagnets 1983
83621 Syka J., Merzenich M.M. Plasticity and signal representation in the auditory system 2005
164826 Sykes A. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 36 1991
174967 Sykes A. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 39 1992
176333 Sykes A. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry Volume 46 (Including Bioinorganic Studies) 1999
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155010 Sykes A., Cowley A. Advances in Organic Chemistry, 50 (Advances in Inorganic Chemistry) 2000
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