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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
65699 Russell Ñ.Ò. Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field: A Tutorial 2009
56412 Russer P. Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering 2006
171312 Russer P. Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit, And Antenna Design for Communications Engineering, Second Edition (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library) 2006
176966 Russer P. Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit, And Antenna Design for Communications Engineering, Second Edition (Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library) 2006
50054 Russer P. (ed.), S Time Domain Methods in Electrodynamics: A Tribute to Wolfgang J. R. Hoefer 2008
12957 Russinovich M., Solomon D. Microsoft Windows Internals 2004
191871 Russo B., Scotto M., Sillitti A. Agile Technologies in Open Source Development (Premier Reference Source) 2010
145425 Russo G. Aerodynamic measurements: From physical principles to turnkey instrumentation 2011
73924 Russo L. The forgotten revolution: how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn 2004
215381 Russo R. Só Por Hoje e Para Sempre - Diário do Recomeço 2015
135255 Rust H. Operational Semantics for Timed Systems: A Non-standard Approach to Uniform Modeling of Timed and Hybrid Systems 2005
125313 Rust H. A Note on Inherent Replication Properties of Local Cellular Automata Transition Functions 1994
140879 Rustagi J. Variational methods in statistics,Volume 121. 1976
165373 Rusten G., Skerratt S. Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society 2008
150762 Ruston A. Fredholm theory in Banach spaces 1986
135092 Ruston A. Fredholm Theory in Banach Spaces 1986
76517 Ruston N., Hunter L.E. MCSE Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory & Network Infrastructure: Exam 70-297 Study Guide and DVD Training System 2003
128689 Ruszczynski A. Stochastic Programming 2004
30293 Rutenbeck J. Tech Terms: What Every Telecommunications and Digital Media Professional Should Know 2006
124187 Rutgers University Program of the 86th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 70th Birthday of Michael E. Fisher 2003
122842 Rutgers University Program of the 89th Statistical Mechanics Meeting Celebrating the 80th Birthday of E. G. D. Cohen 2003
212908 Ruth Ginsburg, liana Pardes New Perspectives on Freud's "Moses and Monotheism" 2006
145225 Ruth Grant BPT MAppSc Grad Dip Adv Man Ther Physical Therapy of the Cervical and Thoracic Spine 2002
216801 Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel Birth in kabbalah and psychoanalysis n/a
211952 Ruth Oelze Funkensuche 2006
215417 Rutherford A. O livro dos humanos: A história de como nos tornamos quem somos 2020
55798 Rutherford D. Routledge Dictionary of Economics 2002
198319 Rutherford D. Substitional Analysis 1948
78137 Rutherford D. (ed.) The Cambrige companion to early modern philosophy 2006
57113 Rutherford D.A. Being The Solution 2002
34247 Rutherford D.E. Vector Methods 1951
17704 Rutherford D.E. Substitutional Analysis 1947
106174 Rutherford D.E. Vector methods. Applied to differential geometry, mechanics, and potential theory 1959
160085 Rutherford F., Holton G., Watson F. Project Physics Resource Book 1981
194692 Rutherford F.J., Holton G., Watson F.G. Project Physics Course: Text and Handbook: Unit 2, Motion in the Heavens 1970
216616 Rutherfurd E. China n/a
146071 Ruthing O. Interacting Code Motion Transformations: Their Impact and Their Complexity 1998
52994 Ruthven D.M. Principles of Adsorption and Adsorption Processes 1984
75092 Ruthven I.G. (Editor) MIRO '95: Proceedings of the Final Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIRO '95), Glasgow, Scotland, 18-20 September 1995 1996
109011 Rutishauser H. Der Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus 1957
50592 Rutishauser H. Algorithm 104. Reduction to Jacobi n/a
124683 Rutkevich S.B. Analytic Verification of the Droplet Picture in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model 2001
121780 Rutkevich S.B. Instantons in Spherical Model Thermodynamics 1992
136490 Rutkowski L. Computational Intelligence: methods and techniques 2008
159081 Rutkowski L., Tadeusiewicz R., Lotfi A. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2006: 8th International Conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 25-29, 2006, Proceedings 2006
174550 Rutkowski L. Computational Intelligence - Methods and Techniques 2008
182650 Rutkowski L. Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: Structures, Learning and Performance Evaluation 2004
194631 Rutkowski L., Scherer R., Tadeusiewicz R. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (¹6113 2010). Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Part I: 10th International Conference, ICAISC 2010, Zakopane, Poland, June13-17, 2010, Part I 2010

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