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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
78881 Murthy P. Weibull models 2004
75745 Murthy T.K.S. Computational methods in hypersonic aerodynamics 1991
127128 Murthy V.N.S. Geotechnical Engineering n/a
195024 Murthy V.N.S. Advanced Foundation Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering Series 2007
202948 Murti L. (ed.), Flores G.M. (ed.) Gender, Race, and Class in the Lives of Today’s Teachers. Educators at Intersections 2021
74628 Murty K. Linear complementarity, linear and nonlinear programming 1988
74660 Murty K. Network programming 1998
117338 Murty K.G. Computational and algorithmic linear algebra and n-Dimensional Geometry 2001
127250 Murty K.G. Network programming 1998
107233 Murty K.G. Computational and Algorithmic Linear Algebra and n-Dimensional Geometry 2001
195447 Murty K.G. Linear Complementarity, Linear and Nonlinear Programming 1999
169965 Murty M., Esmonde J. Problems in Algebraic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 2005
161588 Murty M. Problems in analytic number theory 2001
129367 Murty M., Esmonde J. Problems in Algebraic Number Theory 2005
212456 Murty M. R., Esmonde J. Problems in Algebraic Number Theory 2005
76709 Murty M.R. Problems in analytic number theory 2000
34046 Murty M.R. Problems in Analytic Number Theory 2007
6668 Murty M.R., Esmonde J. Problems in algebraic number theory 2005
138603 Murty R., Murty K. Non-vanishing of L-Functions and Applications (Progress in Mathematics) 1997
33375 Murty U.S., Bondy J.A. Graph Theory: An Advanced Course 2007
129041 Murty U.S.R. Problems in analytic number theory 2007
193075 Murugesan S., Deshpande Y. Web Engineering: Managing Diversity and Complexity of Web Application Development 2001
147951 Murugesan S. Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0, and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications 2009
206796 Murzban Jal, Jyoti Bawane, Muzaffar Ali THE IMBECILE’S GUIDE TO PUBLIC PHILOSOPHY 2022
135320 Mus-Veteau I. Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins: Methods and Protocols 2010
201697 Musarurwa H., Tavengwa N.T. Supramolecular solvent-based micro-extraction of pesticides in food and environmental samples 2020
214572 Muschara T., Farris R., Marinus J. Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations 2022
173999 Muschla G. Teach Terrific Writing, Grades 4-5: A Complete Writing Program for Use in Any Classroom (McGraw-Hill Teacher Resources) 2006
171976 Muschla G. Teach Terrific Writing, Grades 4-5: A Complete Writing Program for Use in Any Classroom (McGraw-Hill Teacher Resources) 2006
138615 Muschla J., Muschla G., Muschla E. Math Teacher's Survival Guide: Practical Strategies, Management Techniques, and Reproducibles for New and Experienced Teachers, Grades 5-12 (J-B Ed: Survival Guides) 2010
156617 Muschla J., Muschla G. The Math Teacher's Book of Lists 1994
137718 Muschla J. A., Muschla G. R. The Math Teacher's Book of Lists 1994
10566 Musciano C., Kennedy B., Loukides M. (ed.) HTML: The Definitive Guide 1998
23961 Musciano Ch., Kennedy B. HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide 2000
56039 Muscroft S. Plumbing 2005
174189 Muscroft S. Plumbing : for level 2 technical certificate and nvq 2007
216766 Museo del Prado La guida del prado n/a
211911 Museu Villa-Lobos Presença de Villa-Lobos:100 anos de Arminda 2012
58188 Musgrave P. The Early Modern European Economy 1999
150510 Musgrove B., Blair G. Fur Trapping: A Complete Guide to Equipment and Best Techniques 1979
130854 Mushahwar I.K. Viral Hepatitis. Molecular Biology Diagnosis and Control. Volume 10 2003
85580 Music Studio Ïðîãðàììà Cakewalk 9.03 n/a
199303 Musiela M., Rutkowski M. Martingale Methods in Financial Modeling 2005
36807 Musielak J. Orlicz Spaces and Modular Spaces 1983
183476 Musielak J. Function Spaces, 3 intern. conf. to the memory of W.Orlicz, Poznan, 1992 1994
38380 Musina R. On the regularity for solutions to H-systems 2005
38628 Musina R. The role of the spectrum of the Laplace operator on S2 in the h-bubble problem 2002
176194 Musio C. Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences : Proceedings of the International School of Biophysics Casamicciola, Napoli, Italy, 11-16 October ... on Biophysics and Biocybernetics) (v. 11) 2001
140309 Musio C. Vision: The Approach of Biophysics and Neurosciences : Proceedings of the International School of Biophysics Casamicciola, Napoli, Italy, 11-16 October ... on Biophysics and Biocybernetics) (v. 11) 2001
157663 Muskhelishvili N., Radok J. Singular Integral Equations: Boundary Problems of Function Theory and Their Application to Mathematical Physics 1953

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