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Поиск книг, содержащих: Knot sequence
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Goswami J.C., Chan A.K. — Fundamentals of Wavelets : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 281 | Barrels R.H., Beatty J.C. — An Introduction to Splines for use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling | 6, 47, 67, 89, 95, 106, 133, 162, 168, 198, 199, 204, 238, 248, 254, 441 | Goswami J., Chan A. — Fundamentals of Wavelets. Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | 281 | Chui C.K. — Wavelets: a mathematical tool for signal processing | 75—76, 143 |