Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Parabola, semicubical
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Frost P. — An Elementary Treatise on Curve Tracing | 21, 24, 64, 65, 108 | Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners | 45 | Demidovich B. (ed.) — Problems in mathematical analysis | 18, 20, 234, 481 | Woods F.S., Bailey F.H. — A Course in Mathematics. Volume II | I, 131 | Franklin P. — Differential and integral calculus | 138, 234, 502 | Courant R. — Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. 1 | 99, 259, 290 | Anthony G. — Elements of differential and integral calculus | 271 |