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Поиск книг, содержащих: Projective set
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Kharazishvili A.B. — Strange functions in real analysis | | Ueno K. — Algebraic Geometry. From varieties to schemes (vol. 1) | 32 | Ueno K. — An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) | 95 | Hrbacek K., Jech T. — Introduction to Set Theory | 278 | Froberg R. — An Introduction to Grobner Bases | 119 | Barwise J. (ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Logic | 790 | Clemens C.H. — Scrapbook of Complex Curve Theory | 8 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (vol. 2) | 395 | Perrin D., Pin J.-E. — Infinite Words: Automata, Semigroups, Logic abd Games | 185 | Beth E.W. — The foundations of mathematics: A study in the philosophy of science | 576ff. | Kechris A.S., Louveau A. — Descriptive Set Theory and the Structure of Sets of Uniqueness | 107 | Kharazishvili A.B. — Nonmeasurable Sets and Functions | 188 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (Vol. 1) | 395 | Hrbacek K., Jech T. — Introduction to Set Theory, Third Edition, Revised, and Expanded (Pure and Applied Mathematics (Marcel Dekker)) | 278 |