Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Lower envelope
Книга | Страницы для поиска | de Berg M., van Kreveld M., Overmars M. — Computational Geometry : Algorithms and applications | 245 | Bergh J., Teillaud M. (Ed) — Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces | 70 | Alfsen E.M. — Compact Convex Sets and Boundary Integrals | 4 | Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry | 4, 58, 93, 189, 190, 242, 260, 263 | Williamson J.H. — Lebesgue Integration | 13 | Leeuwen J.V. — Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity | 424 | Leeuwen J. (ed.), Meyer A.R., Nivat M. — Algorithms and Complexity, Volume A | 424 |