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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hawking effect
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Greiner W., Muller B., Rafelski J. — Quantum electrodynamics of strong fields | 557 | Ryder L.H. — Quantum Field Theory | 223(f) | Stephani H. — Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity | 340 | Fulling S. — Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime | 285 (see also “Schwarzschild space”) | Ludvigsen M. — General relativity. A geometric approach | 170 | Birrell N.D., Davies P.C.W. — Quantum Fields in Curved Space | 6, 8, 117, 318—329, see, also, “The, entries, under, black, hole” | D'Inverno R. — Introducing Einstein's Relatvity | 266-8 | Volovik G. — Artificial black holes | 14, 37, 88-91, 93, 97-99, 102, 104, 105 | Wald R.M. — Quantum field theory in curved spacetime and black hole thermodynamics | 8—9, 151—163, 157 | Held A. (ed.) — General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2) | 144, 169, 348 |