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Puntanen S., Seber G.A.F., Styan G.P.H. Definitions and facts for linear statistical models and multivariate statistical analysis using linear algebra
| Slatogorskaja R.L., Magid I.M., Narbut L.W. Deutsch X.
| Sachs R. Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz: Neu der Schriftwechsel in Export and Import
Zacher O. Deutsche Phonetik
| Спиерс А. Dictionary of American Slang
| Wentworth H., Flexner S. Dictionary of American Slang
Darcy L. (ed.) Dictionary of computer terms
| Gavrichina K.S., Sazonov M.A., Gavrichina I.N. Dictionnaire Commercial et Financier
| Müller R. Differential harnack inequalities and the ricci flow
Nastasescu C., Oystaeyen F.V. Dimensions of ring theory
| Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
| Dhompongsa S. (ed.) East-West Journal of Mathematics (Volume 1, Number 1)
Economie et Techniques Bancaires. Economie monetaire, bancaire et financiere
| Economie et Techniques Bancaires. La Banque et les Particuliers
| Ghermanescu M. Ecuatti functionale
Starkov A.P., Dixon R.R. Eighth form english. Pupils book
| Prossdorf S. Einige klassen singularer gleichungen
| Lions J.-L. El planeta tierra el papel de las matematicas y de los super ordenadores
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