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Fiedler B., Groger K., Sprekels J. Inretnational conference on differential equations. Vol. 1
| Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin (Vol. 20, #2 1991)
| Rios-Mercado R.Z. (ed.) Integer programming and combinatorial optimization
Fiedler B., Groger K., Sprekels J. International Conference on Differential Equations. Vol. 2
| International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra
| International Conference Transformation Groups (abstracts of talks)
International congress of mathematicians. Beijing 2002 august 20-28. Abstracts of plenary and invited lectures
| Nair V.(ed.), Vries W.d.(ed.) International statistical review (vol 65 number 2 august 1997)
| Brillinger D.R. (ed.) International Statistical Review (vol. 57 №3 December 1989)
Brillinger D.R.(ed.) International Statistical Review (vol. 58 №1 April 1989)
| Brillinger D.R. (ed.) International Statistical Review (vol. 59 №1 April 1991)
| Brillinger D.R. (ed.) International Statistical Review (vol. 59 №2 August 1991)
Silverman B.W. (ed.), Trewin D.J. (ed.) International Statistical Review (Volume 60, №2 (1992))
| Silverman B.W. (ed.), Trewin D.J. (ed.) International Statistical Review (Volume 62 №2 (1994))
| Silverman B.W.(ed.), Trewin D.J.(ed.) International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. Volume 60: number 3, december 1992
Silverman B.W.(ed.), Trewin D.J.(ed.) International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. Volume 61: number 2, august 1993
| Silvermun B.W. (ed.) International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. Volume 62: number 1, april 1994
| Brillinger D.R.(ed.) International Statistical Review. Volume 57, №2
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