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Lelong P., Gruman L. Entire functions of several complex variables
| Diaz J. I., Lions J.L. Environment, economics, and their mathematical models
| Daniels H.E. Epidemology and medical statistics
Aceto L., Esik Z., Ingolfsdottir A. Equational theories of tropical semirings
| Yashima H.F. Equations de Navier-Stokes stochastiques non homogenes et applications
| Lions J.L. Equations differentielles operationnelles et problemes aux limites
Arnold V. Equations differentielles ordinaires
| Eckersley C.E. Essential English for Foreign Students. Book One
| Jakimavicius D., Statulevicius V. Estimates of cumulants and centered moments of mixing random processes
European Journal of Mechanics (1997, vol.16)
| Mercer A. (Ed.) European Journal of Operational Research
| Arnold Burgen European Review. (vol. 1 numb. 1) January 1993
Burgen A. European review. Interdisciplinary journal of the academia europaea. Volume 5, Number 2
| Martinotti G., Helmfrid S. European Review. Volume 4. Number 1
| Canestrari R., Fenstad J. European Review. Volume 4. Number 2
Markl H., Harper P. European Review. Volume 5. Number 1
| Asmussen S., Collamore J. Exact asymptotics for a large deviations problem for the GI/G/1 queue
| Lamoitier J.-P. Exercices de programmation en Fortran IV
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