Green’s function for wave equation, scalar reciprocity and | Найти книги |
Green’s function for wave equation, scalar table of properties | Найти книги |
Green’s function for wave equation, vector | Найти книги |
Green’s functions in abstract vector space | Найти книги |
Green’s functions and Green’s operator | Найти книги |
Green’s functions and Hermitian operators | Найти книги |
Green’s functions and non-Hermitian operators | Найти книги |
Green’s functions and reciprocity | Найти книги |
Green’s functions and integral equation | Найти книги |
Green’s functions for inhomogeneous integral equation | Найти книги |
Hankel functions of first kind asymptotic formula and Green’s functions | Найти книги |
Hankel functions of first kind asymptotic formula and Green’s functions expansion of in eigenfunctions | Найти книги |
Hankel functions of first kind asymptotic formula and Green’s functions expansion of in plane waves | Найти книги |
Helmholtz equation, Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Images and Green’s function | Найти книги |
Impulse function and Green’s functions | Найти книги |
Klein — Gordon equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Neumann boundary conditions and Green’s functions | Найти книги |
Oblate spheroidal coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Parabolic coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function in | Найти книги |
Parabolic coordinates and Laplace equation in two dimensions Green’s function in | Найти книги |
Parabolic coordinates and wave equation Green’s function in | Найти книги |
Plane wave and Green’s functions | Найти книги |
Poisson equation and Green’s function | Найти книги |
Polar coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Polar coordinates and wave equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Prolate spheroidal coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Prolate spheroidal coordinates and wave equation, scalar Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Random flight and Green’s function | Найти книги |
Rectangular coordinates and wave equation and Green’s function for interior problems | Найти книги |
Rectangular ducts electromagnetic waves in Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Resonators, electromagnetic Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Sphere, charged rotating electromagnetic waves inside Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Spherical coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Spherical coordinates and Laplace equation, vector, Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Spherical coordinates and scalar wave equation Green’s function m | Найти книги |
Spherical coordinates and vector wave equation Green’s function in | Найти книги |
String, flexible static Green’s function for | Найти книги |
String, flexible vibrating Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Sturm — Liouville equation, Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Telegraphist’s equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Toroidal coordinates and Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Two-particle problems in quantum mechanics one-dimensional case Green’s functions for | Найти книги |
Two-particle problems in quantum mechanics three-dimensional case Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Vector Laplace equation Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Vector wave equation Green’s functions for | Найти книги |
Wave equation scalar Green’s function for | Найти книги |
Alternative representations, free space Green’s functions | Найти книги |
Characteristic Green’s function (resolvent) | Найти книги |