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Содержимое каталога
6791. Helmut Seidl Foundations of software science and computational structures: 10th international conference, FOSSACS 2007, held as part of the joint european conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2007, Braga, Portugal, March 24 — April 1, 2007. Proceeding (1 edition)2007
6792. Helmut seng Chiara o. Tommasi Formen und Nebenformen des Platonismus in der Spätantike2016
6793. Helmut Sies Bernard Bruene Oxygen Biology and Hypoxia (1 edition)2007
6794. Helmut Voelklein Tanush Shaska Progress in Galois Theory: Proc. J.Thompson's 70th Birthday Conference (1 edition)2004
6795. Helmut Volklein Groups as Galois groups: An introduction (1 edition)2008
6796. Helson H. The Spectral Theorem (1 edition)1986
6797. Helvoort H. The ComSoc Guide to Next Generation Optical Transport: SDH/SONET/OTN (ComSoc Guides to Communications Technologies)2009
6798. Hemmer P. C. Demixing in Isotropic Binary Mixtures of Rodlike Macromolecules1999
6799. Hemmert M. Technology and Innovation in Japan: Policy Management for the 21st Century (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)1998
6800. Hempeil Ursula Datenverwaltung mit REDABAS-31989
6801. Hend Gilli-Elewy Bagdad nach dem Sturz des Kalifats2000
6802. Henderson D. Holovko M. Trokhymchuk A. Ionic Soft Matter: Modern Trends in Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Lviv, Ukraine, April 14-17, 2004 (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 206)2005
6803. Henderson H. A to Z of Computer Scientists2003
6804. Hendren L. (ed.) Compiler Construction - 17th International Conference, CC 2008 Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2008 Budapest, Hungary, March 29 – April 6, 2008 Proceedings (1 edition)2008
6805. Hendrick R.E. Breast MRI Fundamentals and Technical Aspects2007
6806. Hendrik B. Geyer Field Theory, Topology and Condensed Matter Physics (1 edition)1995
6807. Hendriks E. M. Ernst M. H. Ziff R. M. Coagulation Equations with Gelation1982
6808. Hendriksen E. How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety2018
6809. Hendtlass T. Ali M. Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence (1 edition)2002
6810. Henini M. Razeghi M. Handbook of Infrared Detection Technologies2002
6811. Henk van Beijeren Dorfman J. R. Kinetic Theory of Hydrodynamic Flows. I. The Generalized Normal Solution Method and Its Application to the Drag on a Sphere1979
6812. Henk van Beijeren Herbert Spohn Transport Properties of the One-Dimensional Stochastic Lorentz Model: I. Velocity Autocorrelation Function1982
6813. Henkin L. Monk J.D. Tarski A. Cylindric set algebras (1 edition)1981
6814. Henkin V. 1000 checkmate combinations2011
6815. Hennart J.P. Numerical Analysis (1 edition)1982
6816. Henneaux M. Sevrin A. Gross D. J., editors Quantum Structure of Space and Time : Proceedings of the 23rd Solvay Conference on Physics2007
6817. Hennessy M. A distributed pi-calculus (1 edition)2007
6818. Henney K. 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts (1 edition)2010
6819. Hennion H, Herve L. Limit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic Properties of Dynamical Systems by Quasi-Compactness (1 edition)2001
6820. Henri Bergson As Duas fontes da moral e da Religião2005
6821. Henri Cohen Advanced Topics in Computational Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (1 edition)1999
6822. Henri Cornille Exact (1 + 1)-Dimensional Solutions of Discrete Planar Velocity Boltzmann Models1987
6823. Henri Cornille Yue-Hong Qian Temperature Overshoots for a 4-Velocity Unidimensional Discrete Boltzmann Model1990
6824. Henrici P. Applied and computational complex analysis. Volume 1. Power Series - Integration - Conformal Mapping - Location of Zeros1974
6825. Henriette A. Klauser Writing on Both Sides of the Brain: Breakthrough Techniques for People Who Write1987
6826. Henrik Fexeus A arte de ler mentes: como interpretar gestos e influenciar pessoas sem que elas percebam2014
6827. Henriksen N. E. Hansen F. Y. Theories of Molecular Reaction Dynamics: The Microscopic Foundation of Chemical Kinetics2008
6828. Henrion D. Garulli A. Positive polynomials in control2005
6829. Henriot C. Lu S. Aubrun C. The Population of Shanghai (1865–1953)2019
6830. Henriques Diana B. O mago das mentiras : Bernard Madoff e a história da maior fraude financeira de todos os tempos2017
6831. Henry B Fine The number-system of algebra treated theoretically and historically1937
6832. Henry Beadnell A guide to typography, in two parts, literary and practical; or, The reader's handbook and the compositor's vade-mecum1859
6833. Henry David Thoreau Desobediência civiln/a
6834. Henry E. Riggs Understanding the Financial Score (1 edition)2007
6835. Henry Ehrenreich Frans Spaepen Solid State Physics (1 edition)2004
6836. Henry Ehrenreich Frederick Seitz David Turnbull Solid State Physics (1st edition)1983
6837. Henry Emmons Rachel Kranz The Chemistry of Joy: A Three-Step Program for Overcoming Depression Through Western Science and Eastern Wisdom (Original edition)2005
6838. Henry Ernest Dudeney Amusements in mathematics1917
6839. Henry Heller Labour, Science and Technology in France2002
6840. Henry J. Aaron William B. Schwartz Coping With Methuselah: The Impact of Molecular Biology on Medicine and Society2004
6841. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois1989
6842. Henry Margenau George Moseley Murphy The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry - Volume Two (1st edition)1964
6843. Henry Stevens Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology2007
6844. Henryk Gzyl Integration of the Boltzmann Equation in the Relaxation Time Approximation1982
6845. Henryk Gzyl Linearized Boltzmann Equations Representation of Solutions1981
6846. Henryk Hudzik Leszek Skrzypcazk Function spaces: The fifth conference2000
6847. Hentschke R. Klassische Elektrodynamikn/a
6848. Henzinger T. A. Kirsch C. M. Embedded Software: First International Workshop, EMSOFT 2001, Tahoe City, CA, USA, October 8-10, 2001. Proceedings (1 edition)2001
6849. Hepp M. Leenheer P. Moor A. Ontology Management. Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications2008
6850. Hepu Deng Lanzhou Wang Fu Lee Wang Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: International Conference, AICI 2009, Shanghai, China, November 7-8, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) (1 edition)2009
6851. Heraclio Bonilla Luis G. Lumbreras LOS ANDES EL CAMINO DEL RETORNO1990
6852. Herausgegeben von Eve-Marie Becker Die antike Historiographie und die Anfänge der christlichen Geschichtsschreibung2005
6853. Herbert Busemann Paul J. Kelly Projective geometry and projective metrics2005
6854. Herbert Busemann The geometry of geodesics1955
6855. Herbert Feigl The ?Mental” and the ?Physical”: The Essay and a Postscript1967
6856. Herbert George Wells A Nova Ordem Mundial: Se for possível, como pode ser alcançado, e como deverá ser um mundo pacífico?2020
6857. Herbert Goldstein Classical mechanics (2nd edition)1980
6859. Herbert Spohn Fluctuations Around the Boltzmann Equation1981
6860. Herbert Spohn Interface Motion in Models with Stochastic Dynamics1992

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