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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
6651. Hao Feng Gustavo Barbosa-Canovas Jochen Weiss Ultrasound Technologies for Food and Bioprocessing (Food Engineering Series) (1st Edition.)2010
6652. Hao P. Li H. Wu A. Lipocalin2 promotes cell proliferation and migration in ovarian cancer through activation of the ERK/GSK3β/β-catenin signaling pathway2020
6653. Harald Haas Stephen McLaughlin Next Generation Mobile Access Technologies: Implementing TDD2008
6654. Harald Upmeier Symmetric Banach Manifolds and Jordan C*-Algebras (North Holland Mathematics Studies, Vol 104)1985
6655. Harbaugh J.W. Davis J.C. Wendebourg J. Computing Risk for Oil Prospects: Principles and Programs (Har/Dsk edition)1995
6656. Hardcastle F. Algebraic functions and their integrals: A supplement to the usual treatises by Felix Klein1893
6657. Harder G. Lectures on algebraic geometry2003
6658. Harding, Luke Os arquivos Snowden2014
6659. Hardman B.G. Wagus C.R. Performance and Durability of the Window-Wall Interface (ASTM special technical publication, 1484)2006
6660. Hardt S. Schonfeld F. Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis Systems2007
6661. Haret C. Rosu MECANICA CUANTICA I.1989
6662. Hargreaves-Heap S. Varoufakis Y. Game Theory: A Critical Introduction2002
6663. Hari M. Koduvel A Model of Subdiffusive Interface Dynamics with a Local Conservation of Minimum Height1998
6664. Hari Singh Nalwa Deposition and Materialsn/a
6665. Haridas R.S. Thapliyal S. Agrawal P. Defect-based probabilistic fatigue life estimation model for an additively manufactured aluminum alloy2020
6666. Haritsa J. Kotagiri R. Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 13th International Conference, DASFAA 2008, New Delhi, India, March 19-21, 2008, Proceedings2008
6667. Harland P.A Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations and Commentary. II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. (Band 204 edition)2014
6668. Harlow E. Webb S.A. Information and Communication Technology in the Welfare Services2003
6669. Harmata M. Silver in Organic Chemistry (1 edition)2010
6670. Harmsen J. Haan A.B. Swinkels P.L.J. Product and Process Design: Driving Innovation2018
6671. Harmuth H.F. Calculus of Finite Differences in Quantum Electrodynamics (Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Vol 129)2003
6672. Harnack A. Die griechische Uebersetzung des Apologeticus Tertullian's. Medicinisches aus der altesten Kirchengeschichte1892
6673. Harnad J.P. Shnider S. Geometrical and Topological Methods in Gauge Theories1980
6674. Harnett W. Kennedy M. Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Immunology (First edition)2001
6675. Harold A. Linstone Murray Turoff The Delphi Method: Techniques and Applications1975
6676. Harold C. Smith RNA and DNA Editing: Molecular Mechanisms and Their Integration into Biological Systems (1 edition)2008
6677. Harold Davis Creative Close-Ups: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques2009
6678. Harold Franck Darren Franck Mathematical Methods for Accident Reconstruction: A Forensic Engineering Perspective2009
6679. Harold Jeffreys Theory of Probability 2nd ed (Oxford Classic Texts in the Physical Sciences) (2nd edition)1948
6680. Harold Somers Computers and Translation: A Translator's Guide (Benjamins Translation Library)2000
6681. Harper C. Analytic Methods in Physics (1 edition)1999
6682. Harper C. Spiritual Information: 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion2005
6683. Harper G.D.J. Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius2007
6684. Harper J.R. Combinatorial Methods in Topology and Algebraic Geometry (Contemporary Mathematics)1985
6685. Harper R. Inside the IMF: An Ethnography of Documents, Technology, and Organizational Action1998
6686. Harrigan M.R. Deveikis J.P. Handbook of Cerebrovascular Disease and Neurointerventional Technique (Contemporary Medical Imaging)2009
6687. Harrington R. Robinson I. Motion Graphics with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Studio Techniques2011
6688. Harris G. Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions2018
6689. Harris J. Cholesterol Binding and Cholesterol Transport Proteins:: Structure and Function in Health and Disease2010
6690. Harris J. Hirst J. Mossinghoff M, Combinatorics and Graph Theory (2 edition)2008
6691. Harris L.E. Licensing digital content: a practical guide for librarians (1 edition)2002
6692. Harris N. Parkinson I. Rogers N. Our Dynamic Planet (Book 1, Part 2)2007
6693. Harris N. B. Mal profundo2019
6694. Harris R. Sleight P. Webber R. Geodemographics, GIS and Neighbourhood Targeting2005
6695. Harris T. Taylor S. Wood A. The english catholic community 1688–1745. Volume 72009
6696. Harrison E. Masks of the Universe : Changing Ideas on the Nature of the Cosmos2003
6697. Harrison M. McLennan M. Effective Tcl/Tk Programming: Writing Better Programs with Tcl and Tk1997
6698. Harrison M.A. Introduction to Formal Language Theory1978
6699. Harrison R.M. Hester R.E. Baggethun E.G. Ecosystem Services2010
6700. Harrison T. Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli: Human Evolution in Context: Volume 1: Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment2011
6701. Harry Bunt Robbert-Jan Beun Tijn Borghuis Multimodal Human-Computer Communication: Systems, Techniques, and Experiments (1 edition)1998
6702. Harry Collins Trevor Pinch The Golem at Large: What You Should Know About Technology (1st edition)2002
6703. Harry F. Albers Tooth-Colored Restoratives: Principles and Techniques (9th edition)2001
6704. Harry Katzan APL Programming and Computer Techniques (VNR Computer Science Series)1970
6706. Harry Pollard Mathematical Introduction to Celestial Mechanics1966
6707. Harry Suhl Relaxation Processes in Micromagnetics (International Series of Monographs on Physics)2007
6708. Harry V. Jaffa H. American Conservatism and the American Founding1984
6710. Hart J.M. Windows System Programming (4th Edition) (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series) (4 edition)2010
6711. Hart R. Over de Liefde2017
6712. Hartenstein H. Laberteaux K. VANET Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies2010
6713. Hartley R. Zisserman A. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision (2 edition)2003
6714. Hartmanis J. Feasible Computations and Provable Complexity Properties1989
6715. Hartmann D. L. Global physical climatology1994
6716. Hartmann E. Le illusioni del genere umano2006
6717. Hartmann F. Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle Physics . Springer Tracts in Modern Physics. Volume 231 (1 edition)2008
6718. Hartmann L. Accretion Processes in Star Formation, 2nd Edition (Cambridge Astrophysics) (2nd edition)2008
6719. Hartmut Erbse Thukydides -Interpretationenn/a
6720. Hartmut Konig Monika Heiner Adam Wolisz Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2003: 23rd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 29 -- October 2, 2003 (1 edition)2003

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