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Содержимое каталога
6511. Haacke E. Brown R. Thompson M. Magnetic resonance imaging: Physical principles and sequence design1999
6512. Haan H. Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector: Fresh Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects)2006
6513. Haas R. Brandes V. Music that works: Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology2009
6514. Haase Wolfgang Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt : Geschichteu. Kultur Roms im Spiegel1981
6515. Habel J.C. Assmann T. Relict Species: Phylogeography and Conservation Biology2010
6516. Habib Ammari Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Imaging I: Electrical and Ultrasound Tomographies, Anomaly Detection, and Brain Imaging (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Mathematical Biosciences Subseries) (1 edition)2009
6517. Hacid M.-S. Ras Z.W. Tsumoto S. Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 15th International Symposium ISMIS 2005, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, May 25-28, 2005, Proceedings2005
6518. Hackbusch W. Multi-Grid Methods and Applications (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics)2003
6519. Hackos J. Informatics for the Clinical Laboratory (1 edition)2003
6520. Hadjiheidari A. Nayeb Hossein Kashi Straßenräuber oder Revolutionär?: Eine Untersuchung zur neueren iranischen Geschichte (1850-1920) (издание Band 304)2019
6521. Hady Farag Collaborative Value Creation: An Empirical Analysis of the European Biotechnology Industry (1 edition)2009
6522. Hadziioannou G. van Hutten P.F. Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics and Engineering2000
6523. Hadziioannou G. Hutten P. Semiconducting Polymers: Chemistry, Physics and Engineering2000
6524. Haggard G. Exoursions in graph theory1980
6525. Hai-cang Ren The Virial Expansion of a Dilute Bose Gas in Two Dimensions2002
6526. Haig M. O livro do conforto.2021
6527. Hailperin M. Kaiser B. Knight K. Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme1998
6528. Haim Taitelbaum Shlomo Havlin James E. Kiefer Some Properties of the A + B C Reaction-Diffusion System with Initially Separated Components1991
6529. Haining R. Spatial data analysis: theory and practice2003
6530. Hairer E. Numerical geometric integration1999
6531. Hairer M. Pavliotis G. A. Periodic Homogenization for Hypoelliptic Diffusions2004
6532. Hajek A. Glare T. Callaghan M. Use of Microbes for Control and Eradication of Invasive Arthropods (1 edition)2009
6533. Hajo Reijers Design And Control Of Workflow Processes (1 edition)2003
6534. Hakan Özkan Narrativität im Kitäb al-Farag ba da s-sidda des Abü 'Ali al-Muhassin at-Tanühi2008
6535. Hake s. Saxon Math 5/4 (3rd edition)2004
6536. Haken H. Information and self-organization1999
6537. Hakim L. Sugiono M. Mas’oed M. THE GLOBAL SOUTH: Refleksi dan Visi Studi Hubungan Internasional2021
6538. Hakkinen P. Kennedy G. Stoss F. Information Resources in Toxicology (3nd edition)2000
6539. Hal Elrod O milagre da manhã para transformar seu relacionamento2016
6540. Hal Tasaki Stability of Ferromagnetism in Hubbard Models with Nearly Flat Bands1996
6542. Halatsis C. Maritsas D. Philokyprou G. PARLE '94 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 6th International PARLE Conference, Athens, Greece, July 4 - 8, 1994. Proceedings1994
6543. Haldis Haukanes Frances Pine Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardening borders2021
6544. Haleh Ardebili Michael Pecht Encapsulation Technologies for Electronic Applications (Materials and Processes for Electronic Applications)2009
6545. Halevy A. Gal A. Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems: 5th International Workshop, NGITS 2002, Caesarea, Israel, June 24-25, 2002. Proceedings2002
6546. Haley A. Roots.The Saga of an American Family2007
6547. Hall C. Laws and Models: Science, Engineering, and Technology2000
6548. Hall J. McAdams J. Effective Perl Programming: Ways to Write Better, More Idiomatic Perl (2nd Edition) (Effective Software Development Series) (2nd edition)2010
6549. Hall R. Tenenbaum G. 90 Divisors1988
6550. Hall R. Forward-Looking Decision Making: Dynamic Programming Models Applied to Health, Risk, Employment, and Financial Stability (The Gorman Lectures in Economics)2010
6551. Hallam A. Wignall P. B. Mass Extinctions and Their Aftermath1997
6552. Halle M. Lahiri A. (ed.) From Memory to Speech and Back2002
6553. Halliday D. Resnick R. Walker J. Fundamentals of physics, extended edition (8 edition)2007
6554. Halliday S. Science and Technology in the Age of Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and James: Thinking and Writing Electricity2007
6555. Hallion R. The Hypersonic Revolution: Case Studies in the History of Hypersonic Technology Volume I1998
6556. Hallion R. The Hypersonic Revolution: Case Studies in the History of Hypersonic Technology Volume II1998
6557. Halmos P. A Hilbert space problem book (2nd edition)1982
6558. Halmos P. R. Introduction to Hilbert space and the theory of spectral multiplicity (20 edition)1951
6559. Halmos P. R. Lectures on Boolean Algebras (Reprint Edition)1967
6560. Halmos P.R. Finite - Dimensional vector spaces1987
6561. Halmos P.R. I want to be a mathematician: an automathography1985
6562. Halpern P. What's Science Ever Done For Us: What the Simpsons Can Teach Us About Physics, Robots, Life, and the Universe2007
6563. Halpern R. Making Play Work: The Promise of After-School Programs for Low-Income Children2003
6564. Halpin T. Morgan T. Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Second Edition (2nd edition)2008
6565. Halpin T. Information Modeling and Relational Databases: From Conceptual Analysis to Logical Design (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)2001
6566. Halpin T. Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications2008
6567. Halton T. Theodoret of Cyrus: On Divine Providence1988
6568. Ham B. The Periodic Table (Essential Chemistry)2008
6569. Hamacher M. Marcus K. Stuhler K. Proteomics In Drug Research2006
6570. Hamann M. (ed.) Maguiña S.L. (ed.) Portocarrero G. (ed.) Batallas por la memoria: antagonismos de la promesa peruana2003
6571. Hamano Y. Amino-Acid Homopolymers Occurring in Nature (Microbiology Monographs) (1st Edition.)2010
6572. Hamer C. J. Finite-Size Scaling Corrections for the Eight-Vertex Model1986
6573. Hamer C. J. Batchelor M. T. Michael N. Barber Logarithmic Corrections to Finite-Size Scaling in the Four-State Potts Model1988
6574. Hames D. Hooper N. BIOS Instant Notes in Biochemistry (2 edition)2000
6575. Hameurlain A. Min Tjoa A. Database and Expert Systems Applications: 8th International Conference, DEXA'97, Toulouse, France, September 1-5, 1997, Proceedings (1 edition)1997
6576. Hamid Khosravi Sharoudi Zur Problematik des Demokratisierungsprozesses in Iran1998
6577. Hamid Sarbazi-Azad Behrooz Parhami Seyed-Ghasem Miremadi Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: 13th International CSI Computer Conference, CSICC 2008 Kish Island, Iran, March 9-11, 2008 Revised Selected ... in Computer and Information Science) (1 edition)2008
6578. Hamilton J.T. Regulation through Revelation: The Origin, Politics, and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program2005
6579. Hamish Cunningham Allan Hanbury Stefan Ruger Advances in Multidisciplinary Retrieval: First Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2010, Vienna, Austria, May 31, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI) (1st Edition.)2010
6580. Hamish Meikle Modern Radar Systems, 2nd Edition (Artech House Radar Library) (2 edition)2008

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