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Содержимое каталога
5811. Gardner M. Fractal music, hypercards and more...1992
5812. Gardner M. The new ambidextrous universe: Symmetry and Asymmetry from Mirror Reflections to Superstrings (3rd edition, revised)1990
5813. Gardner R. The Method of Equivalence and Its Applications (CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics)1987
5815. Gareth Burgess Trading and Investing in the Forex Markets Using Chart Techniques (Wiley Trading) (1 edition)2009
5816. Garevski M. Ansal A. Earthquake Engineering in Europe2010
5817. Garg H. Hales C. Chemistry and Biology of Hyaluronan2004
5818. Garg U. Hammett-Stabler C. Clinical Applications of Mass Spectrometry: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (1st Edition.)2009
5819. Garibaldi U. Scalas E. Finitary Probabilistic Methods in Econophysics2010
5821. Garnett P. Williams Chaos Theory Tamed1997
5822. Garnier R. Discrete mathematics for new technology1992
5823. Garosi E. Projecting a new empiren/a
5824. Garrett L. Ebola2014
5825. Garrett P. Notes on first-year calculus, version 01.32004
5826. Garrido L. Application of Field Theory to Statistical Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 216)1985
5827. Garrido L. Lecture Notes in Physics. Far from Equilibrium Phase Transitions. Proceedings of the Xth Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Sitges, Barcelona, June 6-10, 19881988
5828. Garrido P . L . Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy , Lyapunov Exponents , and Mean Free Time in Billiard Systems1997
5829. Garrido P. L. Marro J. Fourth Granada Lectures in Computational Physics: Proceedings of the 4th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics Held at Granada, Spain, 9-14 September 1996 (1 edition)1997
5830. Garrido P. L. Marro J. Kinetic Lattice Models of Disorder1993
5831. Garry Kasparov Winter is Coming2015
5832. Garry Rodan The Politics of Accountability in Southeast Asia The Dominance of Moral Ideologies2014
5833. Gartner B. Plant Stems: Physiology and Functional Morphology1995
5834. Gary A. Fundamental Orthopedic Management: For the Physical Therapist Assistant (2 edition)2004
5835. Gary A. Glatzmaier Magnetic Field Propagation in a Stellar Dynamo1985
5837. Gary J. Minden Active Networks: IFIP TC6 6th International Working Conference, IWAN 2004, Lawrence, KS, USA, October 27-29, 2004, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1 edition)2007
5838. Gary Keller A Única Coisa2014
5839. Gary L. Drescher Good and Real: Demystifying Paradoxes from Physics to Ethics (1 edition)2006
5840. Gary M. Douglas Dinheiro não é o problema, você é2012
5841. Gary Mavko Tapan Mukerji Jack Dvorkin The Rock Physics Handbook: Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media (2nd edition)2009
5842. Gary North Unconditional Surrender: God's Program for Victory (3 edition)1983
5843. Gary P. Morriss Lamberto Rondoni A Dynamical Partition Function for the Lorentz Gas1994
5844. Gary P. Morriss Lamberto Rondoni Periodic Orbit Expansions for the Lorentz Gas1993
5845. Gasbarra D. Particle filters for counting process observations by Dario Gasbarra, july 10.7.991999
5846. Gasman L. Nanotechnology Applications And Markets2006
5847. Gaspard P. Kaprai R. Nicolis G. Bifurcation Phenomena near Homoclinic Systems: A Two-Parameter Analysis1983
5848. Gaspard P. Wang X. J. Homoclinic Orbits and Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Far-from-Equilibrium Systems1987
5849. Gasparini L. Cicowiez M. Pobreza y desigualdad en América Latina2013
5850. Gates D. J. Growth and Decrescence of Two-Dimensional Crystals: A Markov Rate Process1987
5851. Gates D. J. Westcott M. On The Stability of Crystal Growth1989
5852. Gates D. J. Westcott M. Seven Basic Regimes of Steady Crystal Growth in Two Dimensions1994
5853. Gates D. J. Westcott M. Stationary States of Crystal Growth in Three Dimensions1995
5854. Gatterdam R. Weston K. Conference on Group Theory (1 edition)1973
5855. Gatti C.M. Wiesse J.R. El lenguaje. Dos aproximaciones2016
5856. Gault V. McClenaghan N. Understanding Bioanalytical Chemistry - Principles and Applications (1 edition)2009
5857. Gaunce Jr. Lewis L. Peter May J. Steinberger M. Equivariant stable homotopy theory (1 edition)1986
5858. Gaunt D. S. Colby S. A. Branched Polymers in a Wedge Geometry in Three Dimensions1989
5859. Gaurav Suri Hartosh Singh Bal A Certain Ambiguity: A Mathematical Novel (First Edition)2007
5860. Gaurdiola R. Ros J. The Many-Body Problem. Jastrow Correlations Versus Brueckner Theory: Proceedings of the Third Topical School Held in Granada (Spain), September 22–27, 19801981
5862. Gause K.E. North Korea under Kim Chong-il. Power, Politics, and Prospects for Change2011
5863. Gautam Das Gulati V. P. Intelligent Information Technology: 7th International Conference on Information Technology, CIT 2004, Hyderabad, India, December 20-23, 2004, Proceedings (1 edition)2004
5864. Gauthier M. Ada-Europe '93: 12th Ada-Europe International Conference, ''Ada Sans Frontieres'', Paris, France, June 14-18, 1993. Proceedings1993
5865. Gavin C Reid Risk Appraisal and Venture Capital in High Technology New Ventures (Routledge Studies in Global Competition??) (1 edition)2007
5866. Gavin van Horn Salmón E. Hausdoerffer J. Wildness: Relations of People and Place2017
5867. Gavrielides T. The Psychology of Restorative Justice. Managing the Power Within2016
5868. Gawedzki K. Kupiainen A. Tirozzi B. Borel Summability of the Perturbation Series in a Hierarchical Model1984
5869. Gay G. Hembrooke H. Activity-Centered Design: An Ecological Approach to Designing Smart Tools and Usable Systems (Acting with Technology)2004
5870. Gay G. Context-Aware Mobile Computing: Affordances of Space, Social Awareness, and Social Influence (1 edition)2009
5871. Gayar N. Kittler J. Roli F. Multiple Classifier Systems: 9th International Workshop, MCS 2010, Cairo, Egypt, April 7-9, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)2010
5872. Gaydecki P. Foundations of digital signal processing: theory, algorithms and hardware design2004
5873. Gaylon S. Campbell John M. Norman An Introduction To Environmental Biophysics (2nd edition)1997
5874. Gazier B. John M. Keynes2009
5875. Gbur G. Mathematical methods for optical physics and engineering2011
5876. Geake R.A. Spears L. From Slaves TO Soldiers The 1 st Rhode Island Regiment in the American Revolution2016
5877. Geary T. Maule A. Neuropeptide Systems as Targets for Parasite and Pest Control - Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol 6922010
5878. Gebauer Roland Merk Otto Gesammelte Aufsätze 1998–20132014
5879. Gebotys C.H. Elmasry M.I. Optimal VLSI Architectural Synthesis: Area, Performance and Testability1991
5880. Gebruk A. V. Southward E. C. Tyler Paul A. The Biogeography of the Oceans (1 edition)1997

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