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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
4341. Derbyshire J. Prime Obsession Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathemati2003
4342. Derek A. Olsen Reading Matthew with Monks: Laying the Foundations for Conversation between Modern Biblical Scholarship and Early Medieval Monastic Interpretation2011
4343. Derek Lea Creative Photoshop Digital Illustration and Art Techniques2007
4344. Derome A. E. Modern NMR techniques for chemistry research1987
4345. Derrick S.F. Crothers Relativistic Heavy-Particle Collision Theory (1 edition)2000
4346. Derrida B. Douçot B. Roche P.-E. Current Fluctuations in the One-Dimensional Symmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundaries2003
4347. Derrida B. Enaud C. Landim C. Fluctuations in the Weakly Asymmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundary Conditions2004
4348. Derrida B. Spohn H. Polymers on Disordered Trees, Spin Glasses, and Traveling Waves1988
4349. Deserno T.M. Biomedical image processing2011
4350. Desiderius Erasmus Collected Works of Desiderius Erasmus2018
4351. Desiraju G. Crystal Design : Structure and Function (Perspectives in Supramolecular Chemistry)2003
4352. Desmedt Y. Information Theoretic Security: Second International Conference, ICITS 2007, Madrid, Spain, May 25-29, 2007, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology)2009
4353. Desmond,T. Como Ser Pleno Num Mundo Caótico2020
4354. Desoer C.A. Vidyasagar M. Feedback systems: input-output properties2008
4355. Desplancques S. Egito Antigo2009
4356. Dessler A.J. Physics of the Jovian magnetosphere1983
4357. Destainville N. Mosseri R. Fixed-Boundary Octagonal Random Tilings: A Combinatorial Approach2000
4358. Detlef Diirr Sheldon Goldstein Joel L. Lebowitz Stochastic Processes Originating in Deterministic Microscopic Dynamics1983
4359. Detlef Durr Stefan Teufel Bohmian mechanics: the physics and mathematics of quantum theory (1 edition)2009
4360. Detlef Gromoll Gerard Walschap Metric foliations and curvature (1 edition)2009
4361. Detlef Laugwitz Abe Shenitzer Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866: Turning points in the conception of mathematics2008
4362. Detmar W. Straub Seymour Goodman Richard Baskerville Information Security: Policy, Processes, and Practices2008
4363. Dettmann C. P. Cohen E. G. D. Microscopic Chaos and Diffusion2000
4364. Dettmann C. P. Cohen E. G. D. Note on Chaos and Diffusion2000
4365. Detyniecki M. Jose J. N?rnberger A. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: User, Context, and Feedback: Third International Workshop, AMR 2005, Glasgow, UK, July 28-29, 2005, Revised Selected2006
4366. Deuflhard P. Hermans J. Computational molecular dynamics: challenges, methods, ideas Proc. Berlin 1997 (1 edition)1998
4367. Deuschel J. Stroock D.W. Large deviations (Rev Sub edition)1989
4368. Deussen O. Lintermann B. Digital Design of Nature: Computer Generated Plants and Organics2005
4369. Deussen P. GI 5 Theoretical Computer Science1981
4370. Devahastin S. Physicochemical Aspects of Food Engineering and Processing (Contemporary Food Engineering)2010
4371. Devanand D.P. The Memory Program2001
4372. Devaney R. Hirsch M. Differential equations, dynamical systems, and an introduction to chaos (2nd edition)2004
4373. Devi Titus Escolhas inteligentes para melhorar sua vidа2019
4374. Devin L. White Teacher of the Nations2017
4375. Devine L. Key Techniques for Employing Overseas Nationals1999
4376. DeVito C. Functional analysis1978
4377. Devlin K. Aspects of Constructibility (1 edition)1973
4378. Devlin K. Johnsbraten H. The Souslin Problem (1 edition)1974
4379. Dewey K. Creating Lifelike Figures in Polymer Clay: Tools and Techniques for Sculpting Realistic Figures2008
4380. DeWitt B. Supermanifolds (2nd edition)1992
4381. DeWitt B.S. Graham N. Many-worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Princeton series in physics)1973
4382. Dewitt S.L. Writing Inventions: Identities, Technologies, Pedagogies2001
4383. deWolfe A. How to Write Wildly Popular Romances (The Secrets to Getting Your Romance Novel Published Book 1)2012
4384. Dey D. Ghosh S. Mallick B. (eds.) Bayesian modeling in bioinformatics2011
4385. Dey P. M. Harborne J. B. Plant Biochemistry (1 edition)1997
4386. Deza M. Sikiric M.D. Geometry of Chemical Graphs: Polycycles and Two-faced Maps (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)2008
4387. Dezani-Ciancaglini M. Montanari U. International Symposium on Programming, 5 conf (1 edition)1982
4388. Dhabaleswar K. Panda Craig B. Stunkel Communication and Architectural Support for Network-Based Parallel Computing: First International Workshop, CANPC'97, San Antonio, Texas, USA, ... (1 edition)1997
4389. Dhara A. K. Menon S. V. G. Relaxation of an Unstable System Driven by a Colored Noise1986
4390. Dhir R. McCarthy M. Concrete in the Service of Mankind Appropriate concrete technology (1st edition)1996
4391. Di Caprio D. Badiali J.P. Russier V. Properties of the n-Body Correlation Functions near the Liquid-Gas Critical Point. Correlation Inequalities1994
4392. Di Crescenzo G. Rubin A. Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 10th International Conference, FC 2006 Anguilla, British West Indies, February 27 - March 2, 2006, Revised (1 edition)2006
4393. Di Meo A. Essere e non esseren/a
4394. Di Nunno G. Øksendal B. Proske F. Malliavin Calculus for Lévy Processes with Applications to Finance2008
4395. Diamantaras K. Duch W. Lazaros S.I. Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010: 20th International Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, Septmeber 15-18, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture ... Computer Science and General Issues)2010
4396. Diamantopoulos A. International Marketing Review, Volume 20, Number 1, 2003: Export Information Use2003
4397. Diamond C. Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics1976
4398. Diamond F. Shurman J. A First Course in Modular Forms (3nd edition)2010
4399. Diamond J. The Whole Man Program: Reinvigorating Your Body, Mind, and Spirit after 402002
4400. Diamond P.H. Itoh S.-I. Itoh K. Modern Plasma Physics2010
4401. Diana Bedward John Stredwick Managing Information: Core Management (1 edition)2004
4402. Diana Hudson Dificuldades específicas e aprendizagem2019
4403. Diane L. Darvey Pharm D. Legal Handbook for Pharmacy Technicians (1 edition)2008
4404. Dias D. Barz P. L. Configuration Spaces over Hilbert Schemes and Applications1996
4405. Dias M. Still Together: Connection through meditation2021
4406. Diaz J. I. Lions J.L. Environment, economics, and their mathematical modelsn/a
4407. Dick Neal Introduction to Population Biology2004
4408. Dickhoff W. H. Neck D.V. Many-body theory exposed2005
4409. Dickinson F.R. War and National Reinvention a pan in the Great War, 1914-19191999
4410. Dickson L. E. History of the Theory of Numbers1966

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