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Содержимое каталога
4132. David J. Mela Food, diet and obesity (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science and Technology) (1 edition)2005
4133. David J. Randall David J. Randall Anthony P. Farrell Deep-Sea Fishes, Volume 16 (Fish Physiology) (1 edition)1997
4134. David Jobber Geoffrey Lancaster Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT2019
4135. David K. Fieldhouse The Colonial Empires: A Comparative Survey from the Eighteenth Century1982
4136. David K. Fieldhouse The West and the Third World: Trade, Colonialism, Dependence and Development1999
4137. David K. Fieldhouse Unilever Overseas: The Anatomy of a Multinational, 1895-19651978
4138. David Kennedy Jim O’Gorman Devon Kearns METASPLOIT The Penetration Tester’s Guide2011
4139. David King Project Management Made Simple: A Guide to Successful Management of Computer Systems Projects (Yourdon Press Computing Series)1991
4140. David L. Williams Ophthalmology of Exotic Pets2012
4141. David L.G. Noakes Bill Ricker: An Appreciation (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes) (1 edition)2006
4142. David Leavitt O Homem que Sabia Demais2006
4143. David Lee King Designing the Digital Experience2008
4144. David Levermore Moment Closure Hierarchies for Kinetic Theories1995
4145. David Lidsky Michael J. Stephen Ground-State and Thermal Properties of a Long-Range Josephson Array1996
4146. David Logan J. Applied Mathematics (3 edition)2006
4147. David Luke Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience2017
4148. David M. Bressoud Second Year Calculus: From Celestial Mechanics to Special Relativity (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics / Readings in Mathematics) (Corrected edition)1991
4149. David M. Buss The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating2023
4150. David M. Himmelblau Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering (5 Sub edition)1989
4151. David M. Klein Organic Chemistry as a Second Language (1 edition)2005
4152. David M. Levine Kathryn A. Szabat David F. Stephan Business Statistics 8E A First Course2020
4153. David Middleton An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory: An IEEE Press Classic Reissue (1st edition)1996
4154. David Montgomery Workers' Control in America: Studies in the History of Work, Technology, and Labor Struggles1980
4155. David N. Aspin Judith D. Chapman Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes (Lifelong Learning Book Series) (1 edition)2007
4156. David Nettelbeck Computers, Thinking and Learning: Inspiring Students With Technology2005
4157. David Oakes Classical and Fingerstyle Guitar Techniques (Book & CD edition)2000
4158. David Page Inductive Logic Programming: 8th International Conference, ILP-98, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 22-24, 1998, Proceedings (1 edition)1998
4159. David Pastorelli Le Paraclet dans le corpus johannique2006
4160. David Paul Moessner Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’2016
4161. David Paul Moessner Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’2016
4162. David Payne Documento de trabajo2008
4163. David Perlman A.I. Laskin Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 271981
4165. David R. Brillinger Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory (Classics in Applied Mathematics, 36)2001
4166. David R. Ferguson Thomas J. Peters Mathematics for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers. A Process View: Practice and Theory (Proceedings in Applied Mathematics)2005
4167. David Ramsay Steele Atheism Explained: From Folly to Philosophy (Ideas Explained)2008
4168. David Reese Lynne Gross Brian Gross Audio Production Worktext: Concepts, Techniques, and Equipment (6 edition)2009
4169. David Ruelle Locating Resonances for Axiom A Dynamical Systems1986
4170. David Ruelle Smooth Dynamics and New Theoretical Ideas in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics1998
4171. David Ruelle The Mathematician's Brain2007
4172. David S. Number Theory: Seminaire de theorie des nombres de Paris 1993-94 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)1996
4173. David S. Alberts Daniel S. Papp The Information Age: An Anthology on Its Impacts and Consequences2004
4174. David S. B. Case J. Maruoka A. Algorithmic Learning Theory: 15th International Conference, ALT 2004, Padova, Italy, October 2-5, 2004. Proceedings (1 edition)2004
4175. David S. Dean Kalvis M. Jansons Excursions for Polymers in Elongational Flows1994
4176. David S. du Toit Mitarbeit von Torsten Jantsch Bedrängnis und Identität2013
4177. David S.S. Blakeway J. Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertilityn/a
4178. David Salomon Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics (1 edition)2005
4179. David Sands Programming Languages and Systems, 10 conf., ESOP 2001 (1 edition)2001
4180. David Sang Physics 2 (CUP edition)2001
4181. David Schmidt Programming Languages and Systems: 13th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2004, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1 edition)2004
4182. David Scott On Learning A general theory of objects and object-relations2021
4183. David Viney Get to the Top on Google: Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings -- and Stay There2008
4184. David W Onstad Insect Resistance Management: Biology, Economics, and Prediction (1 edition)2007
4185. David W. Stockburger Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications1996
4186. David Washbrook Boria Majumdar Sharmistha Gooptu Scoring Off the Field2011
4187. David Washbrook Scoring Off the Field2011
4188. David William Fleck Zuazo Fernando Shoque Uaquí Bëso Daniel Manquid Jiménez Huanán Diccionario Matsés-Castellano con Índice Alfabético Castellano-Matsés e Índice Semántico Castellano-Matsés2012
4189. Davide Spadaro Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Pome Fruit Using Yeast Antagonistsn/a
4190. Davidson C.R. Physics of nonneutral plasmas-Newn/a
4191. Davidson J. Min S. Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop LCTES 2000, Vancouver, Canada, June 18, 2000, Proceedings2001
4192. Davidson M. Hughes A.K. Marder T.B. Contemporary Boron Chemistry (1 edition)2000
4193. Davidson R. O Poder Do Carisma: Como Se Tornar Uma Pessoa Atraente2018
4194. Davies J. Beyond Pluto: Exploring the Outer Limits of the Solar System2001
4195. Davies J. Grobelnik M. Mladenic D. Semantic Knowledge Management: Integrating Ontology Management, Knowledge Discovery, and Human Language Technologies2009
4196. Davies P. The New Physics1992
4197. Davies P.J. Hersh R. The mathematical experience1982
4198. Davies R. Twining C. Taylor C. Statistical Models of Shape: Optimisation and Evaluation2008
4199. Davis B. Eat Your Way Slim & Healthy2020
4200. Davis B. Lights, Camera, Capture: Creative Lighting Techniques for Digital Photographers (Pap/DVD edition)2010

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