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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
3991. Daniel Axehill. Applications of integer quadratic programming in control and communicationn/a
3992. Daniel Baier Innovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information Systems: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation.. (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization) (1 edition)2004
3993. Daniel Bertrand Differential Equations and Quantum Groups: Andrey A. Bolibrukh Memorial Volume (1., Aufl. edition)2006
3994. Daniel Bienstock Potential Function Methods for Approximately Solving Linear Programming Problems (1 edition)2002
3995. Daniel C. Sigg Paul A. Iaizzo Yong-Fu Xiao Cardiac Electrophysiology Methods and Models (1st Edition.)2010
3996. Daniel Closa Alex Gardiner Falk Giemsa Patent Law For Computer Scientists2010
3997. Daniel Danchev Finite-Size Dependence of the Helicity Modulus within the Mean Spherical Model1993
3998. Daniel Etiemble Jean-Claude Syre PARLE '92. Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 4th International Parle Conference, Paris, France, June 15-18, 1992. Proceedings: Proceedings 4th (1 edition)1992
3999. Daniel Fernando Muñoz Contreras Estudio exploratorio sobre la reproducción social del bienestar emocional de jóvenes en colegios de Bogotá2020
4000. Daniel Hempel Australia as the Antipodal Utopia2020
4001. Daniel J. Schneck Dorita S. Berger The Music Effect: Music Physiology and Clinical Applications (1 edition)2006
4002. Daniel Johnston Samuel Miao-Sin Wu Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology (1 edition)1994
4003. Daniel L. Biggs A. Zike D. Life's Structure and Function (Glencoe Science)2004
4004. Daniel Le Metayer Programming Languages and Systems, 11 conf., ESOP 2002 (1 edition)2002
4005. Daniel Leb Sasaki Pouso forçado «a história por trás da destruição da Panair do Brasil pelo Regime Militar»2015
4006. Daniel Lynwood Smith The Rhetoric of Interruption Speech-Making, Turn-Taking, and Rule-Breaking in Luke-Acts and Ancient Greek Narrative2012
4007. Daniel M. Brandon Software Engineering for Modern Web Applications: Methodologies and Technologies (Premier Reference Source) (1 edition)2008
4008. Daniel Manquid Jiménez Huanán Aleandro Jiménez Ëshco David W. Fleck Matses Icampid La Historia de los Matsés2014
4009. Daniel P. Siewiorek C. Gordon Bell Allen Newell Computer Structures: Principles and Examples (2nd edition)1981
4010. Daniel R. Langton Reform Judaism and Darwin2019
4011. Daniel R. Langton Reform Judaism and Darwin2019
4012. Daniel R. Ohlsen Yamamoto S. Y. Surko C. M. Pinning and Long-Time-Scale Behavior in Traveling-Wave Convection1991
4013. Daniel Recasens The Production of Consonant Clusters2018
4014. Daniel Rigney The matthew effect2010
4015. Daniel S. Fisher Jurg Frohlich Thomas Spencer The lsing Model in a Random Magnetic Field1983
4016. Daniel S. Yeung Zhi-Qiang Liu Xi-Zhao Wang Advances in Machine Learning and Cybernetics: 4th International Conference, ICMLC 2005, Guangzhou, China, August 18-21, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (1 edition)2006
4017. Daniel Santini Passe Livre: As possibilidades da tarifa zero contra a distopia da uberização (1 edition)2019
4018. Daniel Shanks Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (Second Edition)1962
4019. Daniel Solow How to Read and Do Proofs : An Introduction to Mathematical Thought Process1982
4020. Daniel Stillman Good Talk2020
4021. Daniel T. Willingham Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy2023
4022. Daniel Tröhler Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building2023
4023. Daniel Ueltschi Analyticity in Hubbard Models1998
4024. Daniel W. McShea Robert N. Brandon Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems2010
4025. Daniel W. Stroock Partial differential equations for probabilists (1 edition)2008
4026. Daniel Zakrzewski „Mit Gott und Frankreich“ Bestimmungen Algeriens in Schriften des muslimischen Reformtheologen Ibn BÁdÍs zur Zeit der Volksfrontregierung (1936–1938)2012
4027. Daniel Zeng Hsinchun Chen Carlos Castillo-Chavez Infectious Disease Informatics and Biosurveillance (1st edition)2010
4028. Daniela Arbex Todo dia a mesma noite2018
4029. Daniela Arbex Todo dia a mesma noite2018
4030. Daniele Micciancio Theory of Cryptography: 7th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, February 9-11, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Security and Cryptology) (1st Edition.)2010
4031. Daniele Nardi RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII (1 edition)2005
4032. Danielle Sullivan From Couch Potato to ENDURANCE ATHLETE ENDURANCE ATHLETE2022
4033. Danielsson J. Saltoglu B. Anatomy Of A Market Crash - A Market Microstructure Analysis Of The Turkish Overnight Liquidity Crisis2003
4034. Danilo Marcondes Textos Básicos de Linguagem (Jorge Zahar Editor Ltda edition)2010
4035. Danilo Nogy Como eu sobrevivi aos anos 902018
4036. Danny C. Sorensen Roger J. B. Wets Algorithms and theory in filtering and control1982
4037. Dantzig G. B. Thapa M. N. Linear Programming 2: Theory and Extensions2003
4038. Dantzig G.B. Thapa M.N. Linear Programming: Introduction1997
4039. Dantzig T. Henri Poincare. Critic of Crisis. Reflections on His Universe of Discourse1954
4040. Danuza Leão É tudo tão simples2014
4041. Danvy O. Filinski A. Programs as Data Objects: Second Symposium, PADO 2001, Aarhus, Denmark, May 21-23, 2001, Proceedings2001
4042. Danz C. Schellings Gottheiten von Samothrake im Kontext2021
4043. Daoud F. Stripes: ...and Java Web Development Is Fun Again (Pragmatic Programmers)2008
4044. Daoud F. Stripes: and Java web development is fun again (1 edition)2008
4045. Daraio C. Simar L. Advanced Robust and Nonparametric Methods in Efficiency Analysis: Methodology and Applications (Studies in Productivity and Efficiency)2007
4046. Darby I.A. Hewitson T.D. In Situ Hybridization Protocols (3ed edition)2006
4047. Dario Chiapetti The Father’s Eternal Freedom The Personalist Trinitarian Ontology of John Zizioulas2021
4048. Darling K. Griffon-Powered Spitfiresn/a
4049. Darlow A. 301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques: An Essential Printing Resource for Photographers2008
4050. Darnell M. Cryptography and Coding: 6th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, UK, December 17-19, 1997, Proceedings1997
4051. Daron Acemoglu James A. Robinson Economic origins of dictatorship and democracy2005
4052. Darrell M. West Digital Government: Technology and Public Sector Performance2007
4053. Das A. Digital Communication: Principles and System Modelling2010
4054. Das D.K. Myocardial Preservation and Cellular Adaptation1999
4055. Das G. O Caminho 3T: Autoaprimoramento e Autorrealização em Yoga2017
4056. Das N. Sen A. Das S.K. Distributed Computing -- IWDC 2004: 6th International Workshop, Kolkata, India, December 27-30, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2005
4057. Das S.K. Bhattacharya S. Distributed Computing: Mobile and Wireless Computing, 4th International Workshop, IWDC 2002, Calcutta, India, December 28-31, 2002, Proceedings2002
4058. Das V. Stephen J. Thankachan N. Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering: International Conference, PEIE 2010,Kochi, Kerala, India, September 7-9, 2010, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)2010
4059. Dasgupta P. Economics - A Very Short Introduction2007
4060. Dasgupta P. Fitzpatrick J. M. Kirby R. New Technologies in Urology (1st Edition.)2010

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