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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
3431. Chia R. Organized Worlds: Essays in Technology and Organization with Robert Cooper1998
3432. Chia-Chi Tsui Robust Control System Design: Advanced State Space Techniques (Automation and Control Engineering) (2 edition)2004
3433. Chiarini-Garcia H. Melo R. C. N. Light Microscopy: Methods and Protocols (1st Edition.)2010
3434. Chiarini-Garcia H. Melo R. Light Microscopy: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology 689)2011
3435. Chibás M. Mythic imagination and the actor: exercises, inspiration, and guidance for the 21st century actor2021
3436. Chicone C. Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications (2nd edition)2006
3437. ChiconeG. Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications (1 edition)1999
3438. Chiesa V. R&D Strategy & Organization: Managing Technical Change in Dynamic Contexts2001
3439. Chigogidze A. Inverse Spectra1996
3440. Chihiro Watanabe Managing Innovation in Japan: The Role Institutions Play in Helping or Hindering how Companies Develop Technology (1 edition)2009
3441. Chin Hao Chang Mechanics of Elastic Structures with Inclined Members (1 edition)2005
3442. Chin R. Ip H. Naiman A. Image Analysis Applications and Computer Graphics: Third International Computer Science Conference, ICSC'95 Hong Kong, December 11 - 13, 1995 Proceedings (1 edition)1995
3443. Chinn S. The Trouble with Maths: A Practical Guide to Helping Learners with Numeracy Difficulties2004
3444. Chipot M. Lin C.-S. Tsai D. Recent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis (Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis)2008
3445. Chisholm Young L. Mathematicians and Their Times: History of Mathematics and Mathematics of History1981
3446. Chisnall D. Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook2010
3447. Chitonge H. Industrial Policy and the Transformation of the Colonial Economy in Africa2021
3448. Chiuderi C. Einaudi G. Plasma Astrophysics (1 edition)1996
3449. Chivers T. A Guide To Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry2005
3450. Cho S. Complex Carbohydrates in Foods1999
3452. Chong A. Foreign Policy in Global Information Space: Actualizing Soft Power (First Edition)2007
3453. Chong Ho Shon P. How to read journal articles in the social sciences. A very practical guide for studentsn/a
3454. Choo K. Secure Key Establishment2009
3455. Choquet G. Topology (Pure & Applied Mathematics)1966
3456. Choquet G. Feinstein A. Topology.Volume 19.1966
3457. Chorafas D. N. Enterprise Architecture and New Generation Information Systems (1 edition)2001
3458. Choren R. Garcia A. Lucena C. Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III: Research Issues and Practical Applications2005
3459. Choren R. Garcia A. Giese H. Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems V: Research Issues and Practical Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Programming and Software Engineering) (v. 5)2007
3460. Chorin A.J. Hald O. Stochastic tools in mathematics and science (2ed edition)2009
3461. Chorin A.J. Hald O.H. Stochastic Tools in Mathematics and Science, Second Edition (Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences) (2nd edition)2009
3462. Choubane B. Pavement Surface Condition Performance Assessment: Reliability and Relevancy of Procedures and Technologies (ASTM special technical publication, 1486)2007
3463. Choudhry M. Joannas D. Pereira R. Capital Market Instruments: Analysis and Valuation (2 edition)2005
3464. Choudhuri A.R. Astrophysics for Physicists2010
3465. Chow S.-C. Wang H. Shao J. Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research (second edition)2007
3466. Chown S. Nicolson S. Insect Physiological Ecology: Mechanisms and Patterns2004
3467. Chris Eliasmith Anderson C. H. Neural Engineering: Computation, Representation, and Dynamics in Neurobiological Systems (illustrated edition)2002
3468. Chris J. Jones D-And F-Block Chemistry2000
3469. Chris Jones R. Mark Palmer Susan Motkaluk Watershed Health Monitoring: Emerging Technologies (1 edition)2002
3470. Chris M. Wood Shuttleworth T.J. Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Fish Ionic Regulation, Volume 14 (Fish Physiology)1995
3471. Chris Niebauer The No Self, No Problem Workbook2023
3473. Chris St. Hilaire 27 Poderes de Persuasão2012
3474. Chris Voss Tahl Raz Negocie como se sua vida dependesse disso2019
3475. Christ Enemark Disease and Security: Natural Plagues and Biological Weapons in East Asia (Contemporary Security Studies) (1 edition)2007
3476. Christ M. Kenig C. E. Sadosky C. Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: Essays in Honor of Alberto P. Calderon (1 edition)2001
3478. Christensen H. Nagel H. Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches (1 edition)2006
3479. Christensen R. Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models2001
3480. Christer Bronmark Lars-Anders Hansson The Biology of Lakes and Ponds (2 edition)2005
3481. Christian Bonatti Lorenzo J. D?az Marcelo Viana Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity (1 edition)2004
3482. Christian Borgs John Z. lmbrie Crossover Finite-Size Scaling at First-Order Transitions1992
3483. Christian Constanda Dude, Can You Count? Stories, Challenges and Adventures in Mathematics (1st Edition.)2010
3484. Christian Floerkemeier Marc Langheinrich Elgar Fleisch The Internet of Things: First International Conference, IOT 2008, Zurich, Switzerland, March 26-28, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1 edition)2008
3485. Christian Gruber Gary P. Morriss A Boltzmann Equation Approach to the Dynamics of the Simple Piston2002
3486. Christian Gruber Séverine Pache Deterministic Motion of the Controversial Piston in the Thermodynamic Limit2001
3487. Christian Gruber Séverine Pache Two-Time-Scale Relaxation Towards Thermal Equilibrium of the Enigmatic Piston2002
3488. Christian Holscher Matthias Munk Information Processing by Neuronal Populations (1 edition)2008
3489. Christian Krohn-hansen Making New York Dominican2013
3490. Christian Lynch Paulo Henrique Cassimiro O populismo reacionário : ascensão e legado do bolsonarismo2022
3491. Christian Maes Maarten H. van Wieren A Markov Model for Kinesin2003
3492. Christian Maes Karel Netocny Michel Verschuere Heat Conduction Networks2002
3493. Christian Maes Frank Redig Positivity of Entropy Production1999
3494. Christian Nold Mobile Vulgus2021
3495. Christian Rohde Cyclic Coverings, Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Complex Multiplication (1 edition)2010
3496. Christian Scholz Human Resource Management in Europe2008
3497. Christian Ullrich Forecasting and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Markets (1 edition)2009
3498. Christian Wehde Autobiographische Argumentation und Selbstdarstellung im Galaterbrief (Gruyeter edition)2022
3499. Christian Wehde Autobiographische Argumentation und Selbstdarstellung im Galaterbrief2022
3500. Christian Zlolniski Made in Baja The Lives of Farmworkers and Growers behind Mexico’s Transnational Agricultural Boom2019

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