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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
3361. Charron-Bost B. Pedone F. Schiper A. Replication: Theory and Practice (1st Edition.)2010
3362. Charteris-Black J. Politicians and Rhetoric. The Persuasive Power of Metaphor (2nd Edition)2011
3363. Chastrette M. Cretin D. El Aidi C. E. Structure−Odor Relationships:  Using Neural Networks in the Estimation of Camphoraceous or Fruity Odors and Olfactory Thresholds of Aliphatic Alcohols1996
3364. Chate H. Chat H. Villermaux E. Mixing: Chaos and turbulence1999
3365. Chathukulam J. Tharamangalam J. The Kerala model in the time of COVID19: Rethinking state, society and democracy2020
3366. Chatterji I.L. (ed.) Guido's book of conjectures2006
3367. Chatterji J. Bengal divided. Hindu communalism and partition, 1932-19472002
3368. Chatterji R. Working Class and Nationalist Movement in India1984
3369. Chatterji S.D. Proceedings of International congress of mathematicians (1 edition)1999
3370. Chaudhuri R. Mekkaden M. Raveendran A. Recent Advances in Spectroscopy: Theoretical, Astrophysical and Experimental Perspectives (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings)2010
3371. Chaudhuri S. Super-Resolution Imaging (1st edition)2001
3372. Chaui M. A nervure do real ll2016
3373. Chavkin W. Maher J.-M. The Globalization of Motherhood: Deconstructions and reconstructions of biology and care (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics)2010
3374. Chawdhri L. R. Practicals of Yantrasn/a
3375. Chawla S. Washio T. Minato S. New Frontiers in Applied Data Mining: PAKDD 2008 International Workshops, Osaka, Japan, May 20-23, 2008, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)2009
3376. Chayes J. T. Chayes L. Exponential Decay of Connectivities in the Two-Dimensional Ising Model1987
3377. Chazottes J.-R. Redig F. Occurrence, Repetition and Matching of Patterns in the Low-temperature Ising Model2005
3378. Cheban D. Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems2004
3379. Chee B.J.S. Franklin Jr. C. Cloud Computing: Technologies and Strategies of the Ubiquitous Data Center2010
3380. Chein M. Mugnier M. Graph-based Knowledge Representation: Computational Foundations of Conceptual Graphs (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)2009
3381. Chemnitius F. Differentiation und Integration: ausgewaehlter Beispiele (5ed. edition)1962
3382. Chen B. Interpretive OpenGL for computer graphics2005
3383. Chen B. Janes H. PCR Cloning Protocols (2nd edition)2002
3384. Chen C.H. Frontiers of remote sensing information processing2003
3385. Chen Ercai Chaos for the Sierpinski Carpet1997
3386. Chen G. Yu X. Chaos Control: Theory and Applications (1 edition)2003
3387. Chen G. Church D. A. Englert B.-G. Quantum Computing Devices: Principles, Designs, and Analysis (1 edition)2006
3388. CHEN Guying The Philosophy of Life2016
3389. Chen H. Orchid Biotechnology2007
3390. Chen H. The Next Generation CDMA Technologies2007
3391. Chen H.(ed.) Terrorism Informatics - Knowledge Management and Data Mining for Homeland Security2008
3392. Chen Hua Roderick Wong Differential Equations & Asymptotic Theory In Mathematical Physics: Wuhan University2004
3393. Chen J. Essentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets2010
3394. Chen J. Physical foundations of economics: analytical thermodynamic theory2005
3395. Chen L. T. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics: New Research2008
3396. Chen S. Shaw M. Partial Differential Equations in Several Complex Variables2001
3397. Chen Y. Ohashi H. Akiyama M. Heat Transfer in Lattice BGK Modeled Fluid1995
3398. Chen Y. Resonant gate drive techniques for power MOSFETs2000
3399. Cheney E. Multivariate approximation theory1986
3400. Cheney E. Multivariate approximation theory: selected topics1986
3401. Cheney M. Borden B. Fundamentals of Radar Imaging2009
3402. Cheney T. Writing Creative Nonfiction: Fiction Techniques for Crafting Great Nonfiction Writing & Journalism2001
3403. Cheng Li Middle Class Shanghai2021
3404. Cheng S. S. Li W. Analytic Solutions of Functional Equations2008
3405. Cheng-Ming Chuong Molecular Basis Of Epithelial Appendage Morphogenesis (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)1998
3406. Chengqi Zhang Dickson Lukose Multi-Agent Systems. Theories, Languages and Applications: 4th Australian Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Brisbane, QLD, Australia (1 edition)1998
3407. Chenyang Li The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony2014
3408. Cheremisinoff N. Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste Minimization Technologies2003
3409. Cherian J.A. Information Trading, Volatility, and Liquidity in Option Markets1997
3410. Cherif F. Matta Quantum Biochemistry (1 edition)2010
3411. Cherkaev A. Kohn R. Topics in Mathematic Modelling of Composite Materials (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications)1997
3412. Cherkassky V. Mulier F. Studyguide for Learning from Data (second edition)2010
3413. Cherlin G. Model Theoretic Algebra. Selected Topics1976
3414. Chernov N. I. Joel L. Lebowitz Dynamics of a Massive Piston in an Ideal Gas: Oscillatory Motion and Approach to Equilibrium2002
3415. Chernov N. I. Ergodic and Statistical Properties of Piecewise Linear Hyperbolic Automorphisms of the 2-Torus1992
3416. Cherry J. A. Snelgrove W. M. Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators for High-Speed A D Conversion: Theory, Practice and Fundamental Performance Limits (1st edition)1999
3417. Chesterton G.K. Hereges (3 edition)n/a
3418. Chesterton G.K. Hereges (3ª edição edition)2011
3419. Chetouani M. Hussain A. Gas B. Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing: International Conference on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2007 Paris, France, May 22-25, 20072008
3420. Chetverikov D. Kropatsch W. G. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 5th International Conference, Caip'93, Budapest, Hungary, September 13-15, 1993. Proceedings (1 edition)1993
3421. Cheuiche A. O Velho Marinheiro: A História da Vida do Almirante Tamandaré2019
3422. Cheuk-Yiu Ng Michael Baer State-Selected and State-to-State Ion-Molecule Reaction Dynamics. Experiment (1 edition)1992
3423. Cheung D. Williams G.J. Li Q. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 5th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2001 Hong Kong, China, April 16-18, 2001. Proceedings2001
3424. Cheverton P. Global Account Management: A Complete Action Kit of Tools and Techniques for Managing Big Customers in a Shrinking World (illustrated edition)2006
3425. Chevrier V.F. Roy R. Meslin P.Y. Geochemical and spectral characterization of an altered Antarctic dolerite: Implications for recent weathering on Mars2020
3426. Chew Y. T. Shu C. Niu X. D. A New Differential Lattice Boltzmann Equation and Its Application to Simulate Incompressible Flows on Non-Uniform Grids2001
3427. Chhabra A. Dori D. Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances: Third International Workshop, GREC'99 Jaipur, India, September 26-27, 1999 Selected Papers2000
3428. Chhachhi R. Alive! Achieve Maximum Immunity with These Lifestyle Changes2021
3429. Chi Yun Chang Confucianism2013
3430. Chi Yun Chang Orient Lee Confucianism A Modern Interpretation2013

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