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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
3221. Cartwright H. Using Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry and Biology: A Practical Guide (Chapman & Hall Crc Research No)2008
3222. Carvalho S. Economia e Investimentos: Uma Esclarecedora Introdução2019
3223. Carver R. Tai C. Modern Multithreading : Implementing, Testing, and Debugging Multithreaded Java and C++/Pthreads/Win32 Programs2006
3224. Carver, Ronald P. The Causes of High and Low Reading Achievement2000
3225. Casalbuoni R. Advanced quantum field theory1999
3226. Casas E. Control of partial differential equations and applications (1 edition)1996
3227. Casciati F. Magonette G. Marazzi F. Technology of Semiactive Devices and Applications in Vibration Mitigation2006
3228. Caselles V. Monasse P. Geometric Description of Images as Topographic Maps (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)2009
3229. Casimir C. Akoh David B. Min Food Emulsions (4 edition)2003
3230. Cassandro M . Marra R . Presutti E. Corrections to the Critical Temperature in 2D Ising Systems with Kac Potentials1994
3231. Cassandro M . Marra R . Presutti E . Upper Bounds on the Critical Temperature for Kac Potentials1996
3232. Cassels J. W. S. Frohlich A. Algebraic Number Theory: Proceedings of an Instructional Conference Organized by the London Mathematical Society1986
3233. Cassidy D.C. Beyond Uncertainty: Heisenberg, Quantum Physics, and The Bomb2009
3234. Castañeda C. A Roda do Tempo2000
3235. Castagna G. Programming Languages and Systems, 18 conf., ESOP 2009 (1 edition)2009
3236. Castellan G. Physical chemistry (3rd edition)1983
3237. Castells M. Ruptura: a crise da democracia liberaln/a
3238. Castells M. The Rise of the Network Society, With a New Preface: Volume I: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture (Information Age Series) (2nd edition)2010
3239. Casti Vector-valued optimization: Problems in control theory1979
3240. Casti J. L. Mathematical Mountaintops: The Five Most Famous Problems of All Time (First Edition)2001
3242. Castillo J.M. Gonzales M. Three-space Problems in Banach Space Theory1997
3243. Castle D. Murray R. Marijuana and Madness: Psychiatry and Neurobiology2004
3244. Castro A. Buen gobierno y derechos humanos. Nuevas perspectivas en el derecho público para fortalecer la legitimidad democrática de la administración pública en el Perú.2014
3245. Castro A. Filosfía y política en el Perú. Estudio del pensamiento de Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, José Carlos Mariátegui y Víctor Andrés Belaunde2008
3246. Castro A. Pobreza y desafíos tecnológicos en comunidades del Cusco2014
3247. CASTRO DE LA MATA R. Inventario de la coca2003
3248. Castro M. van Renesse R. Peer-to-Peer Systems IV: 4th International Workshop, IPTPS 2005, Ithaca, NY, USA, February 24-25, 2005, Revised Selected Papers2005
3249. Castro Neves J.R. Os grandes julgamentos da História2018
3250. Castro С. A família militar no Brasil: transformações e permanências (1ª edição edition)2018
3251. Casuso G. (ed.) Serrano J. (ed.) LAS ARMAS de la crítica2018
3252. Catalano C. Viral Genome Packaging: Genetics, Structure, and Mechanism2005
3253. Catalano D. Cramer R. Damgard I. Contemporary Cryptology (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona)2005
3254. Catharina Balbuza STUDIA LESCO MROZEWICZ2011
3255. Catherine M. Otto Rosario V. Freeman Rebecca Gibbons Schwaegler ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY REVIEW GUIDE (FOURTH EDITION)2020
3256. Catherine Westbrook Blackwell Science Handbook Of Mri Technique (2 edition)n/a
3257. Cathy H. Wu Chuming Chen Bioinformatics for Comparative Proteomics2011
3258. Catlow C. R. A. Computer Modeling in Inorganic Crystallography1997
3259. Catoni F. Boccaletti D. Cannata R. The Mathematics Of Minkowski Space-Time - With An Introduction To Commutative Hypercomplex Numbers2008
3260. Catoni O. Picard J. Statistical learning theory and stochastic optimization (1 edition)2004
3261. Cattani E. H. C. Guillen F. Kaplan A. (eds.) Hodge Theory: Proceedings, U.S.-Spain Workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain, June 24-30, 19851987
3262. Cauvain S. Young L. Baking Problems Solved2001
3263. Cauvain S. More Baking Problems Solved (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)2009
3264. Cauvain Stan Salmon S. Young L.S. Using Cereal Science and Technology for the Benefit of Consumers2005
3265. Cavalcante M.S. Comidas dos nativos do Novo Mundo2016
3266. Cavan D. Take Control of Type 1 Diabetes: A comprehensive guide to self-management and staying welln/a
3267. Cavanagh D. SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)2008
3268. Cavelty M.D. Mauer V. Krishna-Hensel S.F. Power and security in the information age: investigating the role of the state in cyberspace2008
3269. Cavin R.L. New Existence and Righteous Living2013
3270. Cec?lia Baranauskas Philippe Palanque Julio Abascal Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2007: 11th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 10-14, 2007, Proceedings, Part2007
3271. Ceccherini-Silberstein T. Scarabotti F. Tolli F. Harmonic Analysis on Finite Groups: Representation Theory, Gelfand Pairs and Markov Chains (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)2008
3272. Cecilia Sarahi de la Rosa Vazquez Paris A. Cabello-Tijerina Marriage and the Culture of Peace2023
3273. Cecily Partridge Neurological Physiotherapy: Bases of Evidence for Practice, Treatment and Management of Patients Described by Specialist Clinicians (1st edition)2002
3274. Cecily Partridge Recent Advances in Physiotherapy (1 edition)2007
3275. Cedric Bernardin Stefano Olla Fourier’s Law for a Microscopic Model of Heat Conduction2005
3276. Celia Knight Pierre-Fran?ois Perroud David Cove Annual Plant Reviews, The Moss Physcomitrella patens (Volume 36) (1 edition)2009
3277. Celia Ribeiro Etiqueta na prática2015
3278. Celik T. Hansmann U. H. E. Katoot M. The van Hemmen Spin Glass Revisited1993
3279. Celso Furtado Formação Econômica do Brasil2017
3280. Cenamor R. (ed.) Brandt S.L. (ed.) Negotiating Male Gender Identity in U.S. Fiction2019
3281. Centeno M.V. EL DESARROLLO ESQUIVO. Intentos y logros parciales de transformación económica y tecnológica en el Perú (1970-2000)2003
3282. Cercignani C. Slow Rarefied Flows: Theory and Application to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (1 edition)2006
3283. Cercignani C. Protopopescu V. The Spectral Decomposition for a Class of Linear Transport Operators1982
3284. Cercignani C. (ed.) Kinetic Theories and the Boltzmann Equation1984
3285. Ceresole A. Kounnas C. Lust D. (eds.) Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification1999
3286. Cerny J. Nuclear Physics1986
3287. Ceroni P. Credi A. Venturi M. Electrochemistry of Functional Supramolecular Systems2010
3288. Cervantes J. The Cannabis Encyclopedia2015
3289. Cesar Fiuza Curso Completo de Direito Civil1997
3290. Cesar Fiuza Direito Civil (2 edition)2002

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