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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
2871. Bruggeman R. Fourier Coefficients of Automorphic Forms (1 edition)1981
2872. Bruin B. Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory (Synthese Library, Volume 346)2010
2873. Bruland K. British Technology and European Industrialization: The Norwegian Textile Industry in the Mid-Nineteenth Century1989
2874. Brummett P. Image and Imperialism in the Ottoman Revolutionary Press, 1908-19112000
2875. Brune D. Chapman D. Gwynne M. The Global Environment: Science, Technology and Management1997
2876. BRUNER K.F. (ed.) FAIRBANK J.K. (ed.) SMITH R.J. (ed.) Entering China's Service. ROBERT HART'S JOURNALS, 1854-18631986
2877. Bruni R. (ed.) Mathematical approaches to polymer sequence analysis and related problems2011
2878. Bruni R. (ed.) Mathematical approaches to polymer sequence analysis and related problems2011
2879. Brunner H. Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics)2004
2880. Bruno Apolloni Maria Marinaro Giuseppe Nicosia Neural Nets: 16th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2005, International Workshop on Natural and Artificial Immune Systems, NAIS 2005, Vietri sul (1 edition)2006
2881. Bruno Nachtergaele Yoshiko Ogata Robert Sims Propagation of Correlations in Quantum Lattice Systems2006
2882. Bruno Paes Manso Camila Nunes Dias A guerra A ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil2018
2883. Bruno Paes Manso Mascarados : a verdadeira história dos adeptos da tática Black Boc2014
2884. Bruno Siciliano B. Valavanis K.P. Control Problems in Robotics and Automation1998
2885. Bruno Steimer Vertex Traditionis Die Gattung der altchristlichen Kirchenordnungen1992
2886. Bruns W. Herzog H. Cohen-Macaulay rings (2nd edition)1993
2887. Bruns W. Vetter U. Determinantal Rings1988
2888. Bruns W. Gubeladze J. Polytopes, rings, and K-theory2009
2889. Bruserud O. The Chemokine System in Experimental and Clinical Hematology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 341)2010
2890. Bry F. Ramakrishnan R. Ramamohanarao K. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases: 5th International Conference, DOOD'97, Montreux, Switzerland, December 8-12, 1997. Proceedings1997
2891. Bryan K. Epperson Geographical Genetics (MPB-38) (Monographs in Population Biology)2003
2892. Bryant Differential Systems & Euler-Lagrange2003
2893. Bryce DeWitt Supermanifolds (2 edition)1992
2894. Bu-Chin Wang Digital Signal Processing Techniques and Applications in Radar Image Processing2008
2895. Bubak M. van Albada G.D. Dongarra J. Computational Science ICCS 2008: 8th International Conference, Krakow, Poland, June 23-25, 2008, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2008
2896. Bubak M. Dongarra J. Wasniewski J. Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 4th European PVM/MPI User's Group Meeting Cracow, Poland, November 3-5 19971997
2897. Bubert H. Jenett H. (eds.) Surface and Thin Film Analysis: A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications2002
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2899. Buchwald H. Fleischmann A. Seese D. S-BPM ONE: Setting the Stage for Subject-Oriented Business Process Management: First International Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 22, 2009, Revised ... in Computer and Information Science)2010
2900. Buchwald J. Warwick A. Histories of the electron. the birth of microphysics2001
2901. Bucke C. Carbohydrate Biotechnology Protocols2010
2902. Buckholtz J. D. Suffridge T. J. Complex Analysis (1 edition)1977
2903. Buckland P. Reshaping The Future: education and postconflict reconstruction2005
2904. Buckley A.G. Goffin J-.L. Algorithms for Constrained Minimization of Smooth Nonlinear Functions (Mathematical programming study)1982
2905. Bucy E. Newhagen J. Media Access: Social and Psychological Dimensions of New Technology Use (Routledge Communication Series)2004
2906. Budai Csaba Fürkészdarazsakn/a
2907. Budden The Fascination of Groups1972
2908. Budi Kurniawan Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (2nd edition)2008
2909. Budinski K. Engineer's Guide to Technical Writing (06218G)2001
2910. Buell D. Algorithmic number theory (1 edition)2004
2911. Buffet E. Pule J. V. Polymers and Random Graphs1990
2912. Bugliesi M. Preneel B. Sassone V. Automata, Languages and Programming, 33 conf., ICALP 2006 (1 edition)2006
2913. Bugrov Ya. S. Nikolski S.M. Matematicas Superiores - Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Integrales Multiples, Series, Funciones de Variable Compleja1988
2914. Buhmann M. D. Iserles A. Approximation Theory and Optimization. Tributes to M.J.D.Powell1997
2915. Bullen P. Handbook of means and their inequalities1988
2916. Bulloch I. Clemson W. Clemson D. Measure (Action Math)2000
2917. Bullock M. Paik P. Aftermaths: Exile, Migration, and Diaspora Reconsidered (New Directions in International Studies)2009
2918. Bultheel A. Orthogonal rational functions1999
2919. Bulusu L. Oracle Embedded Programming and Application Development2011
2920. Bulusu L. Oracle PL SQL: Expert Techniques For Developers and Database Administrators (Charles River Media Programming)2008
2921. Bunch D.R. Moderan1971
2922. Bundy A. Automated Deduction, Cade-12: 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Nancy, France, June 26 - July 1, 1994. Proceedings1994
2923. Bungartz H. Schafer M. Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modelling, Simulation, Optimisation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering) (1 edition)2006
2924. Bunimovich L. A. On Localization of Vorticity in Lorentz Lattice Gases1996
2925. Bunimovich L. A. Troubetzkoy S. E. Rotators, Periodicity, and Absence of Diffusion in Cyclic Cellular Automata1993
2926. Bunting K. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols2008
2927. Burakowski T. Wierzchon T. Surface Engineering of Metals - Principles Equipment and Technologies1999
2928. Burakowski W. Koch B. Beben A. Architectures for Quality of Service in the Internet: International Workshop, Art-QoS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, March 24-25, 2003, Revised Papers2003
2929. Burdick D.L. Leffler W.L. Petrochemicals in Nontechnical Language (3-rd edition)2001
2930. Burger J. Riedl T. Lindner J.K.N. Influence of lens aberrations, specimen thickness and tilt on differential phase contrast STEM images2020
2931. Burger R. Fast and accurate printing of floating-pointn/a
2932. Burgess G. Trading and Investing in the Forex Markets Using Chart Techniques (Wiley Trading)2009
2933. Burgess M. Analytical Network and System Administration: Managing Human-Computer Systems2004
2934. Burgess M. Classical covariant fields (1 edition)2002
2935. Burghartz J. Ultra-thin Chip Technology and Applications2011
2936. Burgin M. Theory of Information: Fundamentality, Diversity and Unification (World Scientific Series in Information Studies)2009
2937. Burington R.S. Handbook of mathematical tables and formulas1948
2938. Burk F. Lebesgue Measure and Integration: An Introduction (1 edition)1997
2939. Burkard R.E. Pardalos P. M. Migdalas A. Combinatorial and Global Optimization2002
2940. Burke P. O que é história cultural?2005

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