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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
2801. Briot J.-P. Geib J.-M. Yonezawa A. Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation: France-Japan Workshop, OBPDC'95, Tokyo, Japan, June 21 - 23, 1995, Selected Papers1996
2802. Britt Ziolkowski Palästinensische Märtyrerinnen Selbstdarstellung und innerislamische Wahrnehmung weiblicher Selbstmordattentäter2012
2803. Britz D. Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry2005
2804. BRIXHE C. PHONÉTIQUE ET PHONOLOGIE DU GREC ANCIEN I. Quelques grandes questions1996
2805. Brizi A. Biraglia A. “Do I have enough food?” How need for cognitive closure and gender impact stockpiling and food waste during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-national study in India and the United States of America2020
2806. Brock G. The Second Information Revolution2003
2807. Brock K. Mcgee R. Knowing Poverty2002
2808. Brock T. Zook D. Ludlow R. Building Chicken Coops For Dummies (1 edition)2010
2809. Brocke J. Rosemann M. Handbook on Business Process Management 1: Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems (International Handbooks on Information Systems)2010
2810. Brockelman T. Zizek and Heidegger: the question concerning techno-capitalism2009
2811. Brody T. Nutritional Biochemistry (2 edition)1998
2812. Broeas J. Classification of Rearrangement Mechanisms and Dynamic Stereochemistry1980
2813. Broer H.W. Huitema G.B. Sevryuk M.B. Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems. Order amidst Chaos (Springer edition)2002
2814. Broglia R.A. Serrano L. Protein Folding and Drug Design (International School of Physics ''Enrico Fermi'')2007
2815. Bronner F. Kleinzeller A, Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. Volume 11: Cell Surface Glycoproteins: Structure, Biosynthesis, and Biological Functions (v. 11)1978
2816. Bronson G.J. C++ for Engineers and Scientists (3rd EDITION)2010
2817. Bronson R. Differential equations crash course (1 edition)2003
2818. Bronstein M. Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions (2nd edition)2005
2819. Bronstein M. Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental Functions, Second Edition (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics) (2nd edition)2004
2820. Brooke H. Your Right to Know: How to Use the Freedom of Information Act and Other Access Laws2005
2821. Brooker D. Essential CG Lighting Techniques with 3ds Max (3 edition)2008
2822. Brooks C.L. Karplus M. Pettitt B.M. Proteins: A Theoretical Perspective of Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics. Advances in Cnemical Physics. Volume LXXI1988
2823. Brosa U. Stauffer D. Simulation of Flow Through a Two- Dimensional Random Porous Medium1990
2824. Brosa U. Turbulence without Strange Attractor1988
2825. Brosa U. Stauffer D. Vectorized Multisite Coding for Hydrodynamic Cellular Automata1989
2826. Brossi A. The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology, Volume 221983
2827. Broue M. Introduction to Complex Reflection Groups and Their Braid Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)2010
2828. Brouwer E. Digital Borders and Real Rights: Effective Remedies for Third-Country Nationals in the Schengen Information System (15 edition)2008
2829. Browder F. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications/Part 2 (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Volume 45)1986
2830. Brower R. C. Pablo Tamayo Bryant York A Parallel Multigrid Algorithm for Percolation Clusters1990
2831. Brown C. Comfort2017
2832. Brown C.L.T. Computer Evidence - Collection and Preservation2005
2833. Brown D. Cumulative Index of Heterocyclic Systems (Volumes 1-64: 1950-2008) (The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Volume 65)2008
2834. Brown D. J. Wipf P. Taylor E. C. Cinnolines and Phthalazines, Supplement II (1 edition)2005
2835. Brown H. R. Harre R. Philosophical foundations of quantum field theory1988
2836. Brown I.G. (ed.) The Physics and Technology of Ion Sources (2ed edition)2004
2837. Brown J.E. THE SPIRITUAL LEGACY OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN. Commemorative Edition with Letters While Living with Black Elk2007
2838. Brown J.R. Philosophy of Mathematics (2e edition)2008
2839. Brown L. M., editor Feynman's Thesis - A New Approach to Quantum Theory2005
2840. Brown N. History and Climate Change: A Eurocentric Perspective (Routledge Studies in Physical Geography & Environment)2001
2841. Brown T. Creath K. Kogelnik H. The optics encyclopedia: basic foundations and practical applications2004
2842. Brown T. Liebling H. The Really Useful Maths Book: A Guide to Interactive Teaching2005
2843. Brown T. War and Aftermath in Vietnam1991
2844. Brownson R. C. Petitti D. B. Applied Epidemiology: Theory to Practice1998
2845. Brownsword R. Yeung K. Regulating Technologies: Legal Futures, Regulatory Frames and Technological Fixes2008
2846. Broy M. Kruger I. Meisinger M. Automotive Software-Connected Services in Mobile Networks: First Automotive Software Workshop, ASWSD 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, January 10-12, 2004,2006
2847. Broy M. Jahnichen S. KORSO: Methods, Languages, and Tools for the Construction of Correct Software: Final Report1995
2848. Broy M. Kruger I. Meisinger M. Model-Driven Development of Reliable Automotive Services: Second Automotive Software Workshop, ASWSD 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, March 15-17, 2006, Revised2008
2849. Bru J.-B. Dorlas T. C. Exact Solution of the Infinite-Range-Hopping Bose–Hubbard Model2003
2850. Bru J.-B. Zagrebnov V. A. On Condensations in the Bogoliubov Weakly Imperfect Bose Gas1999
2851. Bruccoleri F. Klumperink E. Nauta B. Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Exploiting Thermal Noise Cancellation (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)2005
2852. Bruce A. Finlayson Numerical Methods for Problems with Moving Fronts1992
2853. Bruce A. Francis Course in H-infty Control Theory1987
2854. Bruce A. Francis Allen R. Tannenbaum Feedback Control, Nonlinear Systems, and Complexity (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences) (1 edition)1995
2855. Bruce E. Larson Timothy A. Keiper Instructional Strategies for Middle and Secondary Social Studies Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management2011
2856. Bruce Eckel Chuck Allison Thinking in C++: Practical Programming (United States ed edition)2003
2857. Bruce Eckel Thinking In Patterns - Problem-Solving Techniques Using Javan/a
2858. Bruce F. Torrence The Student's Introduction To Mathematica - A Handbook For Precalculus, Calculus, And Linear Algebra (2 edition)2009
2859. Bruce G. Hammond Food Safety of Proteins in Agricultural Biotechnology (Food Science and Technology) (1 edition)2007
2860. Bruce H. Lipton The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles2005
2861. Bruce H. Pugesek Adrian Tomer Alexander von Eye Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology (1st edition)2003
2862. Bruce J. West William D. Deering A Model of Turbulent Mixing in the A + B ->0 Reaction1991
2863. Bruce J. West Michael F. Shlesinger Random Walk of Dislocations Following a High-Velocity Impact1983
2864. Bruce J. West Michael F. Shlesinger The Fractal Interpretation of the Weak Scattering of Elastic Waves1984
2865. Bruce M. Boghosian Washington Taylor Renormalized Equilibria of a Schliigl Model Lattice Gas1995
2866. Bruce M. Forrest Ratil Toral Crossover and Finite-Size Effects in the (1 + 1)-Dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation1992
2867. Bruce M. Forrest RaOl Toral The Phase Diagram of the Flory-Huggins-de Gennes Model of a Binary Polymer Blend1994
2868. Bruce Saunders W. Landman N.H. Nautilus: The Biology and Paleobiology of a Living Fossil, Reprint with additions (Topics in Geobiology) (2nd ed. edition)2009
2869. Bruckner R. Organic Mechanisms: Reactions, Stereochemistry and Synthesis2010
2870. Brudnyi A. Brudnyi Y. Metric spaces with linear extensions preserving Lipschitz condition2007

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