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Содержимое каталога
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2666. Bouckaert B.R.A. Economic Analysis of Property Law Cases (1-st edition)2020
2667. Boudewijn de Bruin Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory (Synthese Library, Volume 346) (1st Edition.)2010
2668. Bouge L. Fraigniaud P. Mignotte A. Euro- Par '96. Parallel Processing II: Second International Euro-Par Conference, Lyon, France, August 26-29, 1996. Proceedings: 002 (1 edition)1996
2669. Bouleau N. Error calculus for finance and physics: The language of Dirichlet forms2003
2670. Boulicaut J.-F. Esposito F. Giannotti F. Machine Learning: ECML 2004: 15th European Conference on Machine Learning, Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)2004
2671. Bouquet P. Serafini L. Brezillon P. Modeling and Using Context: Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT'99, Trento, Italy, September 9-11, 1999, Proceedings1999
2672. Bourbaki N. Elements de Mathematique. Integration. Chapitre 91969
2673. Bourdieu P. Męska dominacja2004
2674. Bourdieu P. O telewizji. Panowanie dziennikarstwa2009
2675. Bourne G. Jeon K. Friedlander M. International Review of Cytology: A Survey of Cell Biology, Volume 1121988
2676. Boutaba R. Almeroth K. Puigjaner R. NETWORKING 2005. Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols; Performance of Computer and Communication Networks; Mobile and Wireless Communications2005
2677. Bouting S. Pont S. New Comprehensive Biochemistry.Volume 2.Membrane Transport.1981
2678. Bouzenita A. Abdarrahman al-Auza'i, ein Rechtsgelehrter des 2. Jahrhunderts d.H., und sein Beitrag zu den Syar: Erarbeitet auf der Grundlage des k. ar-Radd ala siyar al-Auza'i2019
2679. Bowden M. Thomson T. Eu sei o que você está pensando: Como dominar a arte da linguagem corporal2020
2680. Bowen J. Dunne S. Galloway A. ZB 2000: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: First International Conference of B and Z Users York, UK, August 29 - September 2, 2000 Proceedings2000
2681. Bowen J.P. Hinchey M.G. ZUM '95. The Z Formal Specification Notation. 9th International Conference of Z Users, Limerick, Ireland, September 7-9, 1995. Proceedings (annotated edition)1995
2682. Bowen R. Introduction to continuum mechanics for engineers (1 edition)1989
2683. Boyce J. Jennings D. Information Assurance: Managing Organizational IT Security Risks2002
2684. Boyer C Plants of the Dedil2017
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2686. Bozanis P. Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, PCI 2005, Volas, Greece, November 11-13, 2005, Proceedings (1 edition)2005
2687. Bozapalidis S. Rahonis G. Algebraic Informatics: Second International Conference, CAI 2007, Thessalonkik, Greece, May 21-25, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers2007
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2690. Bradbary D. Garrett D. Herding Chickens: Innovative Techniques for Project Management2005
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2692. Bradley D. Fahlman Materials Chemistry2007
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2694. Bradley L. Paleo Diet Bootcamp: Lose Weight & Gain Energy With Paleo Diet2020
2695. Bradley M.J. The Age of Genius: 1300 to 1800 (Pioneers in Mathmatics)2006
2696. Bradley M.J. The Birth of Mathematics: Ancient Times to 1300 (Pioneers in Mathematics, Volume 1)2006
2697. Bradley R.S. Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary (International Geophysics) (2 edition)1999
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2699. Bradley T. Floras J. Sleep Apnea: Implications in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease, Second Edition, Volume 321 (Lung Biology in Health and Disease) (2 edition)2008
2700. Bradshaw D. Aristotle East and West: Metaphysics and the Division of Christendom2004
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2702. Bradt H. Astrophysics Processes: The Physics of Astronomical Phenomena2008
2703. Brady F. Chess - How to Improve Your Technique1974
2704. Braga P. Ricci D. Atomic Force Microscopy Methods2003
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2706. Braman J. Invitro Mutagenesis Protocols2002
2707. Braman S. Biotechnology and Communication: The Meta-Technologies of Information (Routledge Communication Series)2004
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2709. Brams S. J. Mathematics and Democracy: Designing Better Voting and Fair-Division Procedures2007
2710. Bramson M. Calderoni P. De Masi A. Microscopic Selection Principle for a Diffusion-Reaction Equation1986
2711. Brancaccio P. The Buddhist Caves at Aurangabad. Transformations in Art and Religion2011
2712. Branco N. S. Probabilistic Bootstrap Percolation1992
2713. Brand R. Synchronizing Science and Technology with Human Behaviour: The Co-Evolution of Sustainable Infrastructures2005
2714. Brandal W. Commutative Rings whose Finitely Generated Modules Decompose (1 edition)1979
2715. Brandas E. Elander N. Resonances: The Unifying Route Towards the Formulation of Dynamical Processes: Foundations and Applications in Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Lertorpet, V?rmland, Sweden, August 19-26, 1987 (1 edition)1989
2716. Brandenberger B. Encyclopedia of Mathematics Sc-Ze2002
2717. Brandes T. Kettemann S. Anderson Localization and Its Ramifications: Disorder, Phase Coherence, and Electron Correlations (Lecture Notes in Physics)2003
2718. Brandherm D. Heymans E. Hofmann D. Gifts, Goods and Money: Comparing currency and circulation systems in past societies2018
2719. Brandimarte P. Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics A MATLAB-Based Introduction (second edition)2006
2720. Brandon B. Activated Charcoal for Health: 100 Amazing and Unexpected Uses for Activated Charcoal2017
2721. Brandsel D.J. Isaiah Saw His Glory2014
2722. Brandt A. Galun M. Optimal Multigrid Algorithms for the Massive Gaussian Model and Path Integrals1995
2723. Brandt S. Stroh T. Dahmen H.D. Interactive Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Experiments on the Computer (2nd ed. edition)2011
2724. Branke J. Deb K. Miettinen K. Multiobjective optimization: Interactive and evolutionary approaches2008
2725. Branko Griinbaum Convex Polytopes2003
2726. Brankov J. Introduction to the Finite-Size Scaling1996
2727. Brashear S. Moon Bath2020
2728. Brasser M. Rosenzweig als Leser2004
2729. Bratteli O. Neshveyev S. Skau C. Operator Algebras: The Abel Symposium 20042006
2730. Braudo R. Competitive Industrial Development in the Age of Information: The Role of Co-operation in the Technology Sector (Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, 12)1999

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